Instituto Politécnico Nacional, ESIME UC, Av. Santa Ana 1000, DF, México Email: Aherrerac1400@alumno -

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Theoretical study of thermal properties in low

dimensionality systems by Landauer Formalism

and Green Function
A. Herrera*, F. Mendoza, S. Pelez, F. Salazar, M. Cruz
Instituto Politcnico Nacional, ESIME UC, Av. Santa Ana 1000, DF, Mxico
Abstract. The world energetic demand is supplied mostly by no renewable fossil fuels. Nowadays the scientific community is searching alternative sources of energy with very specific
characteristics like renewable, clean and capable to substitute the fossil fuels. Most of the devices that manage and store the energy of the alternative sources are in a low efficiency and it
is because they lose energy as heat, as an example photovoltaic cells, fuel cells and batteries. As a way of solution it is desirable to know and control the thermal transport mechanism in
the aim of use the most of energy. In this work we present a theoretical study about the unidimensional lineal chains thermal properties with first neighbor interaction within harmonic
approximation. The systems that were studied are: lineal periodic chain, a chain with a mass disorder and a chain with a bond disorder. Particularly specific heat and thermal conductivity
were calculated, the last one was calculated by Kubo-Greenwood formula within the Green Function formalism and Landauer formalism by transmission coefficient. The results shown
the specific heat systems curve converge to classic limit. Also the thermal conductivity depend of the systems characteristics as masses and bonds, therefore heat flow can be controlled
changing the masses and bonds so we can control the possible applications as well with the objective of improve devices energetic efficiency.


1.-) Sistema peridico.

2.-) Sistema con desorden en las masas.

2.-) Sistema con desorden en los resortes.


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