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June 11, 2013

Topic: Language ArtsVerbs

Objective: SWBAT see a picture of a verb, identify what it is, and write a sentence
using that verb, for at least 5 words
Materials needed: Verb flash cards
Anticipatory: Ask students if they know what a verb is? Then have them clap, jump,
stand, and sit. Tell them all these are verbs.
Input and Modeling: tell the student that a verb is any word that states an action or
state of being. Ask the students if they could give some examples of verbs.
Check for Understanding: Have the students go through the Flash cards stating the
verb, and have them write the verb into a sentence that they make up.
Guided practice: Have each student share a couple of their sentences with the rest
of the group.
Closure: Remind the students that a verb is an action word.

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