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Article |- General Section A: Section B: Section C: Section D: ‘Club Bylaws. The Brew Crew Club ‘The Name of the Organization: The Brew Crew Club ‘The Purpose of the Organization: Social Interaction among members to learn about beer crafting and the styles and varieties of brews from around the country and the globe. Compliance: These bylaws willfully comply with the associations: Governing Documents and Chartered Club Rules and Procedures Manual. In the event of a conflict between these bylaws and the Documents of Rules, the Documents of Rules will prevail Business Structure: This organization shall be operated as a nonprofit association in accordance with applicable statutes and the Associations Documents, Article Il - Membership Section A. Section B. Section C. Section D. Non-discrimination: Membership shall be open to all Association members in good standing without discrimination as to race, religion, color, ethnic culture, or national heritage. Pre-conditions: There shall be no precondition for membership, nor ‘will members be required to join any national, state, or regionally affiliated organization. Guest Privileges: Guest Privileges - Club guests and resident non- members may attend a maximum of two club functions per year bbased on space availability. They must be accompanied by the sponsoring club member. Events are open to club members first. Cost of Membership: The annual renewal dues will be $8.00 per person, which must be received by the Treasurer no later than January 31” of every year. Dues paid by new members joining the club after September 30th will also include the following year's dues. In addition, the club will sponsor special events which may have a per-person fee. 2015 arls of charter per Oct 2013 CC Rand REV2 Revised: September 20,2015, Article Ill - Officers Section A. The Executive Board shall consist of a President, Vice-President- ‘Treasurer, and Secretary. Section 8. All officers shall be elected by a vote of the general membership and shall serve without compensation. Section C, Terms of Office and Responsibilities: ‘The President shall preside over the annual membership meeting and be responsible for the overall operation of the Club. The president shall insure that club events are designed to support the purpose of the Club as defined in this document. ‘The Vice President/Treasurer will assist the president at the annual membership meeting and in the Presidents absence assume the president's responsibilities. The treasurer will collect dues and any event monies and pay the respective club bills. The Treasurer will also keep all financial records and produce all required financial reports. The treasurer will also be responsible to maintain the Membership roster, including the members name, email address and phone number, ‘The Secretary shall record minutes at the annual membership meeting and all Soard Meetings and keep the records of the club, receive all RSVP's from the Membership and communicate with the membership as requested by the other Board Members. The Board, as a group, shall be responsible to provide planning for all club activities. The Board is expected to support the planned events by attendance as much as possible, offering ideas for improvements and being ambassadors of the organization to the members and the broader Sun City Festival community. Officer Terms: The terms of office will be for one year starting the first day of January and ending the last day of December. Section D. Nomination and Election Procedures: ‘A Nominating committee will be appointed by the president and wil solicit nominations via email during the month of October. Nominations will be announced to the general membership via ‘email during the month of November. Election and installation of officers will be held at the annual membership meeting. ‘A quorum of 20% of members in Good Standing is required. 2015 arles of charter per Oct 2013.0 Rand PREV? Revised: September 20,2015 ‘A member is in Good Standing if membership dues are current and. they possess a valid Sun City Festival ID. The voting procedure will be by show of hands, voice or written ballot and include emails received by the Nominating Committee at least one day prior to the annual meeting. Copies of emails will be available at the annual meeting. Section F. Vacancies and Recall of Officers In the event an officer is not able to perform his/her duties, 3 replacement will be appointed by the President. In the event the President will not be able to perform his/her duties, the Vice President will become President and then subsequently appoint a replacement Vice-President. Article IV Meetings Section A: Type and Frequency of Meetings ‘The Annual General Membership Meeting will be held during the month of December. An interim General Membership meeting will be held during the spring of each year. Section B: Conduct of Meetings/Parliamentary Procedure Issues involving policies, procedures, elections that affect the membership as a whole will be presented for a vote during the business portion of the general meeting using Roberts Rules of Order as a guide. At the discretion of the President, issues involving policies and procedures can also be communicated throughout the year via email and voted via email received by the Secretary “Responsible” drinking must be adhered to at all club meetings and/or events. "Responsible" drinking is defined as the conservative consumption of alcoholic beverages such that the individual drinker shows no outward signs of intoxication. 2015 articles of charter per Oct 2013 CC R and P REV? Revised: September 20, 2015 Section C: Article V - Financial Section A: Section B: Section ¢: Section D: Section E: Voting and Quorum Procedures A quorum of a minimum of 20% of members in Good Standing is required. ‘A member is in Good Standing if membership dues are current and possesses a valid Sun City Festival ID. The voting procedure will be by show of hands, voice or written ballot and include emails received by the Secretary at least one day prior to the meeting. Copies of emails will be available at the meeting. Financial records will be maintained for a period of seven (7) years by the Treasurer of record, Individual expenditures other than special events, as defined in Article Il, Section D of the chartered clubs’ Bylaws shall NOT be made. Financial records shall be certified on an annual basis by an individual(s) other than the elected officers. The results of the certification will be presented to the general membership and. duly recorded in the applicable minutes of the meeting it was presented at. All funds/revenue shall be deposited in a bank account established in the club's name with the Association's designated chartered club banking services provider. The club will not maintain a petty cash fund. A club's bank account shall be maintained through succeeding club administrations. Disbursements should not be made from cash that has not been deposited in the club's bank account. These disbursements shall be made by club check. Semi-annually, clubs are required to submit Form CC-8, "Annual Financial Report" to the Lifestyle Director. A copy of the report will be retained in the official club file, and the original wll be forwarded to the Associations Controller for use when preparing and filing the Association's annual tax return. This report must be provided to the Association no later than the 15th day of January and July, and must be certified by the club president and treasurer. Article VI-Committees Section A: Section B: Section C: Committees may include activities, newsletter and membership, Committee chairpersons may be appointed by the President All committees will have written mission statements assigned prior to committee appointment, 20:5 articles of charter pa Ort 2012 CC Rand PREV? Revised: September 20,2035

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