Flowers For Algernon Part 1 Questions: Directions

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Flowers for Algernon Part 1 Questions

Please answer the following questions in FULL sentences. Makes

sure your answers are in a

different color
so that it is easy to differentiate
between the questions and answer. If a questions asks for TEXTUAL
EVIDENCE, please make sure you add a page #.

Cite the
textual evidence
that most strongly supports an analysis of
what the text says explicitly as well as inferences drawn from the text.
Analyze how differences in the
points of view
of the characters and the
audience or reader (e.g., created through the use of dramatic irony) create
such effects as suspense or humor.


1. Why does Charlie say I never tell lies? What is he talking about?
He might have cheat on a test since he said it got caught once. So he never
cheat on a test and he may think lying is cheating on a test.
2. What does this say about his personality and intelligence?
He wants to be right and is worried that he will fail. He doesn't believe he can
do it.
3. Who is Algernon?
A little white mouse


4. What were Dr. Nemur and Dr. Strauss arguing about?
If they should use charlie for the experiment or not. One of the doctors claims
that people like charlie can be hostile and uncooperative.
5. Charlie will be the first human being to ever have something happen to
him. What is it?
They are going to surgically triple his intelligence


6. Dr. Strauss tells Charlie not to worry about the operation. What is his
reasoning for this?
His reasoning is that black cats are just a superstition, and charlie can have

his candy back after the operation.

7. Dr. Strauss wants Charlie to concentrate on what in his journal entries?
How he feels, and what he thinks is what charlie is concentrating on.


8. What is Charlies opinion of Algernon now? Why does it change?
Hes was mad at the mouse, but now after learning algernon had the
operation to charlie assumes he could beat a regular mouse, and he will soon
be smarter.
Text Evidence #1:thats why Algernon beats me all the time because he had
the operashun too. That makes me feel better
page #:679
9. Charlie says Joe and Frank are friends and they like him. What are Joe and
Frank really doing to Charlie?
They are making fun of him, because of his low IQ. They are being bullies.


10. What is a victory for Charlie?
Beating algernon at a race
Text Evidence #1:I beat Algernon. I didn even know I beat him until Burt the
tester told me.
page #:682
11. Why did Mrs. Kinnian run out of the room? What does this tell you about
how she feels about Charlie?
Because she knows the truth about how charlie's friends are treating him.
This shows me that Mrs. Kinnian cares about charlie, and feels its unjust for
him to be treated like that.
12. List 3 improvements in Charlies intelligence from the beginning until the
end of Part I.
He improved in grammar, and spelling
Text Evidence #1:I read the grammar book last night and it explains the
whole thing. Then I saw it was the same way as Miss Kinnian was trying to tell
page #:685

He was able to do a maze he wasnt able to do before.

Text Evidence #2:I beat algernon I didnt even know I beat him until Burt the
tester told me.
He discovered the fact that his friends were bullying him.
Text Evidence #3:now I know what it means when they say to pull a Charlie
page #:686
13. What does it mean to pull a Charlie Gordon? How does Charlie react
when he realizes this?
Doing something stupid, and unintelligent,charlie reacts by thinking im
Text Evidence #1:Ernie for godsake what are you trying to be a Charlie
Gordon...lost a package
page #:679

Flowers for Algernon Part 2 Questions

Please stop reading after each
section below and answer
the following questions demonstrating your knowledge of
point of view

After page 695

1. Provide a one sentence summary of these four pages:
Charlie continues to increase in intelligence, and goes back to the factory.
2. How does Charlie view himself?
He thinks that hell be like since hes smart now.
Text Evidence: Ill be like everyone else and people will like me and be
Page #:692
3. How do OTHERS view Charlie?

Their scared of him because of his intelligence.

Text Evidence: Everybody seems to be frightened of me
Page #:694

After page 699

1. Provide a one sentence summary of these four pages:
Charlie's fired from work, learns to type, and starts seeing people as lower
then him.
2. How does Charlie view himself?
He thinks hes smarter than everyone else because he knows a ton of
languages, and everything.
Text Evidence: How was I to know a highly respected psychoexperimentalist
like nemur was unacquainted with hindustani and chinese
Page #:699
3. How do OTHERS view Charlie?
People are terrified of him enough to fire him
Text Evidence: eight hundred and forty names, everyone connected with the
factory demanded that I be fired
Page #:696

After page 703

1. Provide a one sentence summary of these four pages:
Charlie finds himself laughing a mentally challenged child, and algernon
becomes aggressive and sad.
2. How does Charlie view himself?
He doesn't feel good about being smart since he laugh at a mentally
challenged kid. Like he was once.
Text Evidence: I can see that unknowingly I joined with them in laughing.
Page #:701
3. How do OTHERS view Charlie?
People are worried about him because he might become unintelligent, and
maybe even die after what happened to algernon.

Text Evidence: Everyone identifies me with algernon, in a way were both the
first of our kind. Theyre all pretending that algernons behavior is not
necessarily significant for me.
Page #:703

After page 707

1. Provide a one sentence summary of these four pages:
Charlie cant remember certain things, and cant use a typewriter.
2. How does Charlie view himself?
He doesn't understand what's going on and do not want to become stupid
Text Evidence: why cant I Remember? Ive got to fight. I lie in bed for days
and I dont know who or where I am.
Page #:706
3. How do OTHERS view Charlie?
They are really concerned about him.
Text Evidence: Dr. strauss came to see me again, I wouldnt open the door.
Page #:706

After page 711

1. Provide a one sentence summary of these four pages:
Charlie goes back to work at the factory, isnt smart anymore, he thinks of
leaving the city, so he doesn't make Mrs. Kinnian sad.
2. How does Charlie view himself?
Hes glad he made a scientific contribution, but sad that everyone feels bad
for him. He also wants to move to another state. I think he feels kinda
Text Evidence: Its easy to make friends when you let people laugh at you.
Page #:711
3. How do OTHERS view Charlie?
People feel sorry for him, and joe, and frank now try to defend him instead of
making fun of him.

Text Evidence: I dont want Mrs. Kinnian to feel sorry for me. Everyone feels
sorry for me at the factory
Page #:708

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