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Van Buren Intermediate School District

Request for Observation and/or Consultation (ROCs)

rev. 10-02-09

Student Name:       Birthdate:      

Parent(s) Name:       Home Phone:      
School District:       Building:       Grade:    
School/Team Contact Person:       Phone/E-mail:      
The applicable building team members have been informed about this ROCs

Describe Presenting Problem (be specific):


Check Consultation Requested:

Visually Impaired TC (submit to ISD) PT (submit to ISD)

Hearing Impaired TC (submit to ISD) OT (submit to local OT)
Autism Spectrum Disorder TC (submit to ISD) Work Experience (submit to ISD)
Emotionally Impaired TC (submit to BEC) Assistive Technology (submit to ISD)
Cognitively Impaired TC (submit to ISD) Other       (submit to ISD)
FBA-BIP (submit to local psychologist)

Check Placement Option to be Considered:

Instructional Base (submit to ISD)

Young Adult Program/MiCI Program (submit to ISD)
Bert Goens Learning Center (submit to BGLC)
Behavioral Education Center (submit to BEC)
(please specify)

Operating District Administrator Signature Date

• “Submit to ISD” Special Education Department Supervisor or Secretary located at the
Special Services Center
• Additional Information may be requested after receipt of this ROCs

-------------------------------------------(for office use only)-


Date Action Taken by Assigned Staff:


Attach Written Response to this ROCs


Date Received: Initials: Staff Assigned:

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