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ICT Skills For Business

Task 6
Demonstrate good working practices with files, directories/folders and sub-directories/subfolders

Pass Evidence Page No √ T

I have set up at least two directories.
I have saved some files in appropriate locations using appropriate filenames.
I have demonstrated the ability to password protect files.
I have located and opened existing files that i have saved in their directories.
I have backed up files onto a removable medium.
I have created shortcuts to at least one directory and one file.
I have created an appropriate directory structure with at least two main directories,
each containing at least two subdirectories using appropriate names.
I have saved most files in appropriate locations using appropriate filenames.
I have demonstrated the ability to password protect files.
I have located and opened existing files from a range of sources.
I have provided evidence of at least one instance of deleting,
copying and moving files and directories.
I have backed up and restored files from a removable medium.
I have created shortcuts to at least one program, directory and file.
I have created an appropriate directory structure with at least two main directories,
each containing at least two subdirectories using appropriate names.
I have saved all files in appropriate locations using appropriate filenames and will provide
evidence of at least one instance of deleting, copying, moving and renaming files and directories.
I have demonstrated the ability to password protect files.
I have located and opened existing files, using search facilities of operating systems software where necessary.
I have backed up and restored files from a removable medium.
I have created, edited and deleted shortcuts to at least one program, directory and file.

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