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Week 2

I went to Al Andalos School, but I wasnt so excited on Sunday because I was

sick and I felt bad because I wanted to try and teach on that day. After that
day I was happy and I enjoyed teaching grade 2. At first I was nervous but
when I started to teach and watching how the students were motivated to
learn, really makes me happy and I felt so comfortable. I make sure
whenever I give the students activity its clear and the students understand
it, I always choose one or two girls to repeat what I said about the activity. I
think I did better in this TP, because in this TP I learned so many thing from
my MST and share information with my students. In previous TP it was short
and I was always nervous when I teach, thats why I couldnt give the
students clear instructions for the activity. The MST did activity with
students, she choose 8 girls and each girl was part of body for example
(shoulder, knees , toes , eyes , mouth ect), the rest of the class will point at
the student whenever the teacher say that part of body, the teacher was
saying it fast and the students really enjoy playing it. I did an activity with
students each group will have A3 paper with two columns he/she. Pictures of
boys and girls, students will stick the picture of girls in shes columns and
boys in hes columns. I think this activity was successful because the
students understood the whole lesson. I always make sure the students
understand the lesson by asking them.

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