Imb Social Studies Observations

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Instructional Lesson
Classroom: E7 Morehead STEM
Grade: 6th
Curriculum Area: Social Studies
What I notice

Students are asked to grab their

assigned chrome books (which is
provided for grade levels 5-8) and
answer essential questions
relating to the lesson.
Once homeroom ends at 8:40,
the teacher tells the students to
close their chrome books and
begins her lesson.

Students are shown a ten minute video

clip on CNN Student News.
This is a verified news station for
students where they discuss
topics current topics in the news.
Students viewed topics such as:
Processed food that causes
cancer, Head injuries in football
players that lead to deaths, The
Ferguson Effect, & The
detachment of an ancient
pharaohs beard.
After the opening activity, the teacher
asks students what the word
REVOLUTION means. A plethora of
hands go up and a variety of answers
come out.
a. I dont know?
b. A change?
c. A change in an era?
d. The start of something

Observer: Shiyana Houser

Date: October 27, 2015
Time: 8:45am 9:45am
Thoughts, Questions, Connections to
Methods Classes
As students enter their homeroom
class, the teacher displays the daily
classroom objectives on the board.
The teacher is able to transition
smoothly in between activities.

While students view the video, they are

to answer corresponding questions
which act as their guided notes.
Although some students where clueless
as to what they thought the word
revolution meant, once one of their
classmates said an answer, they were
able to use prior knowledge and build
on each others answers.

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