Col. Lauro D. Dizon Memorial National High School San Pablo City S.Y. 2015-2016

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Col. Lauro D.

Dizon Memorial National High School

San Pablo City
S.Y. 2015-2016
Topic: Interpret ideas presented in the poster
Teacher Demonstrator: Lalaine M. Becina
Grade: Nine

Competency :
Interpret ideas presented in the poster
Reflect on the message conveyed in the material viewed
Integration: Social Issues and Values
I. Objective: At the end of the session, the students will be able to...
Interpret ideas presented in the poster
Reflect on the message conveyed in the material viewed
Present an advocacy creatively
II. Subject Matter:
Promoting Advocacy
References: A Journey Through Anglo-American Literature Learners Material
pp. 262- 264
Materials: Visual Aids & Teaching Aids
III. Learning Tasks
A. Priming
Motivation: Poster Talk
Study the poster and evaluate its message. What is in the poster that
would make you accept the invitation to join?

Why do you use computer? How do you use it? In what way can
computer help you convey whats on your mind?
B. Activity: Emulating Accomplished People
Complete the grid with the information needed.



C. Analysis
1. What qualities make these people extraordinary?
2. What has prompted them to make a difference in other peoples lives?
3. What impact have they made on the people around them?
4. Does it mean you can also be an extra ordinary person? Explain.
D. Abstraction
You have learned about these extraordinary peoples advocacies that made a
significant impact on others. This time write your reflections on these.

E. Application:
With your group mates, creatively present the advocacy you wanted to
implement in your school, home or community. Be guided by the rubric for grading.
5 content
3 creativity
2 presentation
10 point (Total)

F. Valuing

1. This man has all the modern gadgets, yet he is still lonely. Why do you
think this is so?
2. What general truth in life is being depicted?
IV. Assessment:
Complete the grid with the needed informations.
Melinda Gates
Ghalib Khalil
Efren Peaflorida
Mark Hyman
Arnel Pineda
Evans Wadongo
Narayanan Krishnan
Julia Butterfly Hill


V. Agreement:
Do any of the following:
a.Look for other posters in your community then interpret its message
through a short essay.
b. Watch an advocacy clip from internet then interpret its message through a
short essay.

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