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Pho Bay Project Report

Fredna Crema, Kien Hoang, John Nguyen, Adam Samadzada, Timothy Sharp
MIS 4330.001 - Systems Analysis and Design
April 29, 2015

Table of Contents
Company Description

Problem Description

Description of Website Functionality

Existing System

Class Diagram
Proposed Changes


Feasibility Analysis





New System
Use Cases


Account Management


Online Ordering


Class Diagram


Sequence Diagram


Account Management


Online Ordering


Communication Diagram


Account Management


Online Ordering


Database Design


Object Design




Pho Bay Project Report | Fredna Crema, Kien Hoang,

John Nguyen, Adam Samadzada, Timothy Sharp

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Company Description
Pho Bay is a family-owned and operated restaurant specializing in authentic Vietnamese
cuisine. Pho Bay offers a wide selection of choices, ranging from Banh Mi to Pho. Currently
there is only one location, which is conveniently located in North Texas in the Dallas-Plano
area to cater to all the different demographics. In order to add value to its business process,
improve customer satisfaction, and increase revenues, it is recommended that Pho Bay
implements some changes to its website and daily system operations.

Problem Description
Although Pho Bay Restaurant has a fully functional website, we have identified some
improvements and additional functions that will increase revenue and drive efficiency.
Currently the process for reservation is:
1. Customer accesses the website
2. Customer completes the required form (name, email, phone, subject, and message)
3. Pho Bay Employee reviews the information provided
4. Pho Bay Employee contacts the customer via email or phone
5. Pho Bay Employee and customer confirms the schedule date and time
Pho Bays website is rather lackluster. Although it has a menu to view and a contact form,
there is no real user interaction with the website other than to view the contact information
of the restaurant. The customer cannot place any orders online nor view dates for
reservation the only way to do so is to contact the restaurant via phone or email, which
results in a very inefficient process. Our plan is to enhance reservation capabilities, allowing
customers to select available dates and times for reservations as well as include a system
Pho Bay Project Report | Fredna Crema, Kien Hoang,
John Nguyen, Adam Samadzada, Timothy Sharp

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Contributor: Entire Group

that will include a feature for customers to create accounts, allowing them to order online
and order pick-up or to-go. Creating customer accounts will allow the restaurant to store
customer information such as name, phone number, and address. This will also enable the
restaurant to add a delivery system with information on customer location documented.
1. Order online (pick-up or delivery)
2. Register to website for reservation and data collection
3. Optimizing reservations creation and management
4. Offering navigation from customers address input

Description of Website Functionality and Screenshots

Screenshots are provided below to address the areas discussed in the problem description.

Main Page
This is the initial page a customer
sees when accessing Pho Bays
website. The website offers quick
links to view contact information,
menu, and schedule reservation.
There is currently no option on the
website to login or create an

Pho Bay Project Report | Fredna Crema, Kien Hoang,

John Nguyen, Adam Samadzada, Timothy Sharp

Page 3 of 28
Contributor: Entire Group

Reservation Page
There is no automation or online
process to allow for the user to
reserve. Customer must contact the
restaurant via phone or email and
request a specific date and time. The
restaurant will provide confirmation if
the reservation time exist.

Menu Page
This page has no user-interaction and
is only used for viewing. The customer
is unable to select items off the menu
or pay online.

Pho Bay Project Report | Fredna Crema, Kien Hoang,

John Nguyen, Adam Samadzada, Timothy Sharp

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Contributor: John Nguyen

Existing System
Reservation System

In this system the employee is responsible for managing and confirming the reservations for
the customers. This current system does not have a database that is able to store availability
and scheduled reservation time and date.

Pho Bay Project Report | Fredna Crema, Kien Hoang,

John Nguyen, Adam Samadzada, Timothy Sharp

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Contributor: John Nguyen

Account Management System

There is no existing account management system. Pho Bay does not offer account creation
or retain any customer information at this point.

Online Order System

There is no existing online ordering system. All operations occur within the restaurant.
Customers have to place an order at the physical location and submit payment at the

Pho Bay Project Report | Fredna Crema, Kien Hoang,

John Nguyen, Adam Samadzada, Timothy Sharp

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Contributors: Kien Hoang and Adam Samadzada

Class Diagram

Assumptions: There could be expansion in the future so Restaurant is listed

Pho Bay Project Report | Fredna Crema, Kien Hoang,

John Nguyen, Adam Samadzada, Timothy Sharp

Page 7 of 28
Contributor: John Nguyen

Proposed Changes
In order for Pho Bay to increase business revenue and improve customer relations and
interactions, there are several things that can be improved to accomplish this task. One way
to attract customers is to allow them to create a personal profile through an online account
manager. The customer account will not only hold personal information, but a customer
would be able to add payment information to their account. This information can also be
used for placing online orders for pickup.
Another method of increasing business is to allow for customers to pay for their orders
being placed online. Customers like the convenience of paying online before picking up their
orders. This process can be accomplished through the payment information stored in the
account manager. There are many methods of allowing customers to pay online. These
include third party vendors, Pay Pal is a good example of an easy and secure method for
paying online. A system that processed standard credit cards would also need to be in place.
An attractive website that has inviting photos can capture the attention of a user browsing
for a new dining experience. These attributes can capture an impulse browser, and the
ability to pay online can quickly close the deal.
A great asset for a restaurant is the convenience of allowing the customer to book a
reservation online. An online reservation process will not only increase the speed of the
booking process, but also reduce the amount of pen and paper used to create reservations.
Through a very effective booking system, after logging in customers should be able to view
previous items purchased in the past. This helps to create a personal environment for the
patron. There are many systems available to create an online booking environment. Open
Table is one example that can be used with very little overhead for small businesses.

Pho Bay Project Report | Fredna Crema, Kien Hoang,

John Nguyen, Adam Samadzada, Timothy Sharp

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Contributor: Timothy Sharp

Feasibility Analysis
Identifying and assigning values to cost and benefits.
Benefits (monthly)
Increased sales


Improved customer service


Reduced inventory costs


Total Benefits


Development costs (monthly)





Software licenses


Server software


Development labor


Total developmental costs


Operational costs (monthly)





Operational labor


Total operational costs


Total costs

Pho Bay Project Report | Fredna Crema, Kien Hoang,

John Nguyen, Adam Samadzada, Timothy Sharp


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Contributors: Fredna Crema and Kien Hoang

This project is technically feasible. Due to advancement in technology, any company has the
ability to purchases cloud computing services from vendors such as Microsoft, Amazon, and
Google for a low rate. The vendor providing the service will also manage the hardware and
ensure business continuity.
The project size is small and will consists only of a few members. Majority of the effort will
be focused on the development and programming of the system. The duration of the project
will be short and will take a maximum of 3 months to complete. Implementation of the new
system will not cause any down time in current operations. There are no compatibility
issues because there arent any systems currently in place.

The proposed system has a high success rate in improving day-to-day business operation.
Having automation services to complete simple tasks will allow employees to gain more
time to allocate to other activities. The major concern is the employees reaction to the new
system. Many studies have shown people in general hate change. The proposed upgrades
would make significant changes and additions not only to the website, but to the existing
business processes as well. To tackle this issue, training will be provided until all employees
are comfortable with the system and understand why is implemented.

Pho Bay Project Report | Fredna Crema, Kien Hoang,

John Nguyen, Adam Samadzada, Timothy Sharp

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Contributors: John Nguyen and Timothy Sharp

New System
Reservation System

Pho Bay Project Report | Fredna Crema, Kien Hoang,

John Nguyen, Adam Samadzada, Timothy Sharp

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Contributor: John Nguyen

Use-Case Name: Make Reservation

ID: 1

Importance Level: High

Primary Actor: Customer

Use Case Type: Overview, essential
Stakeholders and Interests:
Customer wants to make, update, or cancel reservation
Employee wants to manage and produce schedule
Database needs to record availability
Brief Description: This use case describes how customer can make, update, or cancel a
Trigger: Customer calls or goes online and requests a date and time for reservation
Type: External
Association: Customer
Include: Create New Customer, Update Reservation
Extend: Update Customer Information
Generalization: Make Old Reservation, Make New Reservation
Normal Flow of Events:
1. The Customer contacts Pho Bay Restaurant via phone or online website.
2. The Customer will provide their contact information
3. The Customer is asked whether the customer would like to make a reservation, update a
reservation, or cancel a reservation
a. If the customer wants to make a new reservation, the S-1: new reservation
workflow is performed
b. If the customer wants to make a new reservation, the S-2: update reservation
workflow is performed
c. If the customer wants to make a new reservation, the S-3: cancel reservation
workflow is performed
S-1: New Reservation
1. The customer is provided available dates and time for reservation
2. The customer will decide and confirm the date and time on the online website or via
phone with a Pho Bay Employee
S-2: Update Reservation
1. The customer will be provided with current reservation information
2. The customer will provide any updates to the reservation made
S-3: Cancel Reservation
1. The customer will be provided with current reservation information
2. The customer will decide whether or not to cancel reservation
3. The customer will confirm the cancelation
Alternate/Exceptional Flows:
1a: Employee and Database executes manage schedule use case

Pho Bay Project Report | Fredna Crema, Kien Hoang,

John Nguyen, Adam Samadzada, Timothy Sharp

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Contributor: John Nguyen

Account Management System

Pho Bay Project Report | Fredna Crema, Kien Hoang,

John Nguyen, Adam Samadzada, Timothy Sharp

Page 13 of 28
Contributor: Adam Samadzada

Use-Case Name: Manage Accounts

ID: 2

Primary Actor: Customer

Importance Level: High

Use Case Type: Overview, Essential

Stakeholders and Interests:

Customer Wants to create, edit, update, or login to account
Pho Bay Team Manage all accounts
Brief Description: This use case describes how a customer can login, create, update, or edit
their account
Trigger: Customers go online and login to account
Type: External
Association: Customer
Include: Provide Information, Update Payment Information, Edit Account Settings
Generalization: Create New Account, Login to Account
Normal Flow of Events:
1. The Customer will go online website to pho bay website
2. The Customer will be able either login to account, Create new account, Update their
payment information, or Edit account Setting
a. If Customer wants to Create new account, the S-1 Create new account workflow is
b. If Customer want to Update payment information, S-2 Update payment information
workflow is performed
c. If Customer want to Edit account, S-3 Edit account workflow is performed
S-1: Create new account
1. The Customer will create a user name and password
2. The customer will provide customer information (Name, Address, Phone)
S-2: Update payment information
1. Customer will login to account
2. Click on update payment information
3. Add their card type and number
S-3: Edit account
1. Customer will login to account
2. Click on Edit account
3. Change username and password specifications

Pho Bay Project Report | Fredna Crema, Kien Hoang,

John Nguyen, Adam Samadzada, Timothy Sharp

Page 14 of 28
Contributor: Adam Samadzada

Online Ordering System

Pho Bay Project Report | Fredna Crema, Kien Hoang,

John Nguyen, Adam Samadzada, Timothy Sharp

Page 15 of 28
Contributor: Kien Hoang

Use-Case Name: Order Online

ID: 3

Importance Level: High

Primary Actor: Customer

Use Case Type: Real

Stakeholders and Interests:

Customer wants to order online, pay online
Restaurant wants to make fulfill customers request in a timely manner
Brief Description: This use case describes how a customer can make an online order
Trigger: Customer calls or goes online and requests to order online
Type: External
Association: Customer
Include: Create Provide Customer Information
Generalization: Log in Old Account
Normal Flow of Events:
1. The Customer contacts Pho Bay Restaurant via online website
2. The Customer will browse through menu
3. The Customer will be encouraged and asked to log in
a. If the customer wants to order with account, the S-1: Log-In workflow is performed
b. If the customer wants to order and pay at restaurant, the S-4: Place Order (Do Not
Pay Online) workflow is performed
c. If the customer wants to place an order and pay online without logging in, the S-3:
Place Order pay online workflow is performed.
S-1: Log In
1. The customer browses the menu
2. The customer will select what items he/she desires and place order
S-2: Place Order Pay Online
1. The customer will browse the menu
2. The customer will place order and pay online
S-3: Place Order (Do Not Pay Online)
1. The customer will browse the menu
2. The customer will place the order (Leaving name/phone #)
Alternate/Exceptional Flows:
S-3 || S-4: When paying online or not paying online without logging-in, database use-case
will automatically create a new account for customer with information given

Pho Bay Project Report | Fredna Crema, Kien Hoang,

John Nguyen, Adam Samadzada, Timothy Sharp

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Contributor: Kien Hoang

Class Diagram

Pho Bay Project Report | Fredna Crema, Kien Hoang,

John Nguyen, Adam Samadzada, Timothy Sharp

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Contributors: Kien Hoang, John Nguyen, and Adam Samadzada

Sequence Diagram
Reservation System

Pho Bay Project Report | Fredna Crema, Kien Hoang,

John Nguyen, Adam Samadzada, Timothy Sharp

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Contributor: John Nguyen

Account Management System

Pho Bay Project Report | Fredna Crema, Kien Hoang,

John Nguyen, Adam Samadzada, Timothy Sharp

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Contributor: Adam Samadzada

Online Ordering System

Pho Bay Project Report | Fredna Crema, Kien Hoang,

John Nguyen, Adam Samadzada, Timothy Sharp

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Contributor: Kien Hoang

Communication Diagram
Reservation System

Pho Bay Project Report | Fredna Crema, Kien Hoang,

John Nguyen, Adam Samadzada, Timothy Sharp

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Contributor: John Nguyen

Account Management System

Pho Bay Project Report | Fredna Crema, Kien Hoang,

John Nguyen, Adam Samadzada, Timothy Sharp

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Contributors: John Nguyen and Adam Samadzada

Online Ordering System

Pho Bay Project Report | Fredna Crema, Kien Hoang,

John Nguyen, Adam Samadzada, Timothy Sharp

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Contributors: Kien Hoang and John Nguyen

Database Design

Pho Bay Project Report | Fredna Crema, Kien Hoang,

John Nguyen, Adam Samadzada, Timothy Sharp

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Contributor: John Nguyen

Object Design

Method Name: ReserveDate() Class Name: Reservation


Clients (Consumers):
Associated Use Cases: Make Reservation
Description of Responsibilities: This method reserves and confirms a specific date and time
for the customer
Arguments Received: checkAvailability
Type of Value Returned: boolean
Pre-Conditions: A valid account
Post-Conditions: None
Method Name: ProvideAvailability()

Class Name: Schedule


Clients (Consumers):
Associated Use Cases: Make Reservation
Description of Responsibilities: This method checks the available time and date open for
Arguments Received: Date,Time
Type of Value Returned: boolean
Pre-Conditions: None
Post-Conditions: None
Method Name: SendConfirmation()

Class Name: Schedule


Clients (Consumers):
Associated Use Cases: Make Reservation
Description of Responsibilities: This method confirms the reservation appointment in the
system with the associated customer.
Arguments Received: checkAvailability
Type of Value Returned: void
Pre-Conditions: ReserveDate() confirmed
Post-Conditions: New reservation is added
Pho Bay Project Report | Fredna Crema, Kien Hoang,
John Nguyen, Adam Samadzada, Timothy Sharp

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Contributors: Kien Hoang and Adam Samadzada

Method Name: SendReceipt()

Class Name: Customer


Clients (Consumers):
Associated Use Cases: Online Order
Description of Responsibilities: This method sends receipt of online payment if customer
opts to pay for order online.
Arguments Received: Order
Type of Value Returned: boolean
Pre-Conditions: Order made online
Post-Conditions: None
Method Name: LookupCustomer()

Class Name: Schedule


Clients (Consumers):
Associated Use Cases: Make Reservation
Description of Responsibilities: This method lets the reservation system look up customer
in the database.
Arguments Received: CustomerList
Type of Value Returned: void
Pre-Conditions: Reservation request has been made
Post-Conditions: The customer is validated.

Pho Bay Project Report | Fredna Crema, Kien Hoang, Contributors: Kien Hoang and Adam
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John Nguyen, Adam Samadzada, Timothy Sharp

Change Management
There needs to be a formal change management process. The following process can be
1. A request for change ticket is submitted.
2. The ticket is reviewed by a change advisory board.
3. After the ticket is either denied or approved depending on the assessment of the requested
change. Once approved, the development can begin.
4. The system is developed in a separate non-production environment.
5. The system is properly tested to ensure usability. The following on tests that should be
a. Unit Testing
b. Integration Testing
c. System Testing
d. Regression Testing
e. Smoke Testing
f. User Acceptance Testing
6. There is a formal signoff concluding the change management process.
Access Controls
The system to be implemented may contain personally identifiable information about the
customer. Access controls should be in place to mitigate risks of exposure.
1. The system must enforce a password policy
a. Password of 8 characters or longer
b. Password must be complex
i. Contain at least 1 upper case
ii. Contain at least 1 lower case
iii. Contain at least 1 special character
iv. Contain at least 1 digit
v. Characters cannot be repetitive
c. Password history of 4 is maintained so users can reuse old passwords
d. Password expires after 60 days
e. Only allow login of 3 attempts before lockout
2. Managers should review the list of all users with access to the system and remove any
employee with inappropriate access or terminated employees.
3. The failed login attempts should be reviewed to determine if there is malicious attacks.
Data Validation

Pho Bay Project Report | Fredna Crema, Kien Hoang,

John Nguyen, Adam Samadzada, Timothy Sharp

Contributor: John Nguyen

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The system must ensure the data being stored is valid and there are no errors. The system
should be designed to only take specific formats for specific fields. A new user cannot enter
characters in an integer only field and vice versa. This will mitigate any issues with the
database as far as data input is concerned.
Business Continuity
There should be a formal business continuity plan. While the system is not required for dayto-day operations, the system down would result in a disaster due to the loss of online
orders and reservation schedules. The restaurant is still capable of preparing the customers
food but would not be able to fulfill online orders in a timely manner and lose track of all
reservations scheduled. It is important to backup all data daily. If an incident occurred,
backups can be used to restore the system to working conditions.
System Maintenance
The system should be maintained to should all patches are installed. Patch management is
required to remediate any vulnerabilities the system had. Keeping the system up-to-date
will result in a faster more efficient system.

Pho Bay Project Report | Fredna Crema, Kien Hoang,

John Nguyen, Adam Samadzada, Timothy Sharp

Contributor: John Nguyen

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