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Indian Institute of Technology Jodhpur, Rajasthan

Department of Electrical Engineering

EE 312: Microprocessors and Microcontrollers
Assignment IV
1. You can submit your assignments either by a soft or hard copy.
2. Students submitting soft copies should eMail the PDF files to with the subject line ee312 assignment IV
3. Students submitting hard copies should post in the box (in my office).
4. Submissions after the due date will not be accepted.
5. Please note that plagiarism is a serious academic offence and do not
even attempt to copy from others.
6. Tabulate your programs with proper comments for each of the
instructions. Please be clear in your comments for each of the
instructions. You may refer to the text book for sample programs.

EE312: Assignment IV

Indian Institute of Technology Jodhpur, Rajasthan

Department of Electrical Engineering
Assignment - IV
Due date: 02-DEC-2015, 12:00 noon (soft copy)
02-DEC-2015, 12:00 noon (hard copy)
1. Write an assembly language program (for PIC18F452
microcontroller) to
a. Sort N number of bytes specified in the program using DB
directive and
b. Store the sorted numbers in the bank number 02 of data

2. Write an assembly
microcontroller) to





a. Sample the analog signal connected to the channel AN0.

b. Store the first 10 digitized samples in the bank number 02 of
data memory.
c. Generate a Pulse Width Modulated (PWM) waveform with
the sampled data.
Assume the input analog frequency as 4 kHz and to be sampled at
Nyquist rate. Also assume the MPU clock frequency as 40 MHz. You are
allowed to use an external clock connected to TOSC1 for sampling analog

EE312: Assignment IV

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