Afghan Magic

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THE INVINCIBLE MAGICK SPELLS of The Afghan Mullah-Sensees Mohammed Ali The Invincible Magick Spells of The Afghan Mullah-Sensees by Mohammed Ali Copyright © 1993 FINBARR INTERNATIONAL Fes Introduction Information for this book was obtained on the understanding that the beliefs of the Mullah-Sensees (magical healers and magicians) are to be used for good works towards mankind. These spells and signs must not be used for evil purposes as evil will undoubtedly backfire on the user if the necessary precautions have not been taken. All the spells and signs are from the mountains of Afghanistan and the surrounding areas. All have been handed down from generation to generation, student to student. All are in their original form and have not been translated or altered by me so as to preserve the originality and power. In writing this book I hope to providean insight into the strength of the Afghan people as well as the practical aspects of Afghan and middle Asian magic. Every spell contained in this book has worked for over 1400 years and will work for you if you follow the directions of the Mullah- Sensees. ALLAH-O-AKBAR Love Spells This is one of the main aspects of Afghan magic which involves men more than women. These spells can be performed by men or women but have traditionally been used by men as a means of procuring the love and adoration of four wives. The following spells are very powerful in respect of love. They will win the love of the woman you desire, bring back any lost love, and keep the love of your wives true to you. TO BE LOVED BY INFIDELS: This spell is cast in Pushto, the language of northern Afghanistan and Uzbekistan. It concerns the love of a non-believer or a non- Muslim, but can be used effectively on anyone. The sign is written in Arabic and Pushto, and is based on ancient Arabic/Egyptian systems of magic. (1) Hold the sign in your right hand. (2) Without being observed look at the woman concerned and quietly murmur to yourself the spell: BISMILLAH-IRRAHMAN-IRRAHIIM. ALHAMD-O-LILLAH, IRRAHMAN IYA NAA BUDU WA AFGHANIST-AYIIN THDINA SIRRAATAL MUSTAKEEM. WALLAD DALLEEN NAY CUM CUMM NOON JAMM JAMM JAZAM KAA-AFTAN ...... (Name of woman or colour of her dress) HAA-ADOO AMEEN. Repeat the spell until you notice a change in the woman’s stance. Then introduce yourself and she will respond more favourably than you ever imagined. [of co &R |? | | a R722 S| lates z ae Concerning the Construction of Signs In the northern provinces of Afghanistan the signs are written on goat skin with blue ink made from a mixture of olive oil and lapis- lazuli. In the south and Persia the signs are written in green ink made from Afghan emeralds. With the advent of modern technology, most notably the ball point pen, more and more Mullah-Sensees are favouring the new methods of making signs. This is mainly due to the ease and availability with which they can be obtained. The new methods have not affected the power of the spells or the signs, and although the methods of making them has changed, the signs and spells are still the same now as. they were 1400 years ago. To make the signs all you need is an ordinary pen and paper and draw the sign that you require. It does not matter when or where you make the sign as the important part is the symbol of the sign itself. TO OBTAIN THE LOVE OF YOUR FOUR WIVES AND KEEP THEM FAITHFUL: This spell is cast in Arabic and was first introduced by Moslem traders from Arabia and Syria who also brought with them Islam, the pillar of Afghanistan. This and the following sign are so powerful you will be amazed at the response of your wives, (1) Hold the sign in your right hand or keep it in your wallet. (2) Look at your wives and repeat the spell three times. AN-NISA AN-NISA BISMILLAH-IRRAHMAN-IRRAHIIM sae Pas (the name of your wife or wives) ALLAH-O-AKBAR, GIBRAIL ALLAH O-AKBAR, GIBRAIL AMEEN. TO OBTAIN THE LOVE OF YOUR FOUR WIVES AND KEEP THEM FAITHFUL: FOR SEXUAL VITALITY: Carry the sign in wallet or pocket for about an hour before you visit your wives, This next spell is for women only and involves the use of a piece of string. This spell originates from the Yemen and is mentioned in the Quran. Obtain a piece of string and tie nine knots. Whilst tying the knots repeat the spell: AN-NUS...... (name of man concerned) IYA BUDU. AMEEN. Spells for Protection FOR PROTECTION FROM ATTACK: Carry the spells with you for protection against physical attacks. FOR PROTECTION DURING MINING AND TO PREVENT MINES CAVING IN: Onl te | ] SNdpo x Petes

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