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Will I see my pet again in Heaven?

- Vince Migliore, March 2010: Revised August 2017 (1)

People often ask: "Will I see my pet again in heaven?"

The answer is a resounding "YES!" and the pet will recognize you.

Near-Death Experiences abound with examples of people being reunited with

their pets; dogs, cats, horses - you name it. You see them again. What would
Heaven be like without them? Some examples follow.

Seen as a Puppy

The place I was is a hill in Marysville where my grandmother used to pick sun
flowers. The grass so lush and so green the air so perfect moving yet still...colors
with intensity I have never known. I could see and know all these things with my
entire being. A dogs tail weaved through the tall grass. A beautiful fuzzy puppy
wagged her tail at me. At first, I did not recognize her. I had never seen our dog as
a puppy.
(1) Many links were old and broken and therefore removed.
Most references were taken from
I was so happy to see her . . . we had to put her down two weeks prior to my
daughters birth. She had injured her hip. We had given all the surgery we could
to keep her but it did not make her quality of life better: it had become much
worse. We put down on my due date: our hearts were so heavy with the loss of
the dog that generously shared her life with us for 12 years. I followed the
spirited dog as she meandered amongst the tall grass.

All of my Former Pets

That's when, for what I believe was a very brief moment, I had a strange, unusual
experience. All of those people attending me suddenly vanished and my Mother
was sitting on the left side of the bed beside me with my father standing by her. I
didn't realize who they were at first because they were both very young; late teens
or early 20s. There were other people behind them who I couldn't focus on because
of a bright light coming from something, like a worm hole/cornucopia/horn of
plenty shaped object behind them. There were figures of people rushing out of it
toward me but I couldn't tell who they were due to the extreme brightness of the
light coming from that object. I then became distracted by figures to my right
which were all my former pets (dogs and cats that had died) climbing over each
other to get to me, they gave me the impression of me just getting home from a
long trip as they seemed very excited to see me.

Even my Dogs

Then I went into respiratory arrest. This happens a lot to me. There was this most
amazing bright light. All of a sudden, I was in the most beautiful place. The sky
was so blue. The weather was so perfect. I was outside. It was just this huge big
open lawn. Every member of my family and friends who had died were there. Even
my dogs.
This is one of my favorite cases, as it suggests the pets are waiting for us too!

The Person they were Waiting For

There was an invisible border you could not see yet you understood not to cross it
or you could not leave.

Horses and dogs were playing together and when they stopped, they seemed to
stare a hole through me and then went back to playing. I was told they were
checking to see if I was the person they were waiting for that they had loved while
on earth.

There are also cases where a person crosses over and sees a pet that about to
come to them on the earth plane.

A Dog Running Towards Me

There was only one other being present. This was an entity of white light, without
definite form and hovering in the air. It was not exactly there, but I sensed its
presence. It did nothing. While this was going on, I had the vision of a dog which
was bounding towards me with its tongue out; obviously full of good intentions.

Did you observe or hear anything regarding people or events during your
experience that could be verified later? Yes, at the moment when I said I saw a dog
running towards me with its tongue out. This dog was unknown to me then, but
now lives with me, for the past year. When I adopted him I had forgotten this

Feel the Love

I suddenly was aware I WAS a spirit looking down at my body. The relatives in the
room were arguing over who could comb my hair. My mother sat quietly in a
chair. My grandfather was talking to someone who appeared to be God but it was
actually only light. I could not see God but I could hear his voice. My grandfather
was asking God to let me stay with him. I was a good person. My grandfather's pet
boxer was with him on a leash. I could feel the love between the dog and my

Yes, my friend, you WILL see your beloved pet again.


Special thanks to Dr. John Long for his ground-breaking website on Near-Death
Experiences: Please visit his site and support his efforts.

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