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ee Oe THE MOST POPULAR BOOK ON THE SUBJECT BASED ON PRACTICAL RESEARCH ! EXPLAINS SCIENTIFICALLY HOW VAASTU ‘WORKS TREATS THE SUBJECT RATIONALLY AND. ‘SCIENTIFICALLY FENGSHUI FOR HOMES STONE BUILDING SYNDROME VIRTUAL PYRAMIDS BASEMENT AND CELLARS THE MYSTERIOUS POWERS OF THE PENDULUM GROW YOUNGER LIVE LONGER FENGSHUI FOR HEALTH & WEALTH VAASTU ENGINEERING - THEORY & PRACTICE THE SECRET POWER OF ORGONE PEI | Contents based purely on actual field BCR) AMAZING SCIENCE OF VAASTU “«) VASAN PUBLICATIONS Bangalore - 560 053. Sapna COPYRIGHT BELONGS TO THE AUTHOR; NO PART OF THIS BOOK CAN BE REPRODUCED IN ANY MANNER WITHOUT AUTHOR’S CONSENT; First Published : 1995 Reprinted : 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000 Reprinted : 2002 by Vasan Publications Published By: Vasan Publications 45/46, Dr. T.C.M. Royan Road (Good Shed Road) Bangalore - 560 053. Phone: 670 5679, Prnted by: N.J. Balaji Enterprises Banglore. FOREWORD Not that it matters but this book is not based on any ancient texts or school of thought. It is purely based on practical studies and conclusions. You will therefore not find any reference to any other book on this subject. To find out whether vaastu was true or just a set of beliefs | undertook, with a open mind, a study of various buildings in excess of thousand numbers ‘over a span of five years. At the end of the study | was able to conclude that vaastu was indeed a science of structures and its implementation is essential to lead a life of happiness and prosperity. My findings were presented in a book form of the same title and the book was released in 1995. The book has seen several reprints since then. Based on my own research | have developed a theory to explain how vaastu works. The theory of energy fields is my own and is not found in any texts ancient or modern. In the past couple of years | have offered vaastu consultations for hundreds of buildings comprising residential houses, apartments, Industries, business establishments and Hotels based on these formulas, that has helped me prove that my theory is correct. The present edition includes my findings on stone structures. | have also added a few pages on virtual pyramids, a subject which is close to my heart. A chapter on measurement of vaastu fields is also included. The book is written keeping the rational and scientific tempered readers in mind. The earlier prints have won the hearts of thousands of readers. | have every reason to believe that the present edition will continue to do so. The Author July 2000 VAASTU CONSULTATIONS OFFERED BY AUTHOR CALL BANGALORE 6718656 FAX 6710259 E-mail: fw hye DON AN 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 CONTENTS Page No. An Introduction to the Science of Vaastu 2 An Introduction to Fengshui 12 Fengshui for Residential buildings 20 Overcoming Vaastu Defects by using Fengshui Gadgets 29 Geopathic Stress 41 Pyramids as Distortion Absorbers 49 Vaastu Energy Fields 54 The Science behind the Mystery of Vaastu 61 Shapes of Plots used in Construction 75 Selection of Plots and Correction 80 Construction of a house 106 Intermediate Plots 113 Business Establishments 142 Vaastu for Apartments 161 Manifestation of Vaastu Defects 172 Classification of Defects and their Effects 180 Instrumentation and Bioenergy 198 Colors in Interiors 201 Vaastu Defects and Cancer 204 Questions and Answers 207 After Thoughts 214 Stone Building Syndrome 245 Virtual Pyramids . 252 Energising ‘Shui’ in your body through water 256 Building a House: Cosmic Harmony 271 THE BOOK IS DEDICATED AN_ INTRODUCTION TO THE MEMORY OF TO THE SCIENCE OF MY BELOVED PARENTS VAASTU Author CHAPTER 1 i ich i i it language. Vaastu is a word which is derived from Sanskri Sanskrit is an ancient language of scholars and most of the Indian philosophy like Ayurveda and matters relating to art are found in documents written in Sanskrit language. i is ' ing’ ilding used for The meaning of Vaastu is Dwelling or a bui c residential purposes. The first mention of Vaastu is found in the Yajurveda, the ancient text of Hindus believed to be over 4000 years old. re are more than thirty books credited to various authors said to have been written during the period 2000 BC to 1000 BC. These bocks are all in sanskrit and cover the rules as per which building used for specific purposes are to be built. They cover a wide variety of buildings like places of worship, marriage houses, party houses, palaces, chariots and dwellings. The first book on this subject is believed to have been written about 3000 years back by Viswakarma, a sage. | am quoting below the exact translation of the stanza written by Viswakarma in which he describes the benefits of Vast Although written 3000 years back, the meaning Is still very muc! relevant;- Shastrenanena Sarvasya Lokasya Paramam Sukham. Chaturvarga Phala Praprti Salokascha Bhaved Dhruvam. Shilpa Sastra Parignanam Martyaropi Suratam Varajet. Paramanada Janakam Devaanam idameeritham. Meaning: ‘This science is complete in itself and this science can bring happiness to the whole world. It can give all the four types of happiness which are required to lead a full life on earth. The four types of happiness are plenty of riches, rightful living, fulfillment of desires and liberation from desires. These types of happiness are definitely assured by this science. By the knowledge of this science, man becomes divine. The science is capable of giving you the greatest bliss and this is the dictate of the gods.’ | wouid like to briefly explain for the uninitiated the full meaning of this stanza. Viswakarma claims that the science is capable of giving all that one desires in life. Fulfillment of desires, comfort in all money matters, acquiring wealth, family happiness, excellent health and longevity are all assured by following the principles of Vaastu. These are what one can consider essential things required to make wordly life pleasant. However the benefits of Vaastu are not limited to a happy life alone. Once the worldly desires are fulfilled the spiritual journey has to start. Mind which has seen all the worldly pleasures looks for lasting peace. This is only natural. Here again vaastu has some thing valuable to contribute. Viswakarma therefore goes a step further to stress that a structure can also heip an individual to take the path of bliss. Some of us have come across that special calming atmosphere which is present in some churches, stupas of Buddhists, temples of Hindus and the like, which can enhance and impart a sense of mental happiness and bliss. Thus a properly designed structure 4 can not only help a person to fulfil all his worldly desires but can also create in him a sense of peace and bliss like the ones for example which is attained by methods like meditation. The beauty here is that it is totally effortless and blissful peace descends on the person naturally. Although the truths of Vaastu was discovered 3000 years back there is no evidence to suggest that Vaastu was wide spread or was followed in the ancient times. One possible problem could have been the communication gap as there was no way ,in those times, to spread the knowledge over the length and breadth of a large country like India. Interestingly Viswakarma belongs to the category of builders and it is quite reasonable to suppose that it was the builders who observed the effect of a building on the inhabitants and it is they who must have arrived at the initial conclusions. The observation of buildings which were raided and destroyed by various invaders at various times like Ghazni Mohammed, Gori Mohammed etc show that the buildings that were attacked were against Vaastu, in the first place. It is therefore clear that Vaastu norms were not incorporated in these buildings although the buildings had come up after the time of Viswakarma and again surprisingly those buildings which were not attacked, mainly places of worship, were as per Vaastu. It makes one wonder whether a wrongly constructed building invites a destructive force and eventually gets destroyed. May be a building which is built as per Vaastu norms does not attract the attention of a destroyer or perhaps fails to generate destructive impulses in him. It is interesting to note that most of the buildings which are destroyed by fire, or where fire accidents have taken place or have come under bomb attacks are Unfailingly against vaastu norms. Any one can verify the truth of this statement by analysing the vaastu of such buildings any where in the world. The buildings as we see today are comparatively of recent origin. Mortar came into vogue in the latter half of 19th century. Cement came much later in the early 20th century and reinforced cement concrete entered India barely fifty years back. Permanent structures started appearing in the early part of this century and were built with bricks with a tiled roof or lime mortar roof (popularly known as Madras roof). Reinforced cement concrete roof buildings started appearing in the fifties. Vaastu although was an ancient science, by and large, had been relegated to the bookshelves and most of the buildings which came up in this century did not make use of this knowledge during construction. This does not mean all buildings built in this period were against vaastu. It is quite possible and indeed there are innumerable buildings conforming to vaastu, even though the builders were not conscious of it. This is especially true in the case of a North facing plot. Inevitably the building will be as per vaastu norms even if one has never heard of vaastu simply because the common sense approach of planning the bedrooms, kitchen bath ete are identical to vaastu requirements. There is another objection which we have to look into. Often the question is asked that if the buildings did not conform to vaastu were all inhabitants unhappy in the last several decades? Have not people lived for generations there? Have they not prospered at all? Certainly a valid objection which needs a proper answer. To answer this question we have to classify the buildings which have come up in the past several decades as under:- 1.Buildings which are as per Vaastu 2.Buildings which are totally against Vaastu 3. Buildings which are not as per Vaastu but which are neither against vaastu. A careful study shows that buildings which were as per vaastu more by accident than design did extremely well although they form only a minuscule. Buildings which were totally against vaastu have only proved unlucky for the occuparits. However just like it is by pure chance a building conforms to Vaastu norms accidentally 6 so is the chance of a building being dead against Vaastu norms in all respects. A large majority of buildings have followed an intermediate path. They are not as per vaastu. But they are neither against it. The old texts have only stipulated the Do’s and Don't’s. They have not said what is the effect when the building ignores both Do's and Don'ts. Let me clarify this with an example. Take the Kitchen, a must in every house. Vaastu stipulates it must be in Southeast and never in Northeast. Thus the best and worst position are given here. It does not say for example what is the effect of the kitchen if it is in the West or South. Studies show that here the kitchen produces no ill effects. While one can concede that the house with a kitchen in center West was deprived of the better effects of a Southeast Kitchen it should also follow that it has neither invited the ill effects of a Northeast kitchen. In such houses you can almost see a neutral effect on the inhabitants. In other words the house neither helped them nor harmed them in any manner. It is some what like the situation where one aspires for a helpful friendly neighborhood. That is an ideal situation which can make living in'such a locality a pleasant experience. An unfriendly violent tempered neighbor is the worst. In between these two extremes is the neighborly who is neither friendly nor harmful. Most of us have such neighbors. And most of the houses which were built till the eighties predominantly fall to this category. Let me give one more example. In a stream if you swim with the tide the force is helpful and you can cover great distances with little effort. This is like a vaastu building where all your efforts get a helping hand. !f you swim against the tide, depending on your strength you can make progress but it is with great effort and the rate of progress is very slow. This is similar to living in a building against vaastu norms. You can also swim in a pool where the water is stagnant. It neither aids in your progress or poses a hurdle. 7 A building which is neither as per vaastu nor against it is i j ains stagnant water pool. gainst itis lke this The word Vaastu was not even in usage and no one had heard of it till fate 80's. It was at this time that some industrialists who were at the end of the tether after having exhausted all pragmatic approaches to improve their business, turned to Vaastu as a lost resort. The application of Vaastu helped them to make a spectacular turnaround of their business fortunes. It was their open confession that times changed to better due to application of Vaastu which aroused curiosity of all the educated class. In no time all the ancient books were dug up and articles started appearing on the subject. New books in various languages started hitting the book stalls almost every week. Several TV Channels featured interviews with Vaastu Consultants and in no time Vaastu became a very hot subject around 1989 and 1990's. Not that it had a hurdle free entry. The architects and builders raised their shackles The architects objected that the subject interfered in giving out their best in designs. They saw no sense in its rules. They called the whole thing as unscientific and a hoax. There is always a good thing about a scientific truth. If it is true it gets established on its own irrespective of the resistance it gets If itis false even with all the support it gets, it dies. In the beginning people who were quite unsure and skeptical , some of them in desperation or out of curiosity started modifying their houses business establishments and industries. A good number of people started building houses as per Vaastu norms. | would say that this uncertainty in the minds of people suspicion coupled with interest, curiosity coupled with fear, prevailed in early 90’s when buildings as per Vaastu started coming up. Today we have literally tens of thousands of buildings which have been constructed according to Vaastu across the length and breadth of the country. Thousands of industries have come up as 8. per Vaastu and innumerable sick industries have modified their buildings as per Vaastu norms. There is no doubt in the minds of those people who have built as per Vaastu that the science works. | have experience in providing design consultation for more than thousand buildings for last ten years and | have not come across a single house which is as per Vaastu but which has proved disastrous to the inhabitants. In fact in every single case the occupants are cheerful and happy. A comparison between Fengshui and Vaastu is given below : i i i 1. Landscape is not that important.If 1. Landscape is very important in ae t fengshui.The surroundings of the | the plot can be leveled it is considered building are believed to play in | sufficient. important role. 2. Plain lands are not favored in | 2- Plain lands are considered as good. fengshui 3.Mountain tops are considered unfit for human settlements. 3.No such stipulation 4.High importance is attached to the | 4-Notvery important road leading to the plot 5.Plain plots with out celestial animals 5. plain plots are considered as good. are considered bad 6.In cities rivers are equated to roads | §.no such rules and mountains to buildings which appear to be too much ofa dilution. 7.The owners year of birth is very | 7-No individual is brought into the important while selecting the plot picture. 8.placement of furniture and shape of | 8-not considered as very important. furniture are considered important to get best benefits of fengshui 9 gadgets are used to correct defects | 9-no gadgets are used. The question which comes to the mind of the reader who goes through the books of fengshui and vaastu which apt to make him confuse as to which one of them are correct. | have therefore compared both the systems in the interest of the reader. /// As you can see from the above, Vaastu is a very flexible science which is accessible to everyone. However, one is apt to be confused as to which one works in reality. The answer to this question has to come ‘from you only. If you study the later chapter ‘Effects and Defects’ you can easily find out what type of mistake has happened in the construction. Also which type of defect is present. All you have to do is to repeatedly read this chapter and make yourself familiar with the effect of mistakes. You can then apply it to buildings where inhabitants have similar problems and co-relate the defect. Such an analysis first of all will make the subject very interesting and the end result is more convincing. Nothing can substitute practical knowledge or experiences and therefore | have asked you to verify yourself. And | am sure you will get convinced of utility of Vaastu once you start verifying. It is not out of place to mention here that Vaastu is spreading it's wings even beyond India. His Holiness. Mahesh Yogi of transcendental meditation fame has embarked on a huge project to popularize Vaastu over the globe. His Holiness. Mahesh Yogi is proposing to spend 27 trillion dollars in the next couple of years to spread awareness of vaastu through out the globe. Maharshi believes that the science of vaastu knows no geographical barrier and is relevant to every country on earth. . Several American architects have built their client’s houses with Vaastu norms and have related their experiences about Vaastu. Americans living in houses built as per vaastu have enumerated their experiences of living in such houses and the salutary effect 10 the atmosphere had on their health and well being. Those who are interested may please visit the relevant web sites of Mahesh Yogi. Remember that application of Vaastu is very simple. If you are planning to build a new home, or industry involve a vaastu consultant in the planning stage itself. At this stage vaastu norms canbe easily incorporated with out affecting the architectural beauty or comforts. It neither adds to your costs. Thus adopting vaastu is a ‘everything to gain, nothing to lose’ proposition. Hence there is no reason why you should not take advantage of vaastu to enrich your life. Vaastu consultations for all types of problematic residential buildings, Apartments, business houses and industries are given by the author. Also vaastu consultation for all new constructions are offered. Please contract author for more details. (Bangalore - Tel;6718656 FAX; 6710259 Email; FHEEEEEES EEE EEE PEt Ett tet tt ttt 11 AN INTRODUCTION TO FENGSHUI (CHINESE VAASTU) CHAPTER 2 Fengshui is the Chinese art of creating a harmonious environment inside the structure. ‘Feng’ which is normally pronounced as ‘Foong’ means wind and ‘Shui’ which is normally pronounced as ‘Shway’ means water. Fengshui is said to have originated around 600 A.D. Some fengshui experts claim that the subject is more than 4000 years old. Although its birth place was China, fengshui is more popular in Hongkong, Singapore, Malaysia and Thailand. In the past few decades fengshui has also caught the interest of the West and today fengshui practitioners are offering their services in USA and Western Europe. According to fengshui every human being comes under the influence of three types of luck. One is called the heaven luck another is called the earth luck and the third is the luck created by him or self luck. The heaven luck decides the attributes and the family for which a baby is born. Thus being born either in rich or a poor family could only happen under the influence of heaven luck. Obviously a man has no control over heaven luck. However, by using fengshui it is possible to invigorate both earth luck and self-luck so that the shortcomings of heaven luck is compensated and the individual can enjoy a full and wholesome life. Thus fengshui is considered very important for enrichment of quality of life. ‘ Fengshui considers heaven and earth as the two important factors involved in creation. Heaven is male and earth is female. The interaction of heaven and earth gives raise to wind and water. Itis the wind and water which create Chi, the bio-force of universal life force. Heaven is referred as Yang and earth is referred as Yin and both are represented in the Yin Yang diagram as under: 12 FIGURE 1A As you can see from the diagram Yin contains a small part of Yang and Yang contains a small part of Yin showing that in nature there is no absolute male and absolute female energy. The diagram also shows that both Yin and Yang are present uniformly in nature They are distributed evenly in nature and they are always together. Yin and Yang are two complementary forms of energy like the positive and negative terminals of a battery and being together releases beneficial forces. The figure also shows that Yin follows Yang and Yang follows Yin, in a never ending cycle of Yin- movement. ad “in-Yang The interaction of Yin and Yang results in the formation of universal life force Chi. Yin and Yang have their own characteristics and every energy is a form of both Yin and Yang. Yang represents the dominating, male or active field of all energy like brightness, light sun, heat etc. where as Yin represents the female or docile part of energy field like cold, dark etc. Every thing that is perceptible in nature falls into the category of Yin and Yang and other elements are identified based on the type of energy it belongs to either Yin or ang. There is nothing in the universe that cannot be interpreted in terms of Yin and Yang. Every object and even every activity can be 13 interpreted in terms of Yin and Yang. Every situation can be interpreted in terms of Yin and Yang. The progress of a family or an industry or a construction activity can be interpreted in terms of Yin and Yang. If for example the construction of a building proceeds at a very fast pace but leads to heated arguments, fights during the construction, then the building is said to have too much of Yang energy. If the construction activity proceeds at a slow pace much behind the schedule, then it is said to have too much of Yin energy. If there is good balance of Yin and Yang the construction activity proceeds as per schedule with no cost over runs bringing happiness to both the builders and the owners. Even the health of a person is believed to be a matter of interaction of Yin and Yang. As long as the Yin and Yang are in balance in the human body, a person will be healthy. An imbalance in these two energy fields creates ill health. If the Yang energy is in excess, a person may suffer from diseases due to heat like inflammation, ulcers etc. If Yin energy is in excess, then he may suffer from diseases related to excessive cold like pneumonia, bronchitis etc. Food is again classified based on the Yin and Yang energy they possess. A balanced food has a proper mix of Yin and Yang in vegetables, fruits and cereals. An imbalance of Yin and Yang in the body can beset right by providing food which has the opposite type of energy. The concept of Chi is very important to understand fengshui. As stated earlier Chi is referred as the universal life force. It is the same energy which is Prana of Hindus and Tao of Physics or Bio- plasma or Bio-force of the West. Its reach is vast and complete. It engulfs the universe and all the activities that are carried out in the universe is said to be due to Chi. Chi creates, sustains and destroys. It is Chi which makes the seeds sprouts, which makes the plant flower, which makes the trees bear fruits. Itis Chi which makes an animal digest its food and helps it to gain strength. The sense organs can see, hear, smell or taste because of Chi. 14 It is Chi acting in the body which performs all activities both the physical and the mental activities of every man, animal and plant. However Chi has both constructive and destructive sides.. It is like two sides of a coin. It is the same Chi which changes from one form to the other. This concept is not very difficult to understand. Every form of energy can be beneficial or harmful. Take for example fire. It is needed to make life comfortable, to cook our food and heat water and hence itis a part and parcel of modern living. But at the same fire when uncontrolled turns destructive and every year millions of rupees and lives are lost due to fire accidents. The same analogy applies to every form of energy like electricity, gravitational force, light etc. Any energy can turn destructive when put to improper use. The case is no different when we deal with chi the life force. Good Chi brings all that one needs to live happily. Bad Chi destroys the individual. Chi is continuously created in the universe due to the interaction of Yin and Yang. However, on the periphery of the earth the exact geography decides the preference of Yin and Yang in that area. For example hills are Yang and valleys are Yin. Thus if it is a hilly area, Yang is more than Yin. Valleys represent Yin and in a topography if too many valleys are present then more Yin is said to be present. The content of Yin and Yang energy in nature keeps on changing. . During the day Yang energy is more and Yin is less whereas during night Yang is less and Yin is more. Depending upon the extent of imbalance the type of Chi that is generated could be either destructive or beneficial. Again based upon the various directions, the nature of Chi changes. Chi which comes from a particular direction has its own qualities 15 which are specific to that direction. If Chiis good from each direction it can bring in special benefits of that particular direction as under: North - Nourishing Chi South - Vigorous Chi East - Stimulating Chi West - Warming Chi Northeast - Flourishing Chi Northwest - Expansive Chi Southeast - Creative Chi Southwest - Soothing Chi However, if Yin and Yang are out of balance in that particular direction then the same Chi turns destructive and a destructive type of force can enter a building from that direction as under: North - depleting South - lifeless East - listless West - unpredictable Northeast - stagnant Northwest - strained relationships Southeast - destructive Southwest - restless If the Chi coming from a particular direction is good then it affects one parameter of their life to give the blessed gift of that direction. Chinese recognize eight needs to make life worth living. Each direction fulfills one need as under;- North - Career South - Health and Fame East - Family Relationship West - Children Northeast - Knowledge and Education 16 Northwest - Relationship and Helpful people Southeast - Prosperity Southwest - - Wealth and Marital Happiness The science of fengshui is therefore concerned with the selection of a proper landscape where plenty of beneficial Chiis generated. There are two basic fengshui. One is called as the Farm school and other Compass school. Other schools have developed from these schools of thought. Fengshui recognizes that if a building has good Chi coming from each direction then the inhabitants of the building will have health, wealth, longevity, prosperity, fame etc. Fengshui tries to achieve this firstly by selecting a landscape which generates plenty of Chi. Secondly by constructing a building in such a manner that the generated Chi enters the building in abundance and moves through the entire building in slow, coiling movements leaving residual Chi at every place. It is this stored up Chi which is required to bring health and happiness to the inhabitants. For generating plenty of Chi through the landscape, it should conform to certain guidelines as per fengshui. Here the concept of Farm school and Compass school are somewhat different. Chinese believe that the four directions north, south, east and west are ruled by four celestial animals, the dragon, tiger, turtle and the red phoenix respectively. Out of these four, dragon is the most important. It is represented by green color. If there is a hill that is covered by green vegetation and is healthy then it could represent a living dragon. Smooth, white hills denote the presence of tiger. Black, high raising hills which are convex in shape at the top represent turtle. While the Farm school decides the presence of the celestial animals by form of in a particular landscape irrespective of the direction, the Compass school specifies a direction to each celestial animals to you to analyze a landscape. Based upon Farm school then looking from inside out you should 17 look for the white tiger hills on your right, the dragon hills on the left and the turtle mountain at the back. As per Compass school, the dragon should be in east, the tiger in west and the turtle mountains should be in the north. South is the place of the red phoenix and a smail stream here with a mound for the bird to rest is believed to enhance the Chi benefits. A plot which is in between is supposed to be a very ideal plot. The tiger and the dragon represents Yin and Yang and are to be present in the landscape in the formation of a celestial embrace with its tail parts touching each other. The turtle mountains represent a protective force. Towards the south is the plain land which leads to the plot. The combination of tiger, dragon and the FIGURE 1(b) turtle should be in the form of horse shoe or an arm chair for best benefits. See the following figure. 18 FIGURE 1(c) aa The above figure shows the presence of Celestial animals in a good fengshui plot. If the animals are present the actual piot with the hills representing the animals should be as under:- poor FIGURE 1(d) SON. Ny WwW HRERIERRRERK RRR REE RII III IE ITO ISI IAI IAI ITI ASA IAS AA IA 19 FENGSHUI FOR RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS CHAPTER 3 While the iandscape can ensure liberation of Chi unless the buildings are designed to make best use of Chi, the inhabitants cannot derive any benefits. Hence the second important thing to look into is the construction of a building. Fengshui recommends a plot which is square or rectangle with no corner missing or extending. The building also should be square or rectangle in shape and no corners should be missing. Doors and windows as well as interiors should be so planned that plenty of Chi enters from the main door and circulates slowly in coiling movements. Each room should be completely balanced with equal amount of Yin and Yang energy to create a harmonious atmosphere inside. If a particular room gets too much Yang energy then Yin material like dark curtains, dark colors and the like should be used to achieve the balance. ff a particular room has too much Yin energy then: Yang material like bright lights, curtains are used to achieve the balance. Each room lies in a specific direction and if the room has an energy balance of Yin and Yang, then a proper Chi which gives the benefits related to that direction will enrich each room and the inhabitants will be benefited by the presence of that particular Chi. Fengshui moves a step further sticking a personal note for maximum utilization of fengshui benefits. It classifies every matter, man, animal to a particular element. According to fengshui there are five elements which are;- earth, water, wood, fire and metal. All elements are engaged in either a constructive or destructive cycle at any point of time. In the constructive cycle, Fire produces Earth; Earth produces Metal: Metal makes Water; Water produces Wood; Wood is converted to Fire. 20 Similarly in the destructive cycle: Wood destroys Earth; Earth destroys Water; Water destroys Fire; Fire destroys Metal; Metal destroys Wood. Every man has the characteristic of one element depending on which year he is born. The Chinese calendar is different from English calendar. The Chinese calendar gives each year one element and a person belonging to that particular year will be his ruling element in his life. They have to associate with that element, surround themselves with objects that represent that element, associate with people who have the same element as common, choose partners in tife of business with the same element in common. If a person is born between 23rd Jan 1974 and 10th Feb 197 then he is said to belong to wood year. Therefore he should have a life partner who also belongs to wood year. His business partners should belong to wood year. As far as possible he should associate with people who belong to wood year. He should surround with elements which encourages wood. For example wood comes out of water. Therefore water element is said to be supporting factor and friendly to this individual. Hence a swimming pool ora pond can do wonders for his career. Similarly a fountain, aquariums are all highly recommended. On the same reasoning he should avoid association with people who represent a different element which destroys wood. For example metal destroys wood. Therefore he should not have metallic items like idols, figures, cannons, swords etc in his room. He should avoid metallic furniture and not associate with people who represent this element and so on. Those who are interested in application of fengshui at a personal level may go through the same authors book FENGSHUI FOR HEALTH & HAPPINESS. 21 As you go deeper into fengshui, you find the application becoming more complex. For example in the landscape as per fengshui, each celestial animal represents an element. Thus you may see @ mountain in north but again all mountains are grouped so that they fall under one of the five elements. The grouping of the mountains is done by looking at the shape of the mountain. Thus fire mountains are conical in shape, metal mountains look more like lumps, wood mountains have an uniform stem and flat top, water mountains have a wavy top and earth mountains have a plateau ontop. Only if the element of the celestial animals are the same as your element, the landscape suits you. Even if the formation of celestial animals is as per fengshui in a particular plot, if the elements of the celestial animais differs from yours then this particular plot is not for you although it may be ideal for another person belonging to the same element. So you have to choose a landscape where in the celestial animals are present which are identical to your element. Fengshui believes that to get best benefits, landscape and structure should astrologically harmonize with the individual. Every individual Is given a Kua number. The Kua number is worked out based on the year of birth as per the Chinese calendar. The method of working the Kua number is different for ales and females. The Kua number gives all the information you want to apply fengshui for maximum benefits. It tells you your success direction and the group to which you belong. The kua numbers are 1,2,3,4,6,7,8 and 9. There is no Kua No.5. if you end up with 5 after the caicuiating the Kua number, then you - should refer 2 in case of males and 8 in case of females. Depending upon your Kua number, your group is assigned. If you have an odd number like 1,3,4 and 9 you are west group person with Yang as a predominant factor. If your Kua numbers are 2,7,6 and 8 then you are east group person with Yin as the ruling element. Out of the eight compass directions, if you are a west group person then you will have one direction out ot the eight as your successtul 22 direction depending upon your Kua number. Another three directions are your friendly directions. The remaining four directions which belong to the east group are very harmful directions. Let me clarify the point with the example. Let us say the person has Kua No.3. Then his most successful direction is south, his favorable directions are north, southeast and east. Unfavorable directions are the remaining four. Your success direction indicates the direction that is best suited to you. You should also take advantage of this direction by facing this direction while studying, sleeping, dinning, while carrying out important activity, meetings, negotiations etc. To enhance the prospects of your success direction you should look for a partner either in life or business who has the same success direction as you. If this is not possible the next alternative is to choose a person atleast belonging to your group. Fengshui advises that in no circumstances you should associate yourself with a person of other group. Fengshui feels that as life of an individual unfolds in several stages at each stage the requirements ot a particular individual are different. When young, he aspires for academic advancement. If studies are complete, he looks for job prospects and if he has settled down in a job, he looks up at the career ladder along with this, he looks at his family and children. The career ladder should take an upward swing to bring name and fame. The eight directions stand to bestow hese gifis on each individuai. if you know your Kua number, then for example you can know where your family direciion iie, in which direction your money maiiers iie and so on. To attain that particular ambition which is most critical in a specific stage of life you have to stimulate that sector in your house or office. The stimulation is achieved by cures and gadgets. There are two aspects of stimulation. One is blocking the negative factor in that area which is disrupting positive Chi. The destructive form of Chi 1s called ‘Shachi’. Shachi is the worst enemy you can have. Ititis 23 present in your family happiness sector, then you are bound to have no happy family life. So the first thing to take care of is to destroy Shachi. A careful analysis is done to identify the source of Shachi. Shachi can also be liberated when there is imbalance of Yin and Yang. This imbalance is first identified and corrected. Any outside object used to destroy Shachi is a cure. Most popular cures in fengshui are plants, mirrors, colors etc. An item which is used as a stimulator is called as a cure and we have several of them like wind chimes, crystals, statues etc. The identification of the relevant sector that is to be energized ina particular case depends on the individual's element and Kua number. There are schools which are based on the analysis of the compass directions. Some others take south as reference. Some others use the back door as reference and some take the front door as reference. In all these cases the first identification is made for prosperity direction which is different for every individual. Depending upon the school which you like to follow, you can identify the sector which has to be energized and put energizers there. As stated earlier Fengshui originated in China. It is easy to see that keeping the natural geographical advantages in prevailing in China, Fengshui came into vogue in China. Most parts of China get desert storms from north moving towards south. Every one knows that a desert storm is a fussy affair and makes life miserable. A mountain on the north side is a protection from this destructive force. Protected by these types of destructions, vegetation of the eastern mountain can develop and flourish. Hills on west can provide protection from scorching heat of after noon sun and encourage flow of cool winds. These landscapes appear to be ideal if one were to consider the prevailing natural conditions in China. 24 PUZZLES IN FENGSHUI As stated earlier fengshui stipulates a landscape which is hard to find in practice. No doubt the picture of landscape has scenic beauty but then how many such plots can we really find? It is almost impossible to have such plots in sizeable numbers in any country for that matter. It is also not clear whether the armchair configuration is recommended for one plot for building a single house or a block of houses can be built in the landscape. If the landscape is restricted for exploitation by a single house then its practical utility as a common tool which becomes very limited. On the other hand, if a number of houses are to be placed in a plot, then each house has to be viewed with reference to what lies on the front, sides and back of that particular house and not with reference to the surrounding mountains as the surrounding landscape of every house will be different. Modern fengshui suggests that while applying these in cities, buildings are to be equated to the mountains and roads have to be equated to rivers. This again appears to be too much of a dilution. A building is a man made structure with regular contours and so is aroad. Equating road to river or solid surface to water does not appear to be correct. Fengshui rejects plain land and mountain tops as poor in Chi. But plain lands are the ones which are found in the world where human habitation in large numbers have settled down. Actually plain lands make more sense for human settlement. They are suitable for agriculture, laying roads, transportation facilities and economics in providing facilities. It cannot be said with any amount of truth that such human settlement or in any way at a disadvantage. One has to concede that interaction of two types of forces always take place in nature everywhere and couid also be the case inside a building. Probably one can also accept that a specific environment is created in every 25 of the people are sensitive to the subtle atmosphere inside the building. This atmosphere can affect us in more ways than one which is also generally accepted. Creative conducive atmosphere which is relaxing therefore appears to be possible and worth looking into. The bad effect that people are facing in their personal lives by staying in wrong buildings is also to be acknowledged. Each one has his own strengths and shortcomings, likes and dislikes, ability and weakness etc. In a proper environment his abilities can become assets and he can make use of them to his best advantage. Similarly each one goes through life with different ambitions taking priority at different stages of life. A helpful force to attain a particular desire is always welcome. If you are swimming them swimming with the tide is far easier than swimming against it. Although in the latter case you can make progress the effort put in is disproportionately large. Fengshui feels that all our efforts. can be reinforced with the natural tide current available inside the structure to make our efforts more fruitful. Thus, while the landscapes are of little practical use for everyone, anyone can try to take advantage of fengshui to the extent possible by working on the energizing factors in his particular case. One has to conclude that fengshui which was formulated thousands of years back has little to offer which is important for the modern man or the modern house as far as iandscapes are concerned. The theory of iengshui that Chi can be changed and every iitiie thing improves like placement of furniture, the shape of your table or even an ugly looking door handle can only make life very complex. Not every body has the time, patience or inclination to see every object, its shape and analyze its effects. If life is so sensitive that these little things matter to such a great extent, then living itself could become a highly complex experience. Identifying individual to each element can add to the already complex subject. Normally, one does not have so many choices while selecting a partner or a 26 friend. Thus what we need is not an individual specific to the subject but considering the pace of life and limitation of time, we have to look at a subject which has global applications and which has features common to all. Standardization always brings best benefit to man kind. While keeping a shoe stitched to one’s foot size is certainly the ideal solution, if this has to be adopted on a global scale then many will have to do without footwear as we cannot have so many cobblers. By standardizing on a few sizes it has become possible to equip the entire humanity with footwear. Thus standardization is essential if we are looking for something to encompass the globe. The factor that the sizes of footwear can be standardized to few categories and it was the individual who made the adjustment to the specific size helped a utility to become universal. It is the same when you take the case of clothing or food. We all have adjusted to one of the choices that are offered without insisting for a tailor made solution., Fengshui is like a tailor made shoe since it gets down to the individual level and dictates what is good tor him and him alone. This solution is not tor others, obviously. We have to look for an alternative which has a wider approach and can ensure a healthy and happy atmosphere inside the building irrespective of the attributes of the individual or the qualities of the occupants. It is exactly here that the science of Vaastu scores over fengshui. In Vaastu,the individual is not taken into consideration. it is tne structure which is of primary importance. Vaastu holds that if the structure conforms to the guide lines of vaastu irrespeciive of the iraits of the occupanis every one wiii blossom in that structure. The building is designed for every one and it assures happiness for all the inhabitants. This is not to say fengshui has nothing to offer. On the other hand the energizing techniques is a unique contribution of fengshui and opens the deor for handling defective buildings where structural corrections cannot be carried out for one reason or other. The gadgets themselves are inexpensive and can be used tor an 27 indefinite length of time. Many have benefited by using these gadgets although it is quite difficult to explain how actually they work. But what is more important is that they ‘work’, This happens in other areas as well. Take for example Acupuncture another Chinese gift to mankind. Even today no scientific explanation is available as to how acupuncture works. But all over the world acupuncture is accepted and is employed to treat a host of diseases because it works. Same is the case with fengshui cures. Hence it is important to know how we can employ gadgets to cure vaastu defects which forms the subject of the next chapter. TERE EEE EEE EEE 28 OVERCOMING VAASTU DEFECTS BY USING FENGSHUI GADGETS CHAPTER - 4 In this Chapter we shall discuss how fengshui cures.can be employed to stimulate the environment inside a structure. | may mention here that fengshui cures can be employed in two ways. One way is to apply them from individual point of view. Here if a person is looking for improvement in business then the cures are employed in the business premises. If he is an executive in a large organization looking for career advancement Then the cures are employed in his office room. If he is looking for improvement in martial relationship then they are installed in the bed room and so on. In otherwords here the individual and what he desires most at that particular phase of his life are the guiding factors while placing the cures. | have dealt in detail about this method in my book FENGSHUI FOR HEALTH AND HAPPINESS. Please go through the same for full details. The same fengshui cures can also be employed for energizing various sectors of a house or apartment without bringing the individual in the picture. This procedure is ideal for homes and apartments where a family lives and the progress of all family members is desired. The gadgets which are now available in a kit form consists of ten cures and is found to be sufficient to fully stimulate the environment in individual houses or apartments. If your house or apartment is against vaastu them it is worth while trying the fengshui cures. First have a plan of your house or apartment. Look at the general shape of the plan. If it is a rectangle or a square then you can proceed further to install the cures. 29 lf a corner is missing then a correction is called for. To find the missing corner divide the plan to nine equal parts as shown below. North | North | North West East South | South | South West East FIGURE 1(e) ; Placing the plan in this nine square matrix you can determine which area of your house or apartment comes under the influence of a particular sector. Ideally no corner should be missing in a house or apartment. But some times it is the case with houses and more so in case of an apartment. There is however no need to lose heart. All you have to do is to locate the missing corner. The defect Can be overcome by using mirrors. Let us take an example. In the following example you find that the northeast corner is missing. To reestablish the corner install two full length mirrors at the places show. As you can see this gives an illusion of a northeast which is present. North | North West “West East South } South | South West East Any missing corner defect can be rectified by this method. However make sure that the mirrors are installed properly. Firstly a mirror used for this purpose should be of high quality without any distortions. Secondly you need a mirror which is of shoulder width FIGURE 1(f) 30 and at least six feet in length. Two such mirrors are required. The mirror should be permanently fixed on the walls. In the above case one mirror should be placed on the north wall and another on the east. The bottom line of the mirror should rest on the floor. Use always a single length. In other words you should not use more than one mirror to make up for the length. In the rare case when you have more than one corner missing the same procedure is to be followed for the other missing corner also. There is yet another possibility. You can have a building where a central direction sector is fully or partly missing. See the following figure. 9 North | North . West South | South} — South FIGURE 1(g)|_West East You find that the North sector is missing in the building. In this case install a mirror of the same description as above at the point shown. This in effect restores the cut portion. Once you have made sure that all sectors and corners are present, you can proceed to install the gadgets. Fengshui kits consists of various items. Let us learn more about them-what are they-and what benefit they can give. 1.PAKUA MIRROR A pakua mirror is used to ward off wrong vibrations entering a building mostly through the main door. The wrong or harmful Chi will be emanating from a distant point due to secret arrows. It may 31 be an ugly looking tree in front of your house or the roof line of the opposite building or the cross of a church or a temple tower. it may not always be possible to locate their origin. Secret arrows can get formed at great distances and the house can still be receiving bad Chi although you may not find any source of secret arrows in front or at the back of your building. It is therefore always safe to install a pakua mirror on the front door. If you have a back door to the house then it is advisable to have one more pakua mirror installed over it so that both doors are safe. FIGURE of Pakua Mirror 1(h) A pakua mirror consists of a round convex mirror mounted at the center of an Octagonal shaped pakua. In the pakua all sectors are represented with their respective colors and symbols. The octagonal plate is made out of high grade plastic to withstand out door use. A pakua mirror is to be installed outside only. It should never be used inside a building. Locate a place which is above the center point of the main door frame (or back door as the case may be) and roof line. Ideally it should be placed at equi distance from the roof line and door frame. Hang the pakua mirror With the help of the back hook provided after inserting a nail to the wall. 32 Hang the pakua mirror with the help of the back hook provided after inserting a nail to the wall. MANDARIN DOVES The doves are made out of high quality wood and conform to the stipulated guide lines of Fengshui masters. The pair consists of male and female. They should always be kept together one by the side of the other not one facing the other. ~ Al SSS 7a Sere OOO FIGURE 1 (i) The figure of mandarin doves is given above The ideal place to keep the mandarin doves is the South west master bed room. The exact location is unimportant. What is more important is that it should be placed at such a place then you can look at it while lying on the bed. They should be easily seen while entering the room or while leaving it. This cure is intended to improve the relationship between husband and wife and make life more harmonious. They are also recommended to be placed in the room of a spinster or bachelor on the look out for a suitable life partner. It is believed by Fengshui experts that marriage does take place in a short span if the doves are placed in the room of the needy. 33 CRYSTAL Natural quartz crystals are energy enhancers. The crystal which is cut at different angles to reflect light all round energizes an area. VA iP FIGURE 1 (i) ; Ideally it should be hung in the Northwest conrner of the building or in the Northwest room. It helps to improve relationships between the family members. It also brings in helpful people to your life. It improves money matters and brings good luck. PROSPERITY STATUE Chinese attach lot of importance to symbols and figures. They believe every object is a potent and vibrations will be coming out from the object. Depending upon what the object stands for the vibrations may be good or bad. Thus objects which stand for violence like swords, guns, cannons always release negative vibrations and are best avoided in the interiors. Fengshui attaches great importance to statues that release helpful vibrations. One such very popular cure which is extensively used in Fengshui is the prosperity statue. The statue is that of a happy, smiling, well fed man carrying a bag of riches. FIGURE 1(k) The statue is to be kept behind you in the office above head level so that any Visitor who calls you for business purposes can look at the statue easily. The statue is believed to release positive vibrations which go a long way in making the mind of the customer more receptive to your proposals. In the house it should be so placed that when you open the main door you should be able to see it. Find a place or a show case opposite the main door where the statue can occupy a prominent place. WIND CHIMES The figure of the wind chime is given below; FIGURE 1(L) Wind chime is one of the most frequently employed powerful cure. Itis made out of very high quality brass tubes and powder coated to give lasting life free from corrosion. It is hand crafted to great precision so that the chiming goes on even when very less breeze is present. 35 While installing the wind chime look for a place in your house or apartment where natural breeze enters all the time from a window. Again it will be best if the wind chime is installed as near the center of the house as possible so that the chiming sound is heard in every corner of the house. This is one way to make sure that the vibrations are indeed reaching and filling the entire building. A wind chime is believed to neutralize the negative energy and stimulate good Chi. Surprisingly the belief of Hindus in this matter is identical to that of Chinese. Normally in every Hindu temple bells are installed and frequently sounded as you are well aware. All Hindu homes also have small pooja rooms in their dwellings where . the bell is an integral part. ‘While performing any pooja the bell is sounded with the following mantra. ‘Ghanta Nadam Kritva’ (I am going to sound the bell so that—) ‘Agamartantu Devaanam’ (Divine forces enter—) ‘Gamanartantu Rakshasam’ (Devilish forces leave—) ‘Kuru ghantaravam tatava” (By doing the sounding of the bell— ) “Devata Ahwana lanchanam’ (I am inviting the Gods) _ Thus use of the bell is associated from the olden days to create a . positive atmosphere. The advantage of a wind chime is that it is operational all twenty four hours and can ensure an 4tmosphere free from negative forces. CELESTIAL ANIMALS There are four celestial animals, one for each direction. ANIMAL COLOR RULING DIRECTION Dragon Green East Tiger White West Phoenix Red South Turtle Black North FIGURE 1(m) The vibrations from any or all directions can be weak due to defects present in that direction or directions. Fengshui holds that the directional attributes of every celestial animal can be restored inside the building by hanging the figures of celestial animals. The celestial animal replicas are made in the stipulated colors on wooden plates. The plates are provided with a self adhesive sticker for easy fixing. Ideally they are installed in the drawing hall where all family 37 members assemble and most of the time is spent together. Mark the center line of each wall with the help of a measuring tape. On the center line select a point which is about 7 feet from the ground. Repeat the procedure on other walls. Now peel off the protective paper on the adhesive and stick the wooden plate at the point marked. Please note that the dragon should be mounted on the East wall, the tiger on the West, Red Phoenix on South and Turtle on the North wall. Leave it in place. Once you have installed make sure that the dragon and the tiger are in one line. While sticking the figure ensure that the dragon’s tail is towards north and so is the case with tiger. DOOR PAKUA (Small) There are two door pakuas in the kit. One is smaller than the other. A pakua is similar in all respects to the pakua mirror the oniy difference being that in the center there is no mirror but the mirror is replaced with a YIN-YANG symbol. Tha door pakua comes with a red thread for easy hanging. The small pakua is to be hung on the door frame of the master bed room. If you are using it in an office then it should be hung on the door frame of your office cabin. A pakua is believed to prevent wrong vibrations entering the room and also prevents the good vibrations leaving the room. MAIN DOOR PAKUA Fig (n) This is of a bigger size compared to the room pakuaa. It should be hung on the door frame of the main door. You need not put it exactly at the center if this comes in the way of entry. It can be suitably moved to a side. SMALL PYRAMID Although pyramids are not a part of Fengshui, it is a well known fact that they are liberators of positive energy. As we all know energy can neither be created nor destroyed. Kept in any negative atmosphere a pyramid converts the negative vibrations to positive ones and hence are a very helpful cure. FIGURE (0) The small pyramid supplied with the kit is meant to be kept in a cash box to enhance luck in money matters. Busy executives who use their cars for business purposes will do well to keep a small pyramid in the glove conipartment of the vehicle. Figure (p) 9 INCH PYRAMID 39 This is similar to the small pyramid in construction. It is to be kept on the Northeast-Southwest line to ensure unhindered flow of energy from northeast to southwest. Keep the pyramid on a stool or cup board after aligning it with the help of the compass supplied with the kit. The alignment should be such that the face marked North should face North direction. Use of all the items as explained above can stimulate the entire energy field inside'a building and helps overcome the ill effects of poor vaastu. PLACING ORDER FOR THE KIT; You can ordera kit containing all the above items for Rs.2750=00 Including packing and postage by Registered Post Parcel. Amount can be sent either by Money Order or by DD drawn in favour of the author. SHH GEOPATHIC STRESS CHAPTERS Geopathy is a Greek word where ‘Geo’ means ‘Earth’ and ‘pathos’ means ‘disease’. In other words it is the ill health of the earth or the ill effects of the energy which emanates from the earth at certain sites. Recent advances and research carried out in various parts of the world have resulted in identifying geopahic stress which can result in the creation of harmful amosphere ina building. The sick buildings syndrome which is also recognized by the World Health Organisation points to the fct that illness can be due to working or staying in a sick building. Initially, it was thought that inadequate ventilation and improper air conditioning as well as poor air quality were responsible for illness - of the staff. But even after rectification of all these defects the problem in all sick buildings have not disappeared. The view is slowly gaining of around the geopathic stresses could be one of the factors resulting in imbalance in the energy field. Geopathic stress has been accepted as a possible phenomenon and it has been acknowledged by several western thinkers that electromagnetic spectrum with the frequency of the earth waves can resonate which in turn can affect certain energy fields inside a structure which have a bearing on health and happiness of an _ individual. The western thinkers also believe that some other types of harmful radiations can pervade the building and can cause many unexplained diseases including Cancer. The work on geopathic stress was first started in 1920 by Winner 41 and Melser in Germany. A link between cancer and geopathic zones was established by a study conducted on thousands of inhabitants. Several scientists have taken study of geopathic stress in Germany and France. Geopathic stress or the earth energy is believed to come from several sources like the earth's magnetic field radiation faces created due to movement of plates inside earth, faces due to flow of underground streams and so on. It can occur in any building irrespective of its use. Itis believed it can affect plants and animals also. Similarly, modernization which has brought in tremendous amount of electromagnetic spectrum in the form of microwaves and other electronic transfer mediums have contributed to geopathic stress. It was Dr. Manfed Curry who first hypothesized that there is a grid network of electrically charged lines of natural origin which encompasses the globe. These lines are flowing from northeast to southwest and southeast to northwest at approximately 3 meters distance. Curry hypothesised that where the lines cross, there is a double positive or a double negative which can disturb the balance ina human body. The studies of Dr Curry show that people who slept on positively charged ports got cancer and those who slept on negatively charged ports got inflammatory diseases. Dr Curry recommended that for best health one should sleep within the grid. Dr Hartman of Germany discovered another kind of flow of energy lines which were running from north to south and east to west. These are called as the Hartman lines and again the study show that intersection points are dangerous for human health. 42 NW x NE x sw SE FIGURE 1(q) CURRY GRID; Energy waves in Northeast-southwest Directions N + - +- WwW E s FIGURE 1(r) HARTMAN GRID; Energy rays on North-South and East-West lines The super imposing of Hartman lines on the Curry lines leads to a plethora of possible errors of lines cris-crossing each other and are capable of creating ports which are potentially more powerful than those that arise from the intersection of two lines in any one of the grids. Geopathic stress always accepts that apart from the Curry and Hartman lines, spirals of energy can be emanating from a single point of the earth’s periphery or from inside a building which are popularly called evolving sperm. An inwarded Spiral 43 can form when an energy from outside gets concentrated like for example while entering a narrow passage from a road which in turn leads to an open area. This makes the energy enter the building in a spiral form. Spirals are supposed to occur in pairs and a spiral when suspected can be corrected by using copper tube pyramids. ‘ Geopathic practitioners also believe that it is possible for negative energy to exist as a cloud and inadvertently it can move into a building where it is trapped. It is believed to be 10 ft wider and most of the geopathic clouds are formed when a structure is built in a wrong manner. You should suspect a cloud formation inside your structure if there are frequent accidents either in the bathroom or on the staircases. Shumann Waves These were discovered by professor Shumann in 1952. These waves have the same frequency as the brain waves and it is believed that these waves which occur on the surface of the earth and oscillate between the earth and the ionosphere regulate the human body mechanism. The importance of these waves have been recognized by Nasa also. Now all manned space crafts carry Schumann Wave generators as these waves are not present In outer space to protect the health of astronauts. FIGURE 1(s) Ley Lines: Ley lines are formed when stone like structures lie in a line. Any 44 building contains stones which have been cut, hammered, dressed etc In this sort of handling, the stone gets charged and the structure becomes an energy centre. This energy is believed to radiate even upto 25 miles. When several structures like this are placed in a line they can form a strong energy centre with energy circulating in straight lines from one structure to other. These are called as ley lines. Ley lines can be effectively used to block negative inference entering the building when such phenomena is suspected. On the same token dressed stone structures should never be used for dwelling purposes. A survey has revealed that who people live in dressed stones structures probably expose themselves to a wrong energy field and they suffer from ill health and ill luck. Dressed stones give negative energy and it is best to avoid them in construction. This does not apply to facade stones. This also does not apply to foundation stones as they lay buried under the earth. Secondly they are rough cut stones which are not dressed. The above various types of subtle energy fields which exist can influence the functioning of an organism due to the vibrations it causes. As basically the human body is electrical in nature, and as the energy fields mentioned above are electro-magnetic radiations it is reasonable to suppose that the effect propagates the organism. However, nature builds a certain amount of immunity against these energy fields just like every human being enjoys certain amount of immunity from bacteria’s and viruses. However, if the immunity system is weak then the geopathic stresses can cause illnesses and can be responsible from simple fatigue to cancer. 45 Thus we may have to examine a building where inhabitants are distressed from various angles to arrive at a conclusion.. The first factor to analyze is from the point of your vaastu. Some people are under the impression that vaastu is basically the science of designing structures in accordance with the local environment. They go so far as-to say that the whole subject was designed keeping the prevailing wind conditions in India to take advantage of the rain and wind directions. This type of approach is short-sighted and any way has no relevance in modern homes where control of temperature or lighting can all be achieved artificially and equally effectively. As we all know in developed countries like USA all buildings are air- conditioned with closed and sealed windows and temperature is maintained at a uniform level round the year. What is important is to recognize that lighting and air circulation are important factors but vaastu is much more than this. Unless one has an exposure to subtle energy fields and their effects, it will be impossible to appreciate vaastu. To a certain extent we have to club fengshui and vaastu because fengshui is gadget oriented and where vaastu cannot be incorporated due to one reason or the other fengshui can help. It is quite possible that after exhausting all the tools provided in vaastu and fengshui, the building continues to cause problems and here we have to check for the geopathic stress. Unfortunately there are no instruments to measure the geopathic stress and one has to depend on dowsing to locate points of problems. Sometimes geopathic stress o solutions can be different and devices other than fengshui devices may have to be employed. 46 1, When to suspect geopathic stress in a structure? a. If there is palpitation or increase in the pulse rate after spending some time in a building and if the pulse rate returns to normal once the person moves away from the building. b. A damp smell coming from any part of the building without any evidence of dampness. c. If any part of the floor feels cold compared with the rest of the building. d. If cats frequent the building or come to stay there. e. If bees come and start a hive f. If ants or termites make a home g. A dog barking at night with no apparant reason looking in a particular at South or Southwest. h. Frequent accidents in a particular bathroom, stairs etc. Even if the accidents takes place in different rooms which is uncommon , you have to suspect geopathic stress clouds in the premises. Do not forget that a lingering geopathic stress can be the cause of an accident outside the building. The stress clouds are locked negatively charged energy fields. They may lock themselves in a particular point like in a bathroom or over the stairs. They may also be floating round in a circle inside a building but never leaving it. In this case they can bring disease and affect one family member or the other. You can suspect a stress cloud if one misfortune befalls another or one member after another is affected in a house hold. How are stress clouds created? There could be several reasons. Commonly they are created by constructing a building by loading positive zones like the northeast sector first and trying to advance towards the southwest. In this 47 case, the weakened northeast sector allows negative energy to dominate the building. Subsequently, closure of this building by the construction in south and west areas locks up the excessive negative energy and creates a cloud. You will notice a lock of this energy field in two stages. Firstly the construction will get delayed, there will be cost over runs and strained relationships between the builders and the owners. Sometimes there will be accidents of working personnnel also. However, there is another possibility of a negative cloud forming inside a structure. In this case a family could have lived in the structure for a number of years without any problem. The second person who occupies this structure could have the effect of the negative cloud if the earlier family had a member who was very much attached to the house and who reluctantly left it. This normally happens in case of distress sale of residential or commercial building where the owner has developed sentimental feelings for the building. The same phenomenon could also surface where an older person suffers in humiliation and dies. Note that geopathic clouds are not created when there is a suicide or voilent death. !t needs a continuous release of negative thought forms to form a cloud which can take several months to years. The best way to handle the geopathic stress created causing problems due to locked up negative field from these is to have a copper frame pyramids which can create a higher positive energy field inside and neutralize the negative cloud. This is a very effective and safe measure and an inexpensive one too. AHHAAAH IIIA IRIAN SIEVE IA AAISIVIAIID IIR SIT IITA AAA IAAI IAIN PYRAMIDS AS DISTORTION ABSORBERS: CHAPTER 6 Pyramids have been found to be very powerful devices which release energy. Interpreting in the fengshui language the apex of the pyramid releases Yang whereas the base of the pyramid releases Yin. The interaction of Yang and Yin inside the pyramid takes place at 1/3rd the height from the base which releases good Chi or prana or healthy power. Putting in a different language we can say that the apex of the pyramid releases hot, male, positive type of energy whereas the bottom releases cool, female, negative part of the energy. The energy is liberated with the input energy which strikes the pyramid on all four directions. The Yin and Yang also combine at the centroid of the pyramid to liberate pranic energy or Chi. There is nothing like a man size pyramid to carry out experiments. One advantage of having a pyramid is that even if you are ina defective building with negative features on health aspects, keeping a man size pyramid can restore the balance in the human body thus throwing a protective shield from any illness. However, all these days it was not possible to have a man size pyramid because of the difficulty in getting trained artisans, the prohibitive cost of construction and maintenance. Extensive experiment carried out abroad has now established that it is not necessary to have four sides of the pyramid to generate pyramid energy. Framed pyramids where the faces are replaced with a base frame and a side frame fitted inside it with a regular peak pyramid on the top generates the same field and produces the same effect as does a pyramid with solid faces. 49 Figure (t) of Frame Pyramid This exciting discovery has resulted in people all over the world adopting for the frame pyramid in place of the conventional one. In the United States several firms are manufacturing pyramids. Those who are interested in this can see on the internet web site www.pyramid and www. Spectra The advantages of the frame pyramids over the conventional ones are several. Some are: 1. A solid faced pyramid is very expensive and a meditating pyramid costs more than Rs.15,000/- On the other hand a man size frame pyramids costs just 20% of this amount. 2. No space need to be permanently reserved for frame pyramid. A frame pyramid ca7 be assembled and dismantled in seconds. Hence, whenever you wish to use and where space is at a premium as in the case of apartments or small houses frame pyramids can be assembled, used and dismantled. When dismantled it just occupies a very small place and can be easily kept under a cot. 3. No maintenance is required even when used out doors. 4. Some people when they sit inside a solid face pyramid suffer from claustrophobia (fear of closed places which prevents them 50 this is an ideal solution since all sides are open. 5. The same pyramid can be used by all persons young or old, big or small. This pyramid is manufactured by us from very high quality copper rods and are gold finished to prevent all negative distortions from entering the pyramid area. A gold coloured pyramid is supplied to get a perfect apex and over the peak pyramid a high quality quartz crystal is mounted to disperse the Yang energy throughout the area. When erected the pyramid occupies 2metres/2metres center place with a head room of around 4 feet. You can comfortably sit under the apex inside the pyramid and enjoy the wonderful atmosphere liberated inside. One can also sleep inside the pyramid in case of problems connected with glandular disorders. Effects of sitting inside pyramids: Please note that it is not necessary to do any meditation inside the pyramid. If you like meditation then it is a good idea. But if you do not have belief in such things no harm is done. You can sit inside the pyramid and read magazine or newspaper or listen to music or whatever interests you. Always align the pyramid so that one side of the frame faces north. Automatically, the rest of the faces will get aligned in the other three directions. To get the best benefit of the pyramid do not switch on a TV so that there is no secondary source of energy. Benefits: 1. It increases one’s ability to visualize and act. 2. It releases alpha waves so that the person becomes more relaxed. 51 3. One feels more energetic after spending some time regularly in a pyramid. 4. Less sleep is required to get more refreshed. 5. Water treated inside the pyramids can be fed to the plants to make them grow better. 6. Although you are sitting inside a open pyramid you will find that mosquitoes do not enter and even if they enter they will not bite. Similarly cockroaches and lizards do not enter the area. 7. A pyramid creates a powerful energy fields inside which neutralizes distortions and converts to good Chi. Thus a pyramid acts as a protective device for a troubled house. Ordering Information; PYRAMIDS The cost of the Pyramid hand made by us is Rs.4000/- including postage and lorry freight.Send DD in the name of author. END 52 VAASTU ENERGY FIELDS In the Science of Feng-shui the Chinese refer to the force on the earth surface as "DRAGON CURRENT". Accord- ing to the Oxford dictionary the dragon is described as under: “A fabulous winged serpent with crested head and enormous claws regarded as very powerful and ferocious. It is used in the scriptures to mean the satan or the devil”. The description of ‘Vaastu Being’ as a ‘DEMON’ who resides in every plot and frightful looking comes very near the description of the dragon. 53 CHAPTER - 7 We have now learnt that Vaastu is basically the charac- teristics of a building or a structure. As stated earlier we live in and are surrounded by energy fields of various types. On an open ground these forces or energy fields operate freely and as it happens in the case of any energy field there is an equilibrium. When a structure is placed in this field the equilibrium is affected and is to be restored. When this is achieved in a proper manner a harmonious flow of energy is present in the building. This harmony affects the inmates by making their lives harmonious which means a trouble free happy life. Adefective construction obstructs these forces which results in a distorted field inside the building. This distortion is responsible for all the misfortunes and misery of the inmates. Vaastu is a science because its effects ina Vaastu defective structure can be easily verified. There are any number of houses where various types of tragedies have taken place. An open minded verification will convince any one that Vaastu works on set rules and the effects never vary. Extensive experiments carried out on the Pyramid models have shown beyond doubt that a distinct energy field exists inside the four walls of a pyramid. The term Pyramid means ‘fire at the centre’ or energy at the centre. For a detailed study on the results of these experiments the reader can refer the book ’The Secret Power Of the Pyramids’ by Edpetite. We basically live in cubic structures and the experiments carried out by Dr.Wilhelm Reich conclusively demonstrated that similar energy fields exist in cuboidal structures as well. He called this energy as ‘Orgone Energy’. He found the presence of the energy everywhere but also that it varies considerably in con- centration and quality inside a structure. For further details the reader can refer the book "ORGONE ENERGY’ By Eden Jerome. 54 Similar experiments have been carried out in Canada and other parts of Europe to study the effects of structures on human beings. The Geodisic Bulb where the house was constructed in the form of a dome is one such. Scientist’s have also found that irregular corridors and odd shaped rooms have helped in faster recoupment of mental patients in the experiments carried out in Canada and France. The experiment’s are still being continued and it may take ages before the scientists will arrive at the best preferred shape in which the structure is to be built. The Indian sages were perhaps the most practical scientists ever lived. They had realised that research on a trial and error basis took long time. Further the conclusions arrived at was not infallible. Human consciousness and intelligence have their own limitations and we see regularly that the scientific truihs of yester- day are being disproved today. The sage felt that the answer lay in his own mind as he was but a part of the force which created the Universe. Hence he went to the source directly and obtained the answers which were infallible and error free. It should however be acknowledged that full details of con- struction are not available in the texts but indications are given regarding the nature of forces present. These are supposed to be having their own gods like Yama(Lord of death), Agni(Lord of Fire) etc. A prominent place was given to the Lord himself in the North East corner. We will see the importance of these forces in the coming chapters. I have purposely omitted the names of the Hindu gods as Vaastu is universal in approach and it’s benefit should be available to every human being irrespective of one’s religion. One point is to be clarified here. The ancient books on this science are all in Sanskrit and are credited to various authors: These books have been translated adding their own interpreta- tions by several pundits into various languages. If one goes through the ancient text books in Sanskrit as well as their transla- tions one comes across a blend of truths and untruths. Neither are all the books agreed on the concepts. There are quite an 55 amount of variations. | have observed that the following beliefs mentioned in the Texts have to be summarily rejected as they fail to meet the demand of rational approach. 1. That the Piots are to be categorised to various types such as Gajaya (elephant shaped), Simhaya (Lion shaped) etc., Some texts maintain that these are the shapes of the plot. Others give special characteristics to each plot and stipulate that these are to be classified according to a mathematical formulae. Here again there are various measures sug- gested. One says you should take the length from the tip of small finger to the tip of the thumb, others say it is the length of the arm, yet others say the measure to be adopted is the length of the person himself from tip of ear to foot. Some authors have convehiently suggested Foot and Inches for- getting that these are British measures which entered the country hardly 300 years back. | would however like to add, ! am rejecting these writings not based on their incongruity alone but based on my own verifications. “2, The classification of soil depending on it’s colour and linking it to the caste of the person to whom it suits best. Again an aberration worth summarily rejecting. 3. The selection of auspicious timings, offering worship to foundation stone, placement of doors and laying foundation depending upon the birth star of the owner, ruling star of the day, month etc. pushes this science to the realm of super- stition and has to be summarily discarded. 4. | The number of Doors and windows - the stipulation that they should be even and not odd and that their numbers should not end in zero such as 10,20 etc., is again not supported by facts. For a science to be Universal it has to meet certain basic requirements; these are: a) It should be applicable to every human being 56 b) It should be consistent in results c) It’s effects should not depend on the nature of person or persons involved, their religious beliefs etc. Thus the books contain a blend of superstition and science. | do hope that | have been able to separate the chaff from grain. To be fair all books are agreed on the nature of forces presentin a plot and this is the most important aspect which | have made it my rallying point. | have no intention to make this book a Brahminical Science or a Hindu Science by introducing the various gods and analysing their nature. It is not the Gods who head the torces that are important but the nature of the forces itself. The theory of energy field is envisaged by me and are not supported by any books. The other inferences are drawn based on my own verifications. | claim no authority on Vaastu and while with a Cosmic science like Vaastu there can indeed be no end to the knowledge we can gain. What knowledge is available is enough to justify constructions according to Vaastu. But there is still tremendous scope for further research, investigation and improve- ment. It is for the present generation of intelligentsia to take up the study of Vaastu as a Science. Architects and physical scientists should come together on a common platform so that everyone can understand the significance and appreciate it. Secondly it is a pure science of the structures and has nothing to do with personalities and religion. We are actually doing an injustice to this great science by introducing these aberrations. The fact that China, a Communist Country is adopting these principles should be sufficient to open the eyes of all scientific minded people. 57 In fact there is an urgent need for propagating this science not only in India but also in Pakistan, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka who all have very weak Vaastu fields and the people in these countries can tremendously benefit by incorporating these prin- ciples in their structures. In the developed countries the vision of the ancient Indian sages has to be intensely researched upon and the truths contirmed so that the entire humanity benefits by it. There can be no better way of expressing our gratitude to the ancient discoverers of this invaluable science than to spread it far and wide to every corner of the globe and to every structure that is built anywhere on the Earth. | wish to adda special note to the Scientists and Rationalists. In the book | have at times used the terms God and Devil. | would have preferred to restrict myself to the usage of Positive and Negative forces instead but the impact on the mind of the reader will be much less in the latter case. What! wish to clarify is that the science should be studied and examined in the context of interaction of two types of forces which are inimical but at the same time which attract each other. Further the word positive force is a pocr substitute for the term GOD. God stands for joy, happiness, prosperity, health, strength, compassion and wellbeing. In short he stands for all that is good in the World. Similarly the devil stands for death, misery, ill health, suffering and cruelty. Hence although the scientific part is to be studied as an interaction of two types of forces, it should be noted that the positive and negative forces mean the God and Devil as they are understood. You have to acknowledge that duality is a part and parcel of nature and nothing can exist without a counterpart. Thus we have God & Devil, hot & cold, bitter & sweet, South pole and North pole, Day and night, light & dark, bright & dull, Proton and Electron, matter and antimatter etc. Looking purely from an energy point God & Devil are like the positive and negative terminal of a battery 58 and the flow of energy from God to Devil releases or creates the bio-energy which sustains life on Earth. As we see in the energy field diagrams of square plots the energy flows along the peripheries towards the Southwest to releasexbio-energy. If we study the longevity patterns of tribals and people like the Hunjas who normally live over 100 years, we find that this creation of bio-energy and it’s abundant supply to them is the secret of their longevity. They reside in the South and West portions of the mountains and from North & East which are at far lower levels they receive a rich supply of the Bio Energy. It is pertinent to remark that the Hunja’s are heavy smokers and nothing else which is significant and which -an explain their longevity secrets has been established so far. The Science of Vaastu is aimed at creating the same high level bio energy field and as an added bonus a surplus cosmic field in the structure to take care of both health and happiness of the residents. kak eke 59 THE SCIENCE BEHIND THE MYSTERY OF VAASTU 60 CHAPTER - 8 As we are aware the earth spins around its North South Axis and is also tilted from the axis towards North (Fig.2). Probably it is NORTH East 6+ VE? N Fig2 ‘SOUTH WEST this feature which makes the North East very. important. It looks as though the cosmic energy is received at thispoint inabundence. (~VE> \ It also appears that the energy is basically directed towards the Southwest which lies on the same axis in the opposite direc- tion. If we consider the Northeast as a positive terminal then the Southwest acts as a negative terminal and the flow is from North- east to Southwest. For reasons which are not clear the energy does not reach the Southwest on a straight line. One half of this energy appears to flow from North East to Southeast and the other half from North East to Northwest and then from Northwest and Southeast to Southwest, over the periphery of the earth’s surface. Whether it truly works on the periphery of the earth surface 61 in this manner is.not known. What is clear is that when a N Pes & Square Plot hos % maximum field streng' path the energy fields take. | have shown this with the help of a sketch (Fig 3). It also appears that the North east works like an East NORTH EAST POSITIVE FIELD Low Level SOUTH | SOUTH WEST WEST Methods of increasing the intensity of the field. Low level water body Fi 9. 4 In Northeast and highlevel dry area in South west 62 antenna and receives this energy. Ina compounded plot a depres- sion increases tne amount of energy received and the energy field in this plot is strong. Probably itis due to this reason that this sector is called ‘GOD’S PLACE’ or "Devamoola”. A water body like a sump or an open well further increases the strength of energy received. Northeast sector of every plot therefore becomes ex- tremely important. Another feature which is observed is that the energy rays raise towards the Southeast and Northwest and if the plot is a square the energy density at the Southeast and Northwest corner is the same. From these two corners it again raises to reach the Southwest corner. A higher Southwest thus helps to receive the maximum amount of energy. Hence levels in a plot becomes extremely important.(Fig.4) If the Northeast corner is made into an acute angle as shown in the sketch the effect is further enhanced. By keeping South west N ACUTE ‘ ANGLE | CAs crowrn oF’ Fig.5 Obviously when this is done the Northwest and the Southeast angles open up slightly and will be somewhat more than 90°.(Fig.5) — What appears as a strange coincidence is that the plot acts like a kite. The tailend of the kite to which a lengthy piece of cloth is tied depicting the Northeast corner with a downward depression. Normally in a kite the opposite side to the tail is a right angle and the kite is slightly streched at the tailend making the angle at that point acute. : Note: For explanation purposes | have adopted a square plot throughout the book to help the reader understand the concepts clearly. Similarly if we apply thé thermal concept it appears that from. the cold water which will be at around the atmospheric temperature the energy flow appears to be smooth if a raising temperature is maintained on the East line upto Southeast. The center of East shows the human body temperature which is around 38 Degree Celsius. The temperature on the negative half of eastis the bathing water point and the Southeast Corner is the hottest point with HOT FLAME | HoT | mT | very | gething! HOT | water | Body Temp | | Tempe | 50"t0704 SOUTH Under 1 | EAST Nermal CORNER Tempercture , NORTH EAST EAST SOUTH EAST ’ CORNER CORNER boiling and steaming water indicated to make the energy tlow smoother. (Fig.6) . On the otherhand the thermal graph on the Northwest sec or Tenperature Temperature of Atwoepppric ar Temp of Well Wate NORTH NORTH EAST WEST Thermal Curve showing the capacity to take Thermal Load on Northeast-Northwest sector Fig.7 65 remains virtually the same with a slight increase in temperature in accordance with the atmospheric temperature. (Fig.7) Humidity increases from Northeast to Southeast where as it appears to decrease slightly at Northwest where the air forces are at play, drawing the humidity from Northeast. (Fig.8) SOUTH EAST 100% STEAM SOUTH WEST cDRY> Humidity Curves : Under these conditions the flow is maximum. Fig.8 SOUTH “Thermal Curve on Southeast - EAST ‘Southwest Sector for ideal energy flow Boiling Water Fig.9 SOUTH WEST | /“SQUTH WEST Temp at Day 66 Temp at Night From the Northwest the thermal curve goes down to reach the approximate body temperature as observed in the night at the Southwest Point. Similarly from Southeast the thermal energy has to reduce in intensity to reach the same body temperature at night ' level (Fig.9) The Southwest will also be free from humidity. Why and how this arrangement aids the energy field to traverse to Southwest unhindered is not possible to explain. But the structure planned keeping in view the favourable temperature points to establish the energy field in the above manner gives the best results. : . Figure 10 Shows the methods of increasing the field strength. EAST GARAGE NORTH SOUTH POSITIVE NORTH NEGATIVE GARAGE WEST ROCK GARDEN (MetHiods of indteasing field strength. Arrow shows the increasing gradient) Fig. 10 67 The structure which comes with in the plot does not seem to make any difference in the flow pattern. Thus the bio energy fields continue to flow inside the structure as well instead of escaping to the atmosphere. Their density at the peripheries being high and at the center being low. It is possible that the field pulsates and as in the cases of all pulsating fields the current density on the periphery of the conductor is higher than at the Centre. At the base of the Vaastu preferring certain areas for specific _ activities is this science of energy fields. The bestway to corner the energyflow where it probably reaches the level when it can be readily absorbed by the human organism is to block the Southwest corner with a room without any openings on the West and South side to aid maximum absorbtion of this energy. It is for this reason an open Northeast, more offset in East and North is recommended with levels lower than that of the ground level of the house. It is again for this reason Bed Room is recommended highly in Southwest, Bath Room in East and Kitchen in Southeast. The rationaie behind this cannot be established as on date with the scientific knowledge we possess. As this assumption is working satisfactorily and is obviously giving the best results let us accept it at this point and go to the details of selection of plots and construction of buildings. Before that | would like to condense my opinion regarding Vaastu energy fields. Infact | would go so far as to say that the field created in the house built according to the tenets of Vaastu is far superior to the field created in structures like the Pyramid or Oraccu or Geodesic Bulb. In these structures the Cosmic energy gets converted to a Bio Energy level which is readily absorbed by the Human organism residing in it. However the effect is only on the individual and does not encompass the entire family. Secondly one has to spendsome time in the day for this specific purpose. Thirdly the effect is purely on the physical body by way of improvement in health and a sense 68 of well being. The field however does not offer any protection from the untoward happenings and disasters which the individual may be subjected to in his life time. On the otherhand the conversion of the cosmic energy when it enters the structure built according to Vasstu takes place at two different levels. A part of the Cosmic energy which reacts with the negative fields gives rise to Bio Energy which is available for absorption to all the inmates in the structure in an effortless manner ensuring health and well being of all the inmates. Secondly the presence of the Cosmic forces which remain in the structure ensures that all the inmates enjoy a life full of joy, happiness and pleasure without any untoward happenings and misfortunes strik- ing them. It is therefore time for the Western scientists to concentrate onthe science of Vaastu instead of building odd shaped structures to study the effects on the humans. The great Indian sages have come out with the ultimate answer as far as the structure best suited for human occupation is concerned. The science of Vaastu is miles and miles ahead compared with the experiments con- ducted by modern scientists on structures to determine their effect on human beings. Let us speculate on the reasons for the effects of Vaastu field. Fig 11 shows a plot. In this plot let us assume that perfect level exists and a compound wall of say about 5’ has come up all sides. We find from the energy potential at various points that one half of the plot remains at a positive potential and the other half at a negative potential. In the absence of depressions in any part of the piot a Line of Control gets established across the diagonal as shown in the sketch and no energy flow takes place across the diagonal. In otherwords there is perfect equilibrium between the positive and negative forces. The reader must un- derstand that when | say ‘here is no energy flow across the diagonal what actually | mean is that there is no difference in the levels of the two fields. For all practical purposes the line of forces from North East reach the Southwest via the Southeast Northwest 69 route. Since the Southwest is at an equally negative potential the intermingling of these forces result in the release of the Bio Energy. It is this idea that is behind constructing compound walls around the sanctum sanctorum of the Temples so that the devotees who go round it get a blast of the bio energy field generated at SOUTH EAST COMPOUND NORTH EAST NORTH WEST SOUTH WEST . Fig. 11 Southwest corner. Perhaps this accounts for relief from diseases in temples where this field is strong. Itis important to note that the interaction of energy field in a plot as discussed above takes place mainly at the peripheries and the density of the field at the middle is more or less absent. 70 To generate a cross current or the Dragon Current it is necessary to create an imbalance in the two sectors. The im- balance is created by the following:- 1. Adepression in any sector increases the potential of that sector. 2. Heavy Weight in any sector decreases the potential of that sector. 3. Covering the parts of the sector with a roof reduces the energy level in that particular sector. We now see that if the factors (2) and (3) are present in the negative field and Item (1) is present in the positive field consider- able imbalance is created which results in a strong cross current flow thro the structure from the positive side towards the negative side. This cosmic surplus field which is present in the structure is the God Himself who enters your house Unasked, Unprayed, Unworshipped Uninvited to keep all the inmates happy and free from trouble. In addition the peripheral field which is strong in the positive side forces the Bio Energy from moving from its point of generation which is Southwest towards North East taking exactly the reverse flowlines i.e., thro the North West and SouthEast filling the entire structures with rich Bio Energy field which is available for absorption by the residents for best health. If on the otherhand the depression comes in the negative field and the structure in positive field then the positive field becomes energy weak and the negative field becomes energy rich. Now the exact opposite of what explained in the above para takes place. The negative current starts flowing through the structure from Southwest to Northeast. Here itis the Devil Himself who enters and stations Himself at all places in your house and it is this force which causes all the sufferings. While the current moves there is a depletion of the Bio Energy available which falls too short than the residents Bio Energy level. Because of this 71 difference in potential between the humans and the structure’s Bio Energy field the depletion of Bio Energic forces takes place which results in the diseases of the occupants. The extra devilish or negative forces make sure that your family, happiness, business, finance in short your life itself is ultimately ruined. This is the science behind the mystery of Vaastu. To get a more clear picture let us apply the basic concepts of an electrical field here. The figure 11 shows a level plot bound with compound wall on all four sides. Both positive and negative fields are of equal density and are unable to cross over to each other's territory. Hence it appears that they take a devious route to achieve this objective. It should be noted that positive field at (A) is attracted by negative field at (B) and a flow of force starts in this direction. Similarly positive force at (C) is attracted by negative force at (D) and a flow starts in this direction. Once this happens the negative potential at (D) decreases as also at (B) and an energy imbalance in favour of the positive forces at (E) and (F) takes place. Obviously the excessive positive energies in these sectors cannot flow back in the opposite path as the line of current already established opposes it. On the other hand a negative potential exists at the Southwest corner at (G) and (H) and the excess energy flows from (E) to (G) and from (F) to (H). The intermingling of the positive and negative forces releases the Bio Energy or Prana. No flow takes place across the line of control here. The Bio energy is released to the atmosphere. In a natural west or South mountain range the phenomenon repeats releasing rich bio-energy and this is the reason why they are recommended for health resorts. Fig 12 shows structure built on plot, in Fig 11. The negative potential is reduced by the structure which covers the area. This enables the positive forces to invade the negative field and across the diagonal or line of control. However’, as they find no negative field for neutralisation, they simply occupy and fill the entire struc- ture. This Cosmic field is God himself who is responsible for the happiness, protection and prosperity of inmates. The Bio 72 Energy forces enter the structure fro ms - j for all inmates. ‘outh-West ensuring health Fig. 12 RRR 73 SHAPES OF PLOTS USED INCONSTRUCTION OF RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS He who is in harmony with nature hits the mark without effort and apprehends the truth without thinking CONFUCIUS ( 479 - BC) Chinese Sage 74 CHAPTER - 9 Shapes of plots used in Construction: Before proceeding further, | would like to familiarise the reader with the various directions and shapes of plots with refer- ence to Earth. You are aware that the Sun rises in the East. Taking East as the reference direction, now study the other directions. North West Corner North North East Corner West East Fig. 13 South West ' South East Corner South North North East Corner North West Corner \ f West ° PLOT East Fig. 14 South West . South East Corner South 75 You will note from the above figures that 1. West is diametrically opposite to East, 2. North is 90° to the Left of East, 3. South is 90° to the Right of East. Corners: (of your plot) 1. North East corner is where the North side and East side meet. 2. South East corner is where the South side and East side meet. 3. South West corner is where the South side and West side meet. 4. North West comer is where the North side and West side © meet. The plots used for residential/business/industrial purposes vary in shapes. The shapes can be classified as under: Square Plots : A plot is square if all the sides are having equal length.(Fig.15) — L_--, Square L Plot | _—_rooe —_—_—_L— Fig.15 76 Rectangular Plots: If the opposite sides are equal in length then, the plot is called a rectangular plot.(Fig.16) — 4 - Rectangle Plot —_— ro —|— so — ih " Fig.16 Odd shaped plots : The following alternatives are possible. a) | Asquare or rectangular plot with on or two sides projecting towards one corner. b) For this to happen atleast one angle must be 90° or a right angle. Fig.17 In this plot L1, L2, Lg and L4 may have different lengths. 77 A Trapezoidal Plot : In this plot two sides are parallel to each other and all four sides have varying lengths. Ly L Fig.18 Quadrangle Piot: i) All sides have varied Lengths. ii) None of the angles are 90°. [Note the difference between a Quadrangle plot and the plot shown in fig.(17)]. QV Industrial Plots: As these have a large area sometimes covering several acres the contour of the plot can be entirely different for each case. These type of plots are discussed i in detail in the chapter on Industries. Fig.19 We shall now examine how one should go about for selecting a plot for residential use. JO I 78 SELECTION OF PLOTS _ VERY FEW PEOPLE ON EARTH HAVE INSIGHTS THE REST ARE BLIND - BUDDHA 79 CHAPTER - 10 For reasons mentioned above the square plot is best, but for reasons unknown, our town planners have uniformly adopted rectangular plots as the norm. A rectangle stretches the energy lines and the plot grows weaker as the iength to breadth ratio increases as can be seen from the fig(20). We can aiso perhaps see a rectangle as a square in which the part that is required to _—> z <— nv In a rectangular Plot the Energy Lines stretch themselves to meet South West Hence the field strength decreases Fig 20 make it a perfect square is missing. Obviously the result is a lighter field than in a square. Normally the plots are made in sizes like 30’ x 45’, 40’ x 60’, 60’ x 90’, 90’ x 120’ etc. Although these plots are inferior to square plots we seem to have no other alternative but to make the best use of the field available. It is hoped that the town planners and housing cooperatives will take note of this and atleast in future plots are mada square. Why this obsession for a square? We all know that the energy field is best present in a pyramid whose base is square. It is this recognition that we see in the Gopurams built over the temples. They were believed to have the best geometry to tap and transmit cosmic energy. Hence the base of the Pyramid which is a square is considered best for getting maximum benefits. In 80 rectangular shapes like 30’ x 120’ the field is very weak and it is inadvisable to construct a single unit house in such a plot (Fig.21). N NORTH EAST | ZL In an abnormally stretched plot the energy lines are stretched too much resulting in poor Vaastu field Fig.21. SDUTH | WEST s Directions It is now time to acquaint the readers with the various directions. Most of the people find it difficult to even identify the North, South, East and West directions. To make it easier for them the following is suggested. Stand in the centre of the plot and face the early raising Sun. You are now facing East. Raise your left arm to shoulder length. It is now pointing towards North. Raise your right arm like wise. Your right arm is now pointing towards South. Your back is where the West is. If the road is already formed and the buildings are coming up in line with the road the above directions are sufficient to proceed further. If however the lay out is not made, or in a farm house, or in a Industrial plot one has to take the help ofa Magnetic Compass. 81 The Compass can be a hand held one of approximately 2” dia. If you examine the compass you will find the following words marked in a circular scale graduated to 360 Degrees (Fig.22). . NOWTH WEST CORNER west Cast SOUTH WEST TH : CORNER SOUTH EAST CORNER SOUTH Fig 22 In the Compass ’N’ stands for North S-for South, E for East and W for West. NE - stands for North East, SE for Southeast, NW for Northwest and SW for Southwest. Thus there are eight lines passing thro the centre and the _ angle in between any two is exactly 45 Degrees. How to Use the Compass to find North Stand approximately in the middle of the plot. Clean up an area of about 6"x6" and level it. Place the compass on this spot. -You will find that the compass has a needle at the centre, one end of which is marked in red. The needle swings and oscillates for a while before coming to rest in some particular direction. Now slowly turn the compass so that the letter marked ’N’ lies right below the red marked needle. Now the needle is exactly aligned 82 on.the North South Axis and the red marked end points to the Magnetic North. | would like to clarify one point here. The North direction referred in the ancient texts on Vaastu is the Geographic North and it is doubtful whether they were aware of the magnetic North. To get the best Vaastu benefits one has to follow the Geographic North atleast theoretically. But the experiments carried out on pyramid models have demonstrated that the pyramids aligned on magnetic axis performed in the same manner as those aligned on the geographic axis . However if you are very particular you can get the correction factor from the regional meteorological department of your city. Where the road is already formed and your plot is one of the plots on the road then check whether the sides of the plot align with the magnetic axis. When you rotate the compass after the needle comes to rest and locate the magnetic North as explained above, see whether the sides of your plot are in line with the axis. If not, rotate the compass gently so that the bisector of your plot lies on the letter ‘N’. The difference in degrees between the needle marked Red and the letter ‘N’ in the compass gives the deflection of the plot in degrees (Fig.23). If the deflection is with in 10 Degrees then you may proceed as though there was perfec” alignment. If the deflection is very high then it is better to take the help of a Vaastu consultant for designing the structure. FACING OF PLOTS People seem to believe that East and North facing plots are auspicious and South and West facing plots are not to be preferred. This is not true. No direction is good or bad in itself. We must appreciate that for every North facing plot there will be a South facing plot and for every East facing plot there will be a West facing plot. If the above assumption was true then half the resi- dents should be in serious trouble which is not supported by facts. One should understand that the South and West plots can be made and do yield best benefits when they are exploited properly. Similarly a house built on a North or East plot against the tenets 83 NORTH ROAD wEST EAST Measuring the magnetic deflection in a plot. SOUTH Fig 23 of Vaastu will give equally disastrous results. So there is no need to pay a higher price just because the plot is facing North or East. However North & East facing plots have certain inherent ad- vantages which is a natural characteristic of the plot. This will be missing in a South and West facing plot and will have to be put in at extra cost. | will return to this subject of handling these plots when we discuss the constructional aspects., What | would like to assure you is that there is no need to get disheartened just because you are the owner of West/South facing plot. Correcting a Plot to Suit Vaastu. This is the most important step which is often ignored. People construct their houses without correcting levsls and seek Vaastu advice once they experience problems. Cor:ection at this stage is not only expensive but at times impossible. It is therefore 84 wise to effect a plot correction wherever it is called for. Leveling the plot consumes a small part of your budget and is the cheapest way to get excellent results. When is a correction called for ? Now that you are familiar with the directions examine the levels of the plot carefully. In the following cases no correction is called for . 1. A square/rectangle plot with a uniform level of the site area. 2. If the East half is lower then West half for a East/West facing plot. 3. If the South half is higher than North Half for a North/South facing plot. Correction is called for if a) The North half is higher in level than the South Half for 2 North/South facing and the East half is higher than the West half for a East/West facing plot. b) Correction is required if the plot is not a perfect rectangle or square and there is a projection at a corner other than Northeast. In the plots with defect (a) mentioned above leveling of the plot to a uniform level is a must. If the plot is very big as in case of industries then it may be necessary to use a bulldozer to level it. c) Correction is required if a sump or well exists in the plot atan undesirable point. If the well or sump lies in the North East Sector as shown in sketch then it can be retained. If it ies in any other sector like Southeast, Northwest, West, South, Southwest then it has to be closed. The closure must be made by filling soi! and ramming it to take out all the air packets. After the soil is filled this way the level can be corrected to come in line with the rest of the level. 85 Plot Angle Corrections: First and foremost draw a sketch of your plot on a sheet of paper after taking the measurement of all four sides. The Plot can have an acute angle at any one of the four points as shown in sketch. Here if the projection is in North- east corner it is considered auspicious and should be retained as such (Fig.24). . nN Fig.24 Plot with North East Projection Retain no correction needed If the projection is in any another corners (sketch No. 25, 26, Projection with North West projection construct compound wall as per the dotted line Fig. 25 27) then it is can. be easily corrected by drawing a side to make a perfect rectangle. It is better to sacrifice this extra area by constructing a compound rather than encountering problems later. Construct, the compound on the line as shown in dotted lines to follow the line drawn in the sketch of the plot as explained above. Plot with south west projection construct a compound wall as per the dotted line Fig.26 ve SOUTH South East Projection Construct Compound as per the Dotted Line Fig.27 87 In a trapezoidal plot as shown in sketch 28 correc- tions have to be made to correct the plot to a rectangle by correcting both. sides if the acute angle are coming in both Northwest and Southwest or in Southeast and Southwest or in Southeast and Northwest. If acute angle exists in Northeast corner in addition to a acute angle in any other three corners retain the acute angle in Northeast and the other angle only needs to be corrected (Fig.29). Correcting a Trapezoidal plot compound to come as per dotted line on both side Fig.28 1" Here plot correction by constructing a compound wall on oneside as shown in dotted line is enough retain the northeast projection for best benefits Fig.29 88 The same logic has to be applied if it is just a quadrangle with various side dimensions. The maximum rectangle has to be derived from the plot before commencing construction (fig.30). It is necessary that in such plots the compoundwall comes first on all the three sides leaving open only the North or East side. If this is not possible as in the case of a plot facing South Road or West road the fourth compound wall also has to be built leaving just enough space for movement of material in South of Southeast or West of Northwest. Fig. 30 Triangular Plots (Fig.31 & 32) Most of the books recommend summary rejection of trian- gular plots. In a city one can get such plots only if it is a corner and two roads are crossing at the point as shown in the sketch. If one side is projecting in North east the plot can be easily made use of by constructing a compound at a convenient point and portion ‘A’ can be used for construction. The possibility of making shops etc each with a Northeast Projection in the remain- ing portion as shown in sketch can also be considered. In the case of Triangle plot with projections in directions other than North Easta rectangular construction as shown in sketch (Fig.31) is to be made. The Plot is to be covered with a compound wall 89 and the area lying outside the compound is to be rejected and should be considered for planting shade giving trees only. ROAD THIS PLOT CAN BE USED Exploiting a Triangular plot if roads are in North and East by constructing compound walls as per dotted lines you get all residen tial/commercial plots with North East Projection Fig.31 90 Salvaging a Triangular Plot Fig.32 UNIFORMLY RAISED (HIGH LEVEL) PLOTS Some times the plot may have a high level where as the road level is inconveniently low comparatively. In such cases removal of excess mud will become necessary. It is best to remove the earth starting from North East and gradually remove all the earth either in the Northern Half for a North or South facing plot and the Eastern half for a plot facing East or West. It is advisable to retain the earth in the second half and proceed with a stepped level construction for best Vaastu Benefits. Never attempt to remove the earth starting from South West as the work is bound to come to a halt as soon as you reach the 56% length, for some reason or other. Need for Utmost Caution By now you are aware that the God’s field is protective and safe guarding while the Devil's field stands for harm and disaster. Increasing the intensity of one of the two fields will bring you under their respective effect. _ Itis important to note that while constructing a building or while rectifying a defective structure extreme caution has to be exercised so that the intensity of the Devil’s field does notincrease. A defective building where the intensity of the Devil's field is high results in various types of problems and suffering and is therefore to be handled carefully so that the intensity of Devil's field progres- sively decreases and the intensity of the God’s field increases. This process safe guards the inmates from walking into serious trouble. | will quote two instances to make you appreciate how deadly the effects can be if the Devil’s field intensity increases. In ore cf the South West corner plots the earth level was: about 6 feet high when compared with the road level. The builder started the earth removai to bring it on par with the road level from: South West corner. As the earth was being removed from this area the intensity of the Devil's field went on increasing. When the Western half of the earth was removed the hale and hearty owner suffered a massive heart attack resulting in his death. Further work was stopped and the plot lies in the same condition although much time has passed. The result of such an action will increase the Devil’s field strength to an abnormally high level. Devil stands for destruction and death. No construction is possible when the field abnormally turns negative. One should also note that the effect may vary but the result is the same. Thus for example the owner may walk into serious financial distress or some other family _ problem or professional problem. The paint is that the work has to come to a stop for one reason or other and the end result is the same. 92 In another case two young industrialists purchased a plot to start a granite unit. The unit had a fence covering and beyond the fence the next plot owner had a pump house which was lying exactly at the Northeast corner to the plot being discussed. The builder started removing earth to make way for a large under _ ground sump in the Southwest corner and this was lying exactly on the diagonal.When the sump was completed both the young industrialists met with a serious road accident resulting in the death of both. | took some measurements and | found that firstly the Sump was lying in the Southwest on the diagonal and the weight of earth removed was approximately the same as the weight of the struc- ture on Northeast. The fact that the next plot did not belong to them had no effect. The Devil can therefore strike swiftly and dangerously if you are not careful. It is therefore best to resort to plot corrections taking the advice of a Vaastu consultant. Similarly in defective structures the corrections are to be carried out under the guidance of a Vaastu expert who only can ensure that the safety of inmates or the owners as the case may be is fully safe guarded. Further Classification You are now familiar with the four directions viz North, South, East and West. You are also familiar with four corners viz North East Corner, South West Corner, Northwest Corner and South East corner. It is time now to further classify the sectors to understand the subject better. Refer the sketch shown in No. 33. Here the plot is divided into various sectors and each side comprises of three sectors. Thus for example when we say the North side it actually comprises three different sectors namely North of North East, Pure North, North of Northwest. Again the pure north sector consists of two parts viz positive half and negative half. It is important that you familiarise yourself with all the 16 sectors that comprises the plot. Please note that each side accounts for 90° and comprises the 93 main sectors in the ratio 0.25L : 0.5L: 0.25 L where Lis the Length of the sides in Metres or Feet. For Examples on North sector the lengths are North of North East 0.25 L (of the side) Positive half of N 0.25L(") Negative half of N -0.25L(") North of NorthWest 0.25L(") Total One L Note : Side refers to length or breadth in a rectangular plot. | NORTH OF t | NORTHOF | NORTH WEST! NORTH EAST (NNW) |PURENORTH| — (NNE) west |< 0251-> | € 0513 1 025] East OF | NORTH | EAST | (ENE) vu Cc mn ma > n od ~ 7 [east SOUTH OF_|PURE SOUTH| SOUTH OF SOUTH WEST | SOUTH EAST, | ~~ ssw L ese | Understanding the various sectors Fig.33 The sketch No. 34 and 35 show the energy potential wise classification. Thus on the North side the North of Northeast is positive marked with a+. North of North west is negative in effect 94 and is shown with a -ve sign. Similarly the other directions also comprise of positive and negative sides as shown in the sketch. Negative N Positive | | of of €— Fist Half of North Fist Half of Positive | of S of ~ iS) South South Electrically speaking the Northeast is doubly positive where two positive sectors join where as Northwest has both a positive side in West of Northwest and a negative side in North of Northwest. Similarly the Southeast portion has a positive side in South of Southeast and a negative side in East of Southeast. The South- 95 west portion is double negative with two negative potential sec negative effect as the case may be and thereafter the tors West of Southwest and South of Southwest coming together reverse potential grows as shown in the Fig 36, 37 and 38. |N s Classification of Different Sector based on the energy potential Hence the Potentials will be North East (+, +) North West (-, +) South West (-, -) South East (+, -) Fig. 38 Fig.35 In the pure North or East sectors draw a centre line upto the, centre point. The flow goes on decreasing in its positive oF 96 97 The graphic representation of energy potential at various sectors and the direction of flow is shown in Fig 39. NE WNW SSE; NNW ESE Sw Fig.39 First reread the above paras till you are familiar with all these different sectors and then only proceed further. | would like to clarify that the symbols + and -ve are used here just to indicate the difference in potential strictly in an electri- cal sense. The double positive refers to an area which is energy rich and the double -ve to an area where the reverse potential matches the strength in the Northeast. All those who are familiar with electrical engineering know that energy can flow from one point to another only if a difference in potential exists. The dif- 98 ference in potential is essential for the plot to be alive. Thus the words positive and negative are not to be understood as good and bad. There is nothing good or bad in any type of force or energy fields. Fire and water are inimical to each other but neither of them is good or bad in itself. It is neutral as far as its bias are concerned. Plot as living organism : Having now represented the plot electrically we can now try to examine the causative factors. Science is now coming to the conclusion that the Earth is not behaving as a lifeless matter as it was thought earlier but is acting like a living organism and an extremely intelligent one at that. A new branch of science called biogeology is studying such aspects in great detail. The most important evidence to support this theory is the way the oxygen level has remained virtually unchanged inspite of overwheming factors which, logically and based on the known laws of science should have gone down. Other factors have also led considerable credence to this theory. If we accept the fact that the earth is a giant living organism possessing a very high level of intelligence then it stands to reason thatits orientation and tilt are purposeful. These tow factors results in the Northeast receiving the maximum cosmic energy. Like we need air to live, the Earth is drawing the cosmic energy thro the Northeast. As the oxygen of the air enters our lungs and then reaches the remotest parts like the scortum, so also the energy received by the earth divides in half, the first half and second half similar to our lungs covering the west and east parts fully before they culminate at the Southwest end which is akin to the scortum of a human body. A structure built on the surface of the earth naturally comes in the way of this flow. One more surprising factor is that if on a plot a square area is bound by a compound wall the small area exhibits the same characteristics as the giant organism earth. Automatically the two positive and negative terminals gets established at the Northeast 99 and Southwest corners and the energy flow starts from Northeast to Southwest via Northwest and Southeast. Thus we see that the plot acts as a miniature version of the earth organism and is a living thing blessed with a higher level of intelligence than we ever imagined. Seen in this light the ancient theory of Vaastu emerges in a new light. Let us study what our ancient sages had to say in this matter. The ancient theory of Vaastu is like a code which needs to be decoded with this new knowledge we have gained about the Earth. According to the old books a devilish looking being ‘Vaastupurusha’ is lying faée down in every plot. The Being has his face towards the Northeast corner and legs in the Southwest. His two arms are starched towards Northwest and Southeast. The gods representing the various forces are sitting on the different parts of the body of this Being making itimpossible for him to getup. The Being has raised his head to breathe. The Supreme God himself is present before the Being in the Northeast Corner bless- ing the Being. In the clockwise order the following gods repre- senting various types of forces are present. Starting from Northeast. Northeast Corner - The Supreme Lord - The God Himself Southeast - The Lord of fire. South - Lord of Death, North - Lord of Wealth. Southwest - Lord of Devils. West - Lord of Rain. East . - Lord of knowledge North West - Vayu - also called Konavayu (This is one among the 48 Vayus which originate from the LORD Vayu also referred as Mukhyaprana or Vayudeva. Wor- shipped in the form of Lord Anjaneya by Hindus.) 100 The above classification is symbolic no doubt but is loaded with tons of meaning. Let us now see how we can interpret the symbolic message. The Vaastupurusha Fig 30 represents the miniature or- ganism which is a part of the earth and still has an independent existence like the Cell in our body. The Being also indicates it has immense strength. The representation that the Supreme lord himself is present in the Northeast corner at the head of the Being indicates the positive forces which are entering the organism. The Lord of Devils indicates the equally powerful negative influence at the Southwest corner. The Being is a living organism who draws the life of breath from Northeast and the force reaches the remotest part of his body. Vayu or windforces at Northwest and Agni or fire POSITIVE FIELD PLOT ORGANISM Fig 40 at the Southeast appears to aid the proper flow of energy thro the body of the Being. The Lord of Wealth signifies the importance of having more open area in North for prosperity and Lord of knowledge signifies the importance of an open East which is 101 essential for the children to become academic achievers. The Lord of Death at south points to the necessity of reducing or eliminating too much open areas in South which invites death. Similarly the rain god in West signifies the need to keep this area covered. The Lord of Devils in Southwest points to the fact that this area is to be closed completely. , It is thus clear that the ancients not only saw the Earth as organism butalso clearly new the presence of the miniature replica of the earth organism in a plot. ‘ If the plot behaves like an organism then we will have to concede that it is drawing the life force just like we draw air to the! lungs from the two sectors of North East and these can be equated to the two nostrils of a human body or for that matter any animat as all animals have two nostrils. This gets added significance when we realize that the an- cient texts maintained that ‘CLOSED NORTHEAST IN A PLOT’ is a body which has ceased to breath or ‘a dead body’. But why the organism is represented as Devilish looking. To make you aware that the forces are capable of causing harm and that building a home is no easy task and the chances of the demon. hurting you are predominant if you do not take into consideration’ the forces that keep him subdued. Providing for the right environ- ment for proper flow will bless the inmates with health, strength, prosperity, success in life, longevity etc. One another peculiar feature which appears in the ancient texts needs mention and study by all those interested in this science. The above position of Vaastu Purusha is supposed to be his main body position which is permanent. This is also called STHIRAVAASTU cr permanent position. Curiously another two types of positions are mentioned. The Vaastu Purusha appears to have two more bodies apa:t from the permanent one. The one type of body called ‘CHARA VAASTU‘ (or moving body) rotates in clock wise direction resting for three 102 months in each position completing a full cycle in a year. Here he is lying not face down as in the permanentposition but on his sides. The following are the monthwise rotation. MARCH, APRIL MAY - looking at North JUNE-JULY AUGUST - Looking at East SEPTEMBER, OCTOBER, NOVEMBER - looking at South DECEMBER, JANUARY, FEBRUARY — - looking at West. It is obvious here again some meaning has to be read. It looks like the intensity of the forces vary according to the season. Even Ayurveda holds that the pranic forces in the human body are effected by seasonal changes and prescribes special diets for each season. It is the personal experience of every one that the body gets definitely affected when there is a change in season. . Applying the same logic to the above movements we can conclude that the openings in the house like windows and doors if any in these sides are kept open in the specified directions in the respective months to reap the full benefits of Vaastu. When we take into account the Southwest monsoon and NorthEast Mon- soon and compare it at the Directions thro which ventilation is recommended we have to agree that there seems to be more meaning in the above saying. Similarly the Nitya Vaastu refers to the daily movement of Vaastu Purusha who takes a twice daily rotation of 360 Degrees. Here again if we notice that the bio rhythem on which experiments are being carried out has estab- lished that the human body and mind do undergo changes ona daily cycle basis with high degree of alertness and energy oscil- lating at one time of the day which reaches its lowest peak when we go to bed and that the activity of the mind itself in a span of 24 hours are subjected to this cyclic variation it makes more sense to dwelve deep into this aspect than summarily rejecting it as non- sense. According to the Daily Cycle enumerated in ancient texts the movement of VaastuPurusha is as under :- 1. From Mid Night to 3.A.M. looking at East 103 2. From 3.A.M. to 6.00 A.M. looking at South 3. From 6.00 A.M. to 9.00 A.M. looking at West. ’ 4, From 9.00 A.M. to Noon looking at North Thus he performs two such rotations in a span of 24 hours. Let us see whether there is any hidden meaning in this movement. If we first accept that the whole thing relates figuratively to the variation in energy fields at the different times of the day the concept looks like it is meaningful. To elaborate, certain energy fields like Gravitational Force, Cosmic Force and Magnetic Field of the earth appear to be constant and we can therefore group the total energy field of Vaastu as comprising of a constant and a variable factor. The constant energy of the Vaastu field is derived from the Gravitational and Electromagnetic as well as the Cosmic Radia- tions. The Cosmic radiations were first discovered with the help of ionoscopes when it was seen that the air at the surface of earth was slightly ionised. When the instrument was lowered to the depth of earth the activity continued., It was ascribed te the radiations coming from the Stellar space although where exactly it comes from has not been unfathomed sofar. However for the present let us recognise these three types of forces which make up the constant Vaastu field. The Chinese have long recognised the influence of Wind and waterforces which are known as Fung-shui. These are basi- cally variant on the seasons and hence the Vaastu field is sub- jected to alteration due to these seasonal changes makes sense. The daily solar cycle and the effect it has on the atmosphere as well as the stratosphere and ionosphere are well known. The increase in temperature during the day and the fall during the night may contribute to the intensity of the field. This is an area which calls for a through investigation and is not so senseless as to be ignored as recommended by certain authorities. KERRAKRE 104 CONSTRUCTION OF HOUSE PRANCHO AGAMA NRUTAYE HASAYA DYAGRIHYA AYUHU PRATARAM DADHANAH - RIGVEDA [ WITH OUR HEARTS DANCING WITH JOY, WITH A HAPPY SMILE ADORNING OUR LIPS LET US ENJOY LIFE WITH THE CERTAINTY OF LONGEVITY] 105

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