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The poster makes effective use of a Z

formation, drawing the audiences eyes

directly to the bands logo and tour
announcement, then across the middle
presenting the other bands logo and to
the advert for the bands album in the
bottom corner, further reinforcing the
synergy created by the poster. Then the
Z formation makes the audience look at
the bands tour dates and social media

The poster effectively creates

synergy between the two
artists, Slipknot and Korn, as
both logos are shown creating a
textual link between the two,
causing the fan bases to become
a large mass audience.

The poster includes a small advert for

the bands new album, creating
synergy between the tour and the
album. Those who see this poster will
likely go to by the album.

The text at the top is the bands logo,

written in a harsh font signifying demonic
themes mirrored with the artists music.
This font hold strong intertextual links to
the horror genre. The font is also covered
up by the main image of the poster
connoting that the band has an established
band image and fan base.

Social media and website links,

according to David Gauntlets Web
2.0 this will encourage the viewers
of this print media on a digital
format to follow the bands various
social media outlets and almost
feel part of the band.

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