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Props for the opening sequence

The murderer
Despite the fact the identity of the murderer
will stay hidden throughout the opening
sequence of our thriller film, many props will be
needed. Black leather gloves will be used in the
majority of our shots to portray the person
wearing them as quite dark and evil. The colour
black connotes evil and this is symbolic to the
characters physcographic profile, which is
somebody who isnt mentally stable. In order to
emphasize the storyline and the mind of the
murderer, we thought it would be effective to
take shots of violent objects like a gun, hammer
and cable ties as these are stereotypically
things used in murders. Unusually the character
is a female and we will show this by having her
wear a girls coat within the shots. This conflicts
against a patriarchal society where men rule as
it signifies she has some sort of power and I
feel this would make our opening scene all the
more engaging. To connote the murderers
unstable mind to the target audience pills will
be used at some point in our montage of shots.
To deepen the target audiences understanding
on the storyline of the film photos of the victims
will be denoted in a shot along
newspaper articles about
murder. This is significant as it
emphasizes how the people in
photos might be next to be

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