Title: Will CM Freshmen Students Respond To Incentives in Class?

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Will CM freshmen students respond to incentives in class?


Background: Status of class, De7inition of incentives, de7inition of exemption, examples of both
incentives and exemption, Principles 1, 2, 3, 4 applied.

Statement of the Problem: There is no signi7icant difference in the demand for studying if there is
an exemption in class.
Objectives: written in the attached paper passed to you, sir. Sorry we did not take a photo.
Review of related literature: related studies involving exemptions and incentives

The researchers are going to prepare a questionnaire to be distributed to the 1st
year students of the UPV-CM. The data will then be gathered and analyzed, then the result
will be interpreted and economic principles will be used to support the results.


-Comparison of exam results with and without exemption
Results and Discussion: Includes comparison between a class with incentive and without incentive based
on the materials used.
Summary/Conclusion: To conclude whether the situation follows the principles of economics, principles

Lyka Ranette A. Borja

Irish Gayle N. Collado
Christine Joie S. Escleto

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