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Francisco leyva

Weight Training has been around for many years. The earliest documented case
of weight bearing has been recorded to back as the 10th century in Chinas Zhou
Dynasty. The men were required to pass weightlifting tests in order to acquire a spot in
the military. It was later viewed as an activity, in ancient Greece when Olympic athletes
would train to improve their physical strength and endurance. Men would come all over
the world and would come to compete to see who could lift the most. Although
weightlifting has been around for many years, it wasn't until 1896 that weightlifting made
its big debut in the olympics. Two-thirds of Americans get no exercise at all. If one of
those people gets up and moves around for 20 minutes, they are going to get a huge
number of health benefits, and everything beyond that 20 minutes is, to some
degree,gravy. That doesnt mean Im suggesting people should not exercise more if they
want too. You can always do more. But the science shows that if you just do anything,
even stand in place 20 minutes, you will be healthier (Mercola). One does not need to
be in the best shape or the strongest person to lift weights. One can easily pick up a
dumbbell and start curling it, but it takes passion and determination to improve as a
person and move forward as a human being. In society today, Americans and people
all over the world do not believe in working out. They believe its a waste of time,
but little do they know it has surprising benefits.
Exercising affects your body in countless other ways as well- both directly and
indirectly. Even the most unexpected side effects are almost universally beneficial.

Improved Sexual Function

Changes of gene expression
Clearer Skin
Improved mood

Improved sleep
Research shows that the secret to increased productivity and happiness on any given
day is a long-term investment of time in regular exercising. A little each day appears to
go further than a lot once or twice a week. Different parts of the body get stimulated:
organs,muscles, bones and joints. The Lungs as muscles call for more oxygen,
breathing rates increase. Once the muscles surrounding the lungs cannot move any
faster, they've reached whats called the VO2 max- the maximum capacity of oxygen
use. The higher the VO2 max, the fitter that person will become. Exercising does a
number to your heart. The heart rate increases with physical activity to supply more
oxygenated blood to the muscles. The fitter someone is, the more efficiently the heart
can do this, allowing one to work out longer and harder. This increased efficiency will
also reduce ones resting heart rate. The blood pressure will also decrease as a result of
new blood vessels forming. To the Brain, exercising regularly will promote the growth of
new brain cells. These new brain cells help boost memory and learning. A number of
neurotransmitters are also triggered, such as endorphins, serotonin, dopamine,
glutamate, and GABA. Some of these are well-known for their role in mood control.
Exercise, in fact, is one of the most effective prevention and treatment strategies for
depression. Within the Muscles, which use glucose and ATP for contraction and
movement. Help to create more ATP, the body needs extra oxygen, so breathing
increases and the heart starts pumping more blood to the muscles. Without sufficient
oxygen, lactic acid will form instead. Tiny tears in the muscles make them grow bigger
and stronger as they heal. On the joints and bones lifting can place as much as five or
six times more than ones body weight on them. Peak bone mass is achieved in

adulthood and then begins a slow decline, but exercise can help one to maintain healthy
bone mass as one gets older. Weight-bearing exercise is actually one of the most
effective remedies against osteoporosis. The first 20 minutes of moving around, if
someone has been really sedentary, provide most of the health benefits. You get
prolonged life, reduced health risks- all of those things come in the first 20 minutes of
being active (Mercola).
For some athletes and many people who run, jog, cycle, lift weights and
otherwise exercise, music is not superfluous- it is essential to peak performance and a
satisfying workout. Many people don't even want to try or even think about working out
without any music. Trying to let my phone charge a little more before I go, because lord
knows I cant even try and workout without music, tweeted @Gianna_H21.
Psychologists change their ideas and hypothesis on why exercise and music are such
an effective pairing. As well as how music changes the body and mind during physical
exertion. Music distracts people from pain and fatigue, elevates mood, increases
endurance, reduces perceived effort and may even promote metabolic efficiency. Music
enhances people to run faster, bike longer and swim faster without even realizing it. In
2012, a professor at Brunel University in London, one of the worlds leading experts on
the psychology of exercise music, wrote that could think of music as a type of legal
performance-enhancing drug. For, some people the extent to which they identify with
the singers emotional state and viewpoint determines how motivated one feels. Music
and exercise dates to at least 1911, when american investigator Leonard Ayres found
that cyclists pedaled faster while a band was playing than when it was silent. Since
then, scientists have been partaking in many studies on the way music changes

peoples performance in a variety of physical activities, ranging in intensity from strolling

to sprinting. For an example, fast songs with strong beats are particularly stimulating, so
there used more often in workout playlists. The most popular type of exercise music are
hip hop (27.7%), rock (24%), and pop (20.3%). The two most important qualities of
workout music are tempo and what scientists call rhythm response, which is more or
less how much a song can make you dance. A study at Sheffield Hallam University,
fellow colleagues participated, who cycled in time to music required 7 percent less
oxygen than those who cycled without any background music. In reality, the human
brain may have evolved with the realization that, wherever there is music, there is
The body is a machine that constantly reinvents itself every day. The body breaks
down its own tissue and replenishes itself from food eaten and recycled material from
other tissue. Workouts cause protein in muscles to break down and build up faster than
ordinary. It helps if one ends up with more protein than there was when one started. The
easiest way to accomplish this is by eating more protein than one does now. Protein is
anabolic and wants to be stored in the muscles. Protein is needed because it's the
body's primary building block for muscles, bone, skin, and many other tissues. The
current dietary reference intake (DRI) for protein for persons over 18 years of age,
irrespective of physical activity status, is 0.8 g per kilogram of body weight per day.
However, many sports nutrition experts have concluded that protein requirements are
higher for athletes. The additional protein may be needed in order to promote muscle
adaptation during recovery from exercise in other ways:
Aiding in the repair of exercise-induced damage to muscle fibers.

Promoting training-induced adaptations in muscle fibers ( e.g., synthesis

of new proteins that are involved in energy production and/or force generation).
Facilitating the replenishment of depleted energy sources.
The types of foods that are high in protein:
Fish offers heart-healthy omega-3 fatty acids and, in general, less fat than
Poultry can eliminate most of the saturated by removing the skin.
Beans contain more protein than any other vegetable protein. Plus, theyre
loaded with fiber that helps you feel full for hours.
One ounce of almonds gives you 6 grams of protein, nearly as much
protein as one ounce of broiled ribeye steak.
A slice of whole wheat bread gives you 3 grams of proteins, plus valuable
Every little thing can make a difference, standing up and taking a few steps can
improve your health significantly. It just takes determination and perseverance to
improve overall significantly.

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