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Story of Us: Boston to Concord


1. What percentage of British exports ended up in America? __________

2. What product was used to purchase African slaves? ________________________________

3. How many African slaves are brought to the American colonies between the years 1600 and
1700? _________________________________________

4. What event was taking place in the 2:39 4:49 time slot in the video?
5. Name 2 of the 5 Bostonians that were killed during this event?
1. _________________________________ 2. ___________________________________
6. How did Paul Revere help fuel the fire of the Revolution? ___________________________

7. How did Benjamin Franklin help spread the news? ___________________________________

8. How much money was the tea worth that was dumped overboard during the Boston Tea Party?
9. Why didnt the colonists agree with the Proclamation Line of 1763? ___________________
10. How many delegates gathered at the first continental Congress? ______________________

11. Who made up the American fighting force? ___________________, __________________,

and ___________________________________.
12. What were the Redcoats orders as they left Boston and marched to Lexington?
13. Who is given credit for riding town to town, warning the colonial militia that the British
were on their way?
14. Who commanded the colonial militia near Lexington? ____________________________
15. How were the British army described as they faced the 60 colonial militiamen?
16. How many Patriots died after the first shots in Lexington? ________________________

17. When the Redcoats arrived at Concord, what did they find? ________________________
18. After being on the move for 15 hours, the British decided to march back to Boston from
Concord. How many miles will they have to march to return?
19. How were the minutemen able to defeat the British army as the Redcoats returned to Boston?

Bonus: Who are the future American Presidents that were mentioned in the movie?
2. ____________________________________
3. _____________________________________

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