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POLS 202 Midterm I (5 pages total) Midterm 1 POL S 202: Introduction to American Politics Professor: Rebecca U. Thorpe Teaching Assistants: Kiku Huckle, Jose Ochoa, Jared Stewart October 24, 2013 Instructions Write your name and student ID in the space below. Write your answers as clearly as possible in the space provided. If you need more space, continue your answer on the back of the exam. You have from 10:30 — 11:50 to complete the exam. For full credit, you must answer all parts of the exam. No books or notes may be used. QIN AS Name: _Este\ta Sung Ww Student ID;__\22. G0 Section & TA:_Kivl Wurkle POL S 202 Midterm 1 (5 pages total) Part I. Multiple Choice/True False (10 points) 1. James Madison believed that the most apparent source of tyranny under the US Constitution was (A) popular majorities and minorities that leverage political power to promote extremist views “B. self-interested political leaders that jealously guard their powers C. northern merchants that lobby for special favors , Congress’ taxing power, since this could be used to bankrupt states E. the landowning elite, since they could monopolize too much wealth 2. What is the primary reason that we have a Bill of Rights? ‘A. Federalists thought that a written list of rights was the best way to limit government B. Federalists wanted to make sure that the slave-owning states did not become too powerful C. Federalists wanted to protect the rights the rights of disadvantaged political minorities, such as Native Americans and women D, Anti-Federalists wanted to protect the rights of disadvantaged political minorities, such as Native Americans and women (Ep Federalists reluctantly passed a Bill of Rights asa concession to Anti-Federalists 3. The Post-Civil War Amendments (#13-15) limited ‘A. the national government _B.the people Cpe sates All levels of government E, only slave territories 4. Which of the following enactments led to unequal voting power or disenfranchisement (circle all that apply): . the Great Compromise the 3/5 Clause C. the Bill of Rights D. the 1965 Voting Rights Act E, poll taxes and literacy tests enacted after the Civil War 5. Which of the following best explains the persistence of the two-party system in the United States? A. separation of powers B. the Electoral College the US Constitution D) winner-take-all elections E. 10" Amendment ~6. When the states are free to determine their own marriage laws without infringement from ‘Congress, this is best defined as: A. civil rights By nullification judicial activism D. indoctrination E, federalism. POL S 202 Midterm I (5 pages total) F-Which conditions tend to do the most to reduce gridlock and weaken institutional checks in “Washington? A. divided government B. divided government & weak parties C. multiple parties with no majority (DJunified government & weak parties E, unified government & strong parties 8. Which of the following is a direct consequence of the most recent partisan realignment: the Civil War large Republican majorities in the South C. the Occupy Wall Street movement D. Southern conservatives E, Northern liberals, 9. Which statement best describes the effect of Supreme Court's Commerce Clause interpretation since the 1930s? A. Separation of powers has been under siege since the 1930s, (B) The federal government has grown significantly more powerful since the 1930s, C. State governments have grown significantly more powerful since the 1930s. D. Both the federal government and state governments have become significantly more powerful since the 1930s. E, There has been no significant effect based on use of the Commerce Clause since the 1930s. 10. James Madison believed that individuals would abuse their power unless governing structures prevented them from doing so.(TryFalse 7 Part II. Short Answer ~ Respond to two (2) of the following questions, Full responses should be roughly 2-3 paragraphs in length. (20 points) ()s the drug war an issue about civil rights, civil liberties, political equality or none of these ‘things? Explain your response with reference to relevant constitutional provisions and historical practices. 2. How does the current composition of the political parties in government relate to the recent shutdown in Washington? Do partisan divisions in the American electorate contribute to this crisis? Why or why not? Be sure to discuss unified vs divided government and party polarization OL that you are legal counsel to Governor Jay Inslee (WA), and he wants your advice about whether to nullify federal laws that criminalize the sale, distribution and possession of ‘marijuana, Explain the strongest constitutional argument for or against state nullification, and provide a relevant historical and contemporary example of the practice. POLS 202 Midterm 1 (5 pages total) Part II response: @ we dvug wor ws an iggue of Civil Woertes, CLV Vias ond potiticat equally. 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Essay Question ~ Respond to one (1) of the following questions. Full responses should be roughly 4-5 paragraphs in length. (20 points) (drawing on Federalist essays, explain how the Constitution attempts to strengthen the federal ‘government, while ensuring that one branch of government would not become too powerful or violate individual rights. 2. What are the arguments for and against a government that always responds to the interests and preferences of the voters? Discuss citizens’ capacity for making political decisions and mechanisms of political responsiveness to voters. yee gyreates’ feav oortined oy Fedeae Yo wos 4 Rear of Rachon i Hre \Yorted Slates Te eee were ‘ Lee { WtAng yoked Wyden afraid of LDPLE'S [NEEL ESS VO o Yo Oppression ey Ye come Lee Cam en . a 4 Oyessiye paONGY UO, everyone wnited \pwoyen free fom Ve p pressive a _ ye Const a Caine roe Hy Ow yrainkgs Owmd Ahat : : ow yon ved OO Strong Centra | : pked. 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