Syllabus - Final

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Junior English- American Literature

Miss Phipps
Central High School (602) 764-7500
School Tutoring Hours: 7am-7:50am, 3pm-4:30pm
This Junior English course focuses on American Literature from the early 1800s to present. We will cover
different types of writing, including narrative, argument, informative, and analysis. The ultimate goal of this
course is to prepare students for the future by improving their reading, writing, listening, and speaking skills.
The themes covered in this class will include:
Gender Roles
Family in early America
Justice and Equality
The American Dream
Role of Money
Basic Human Needs
Societys influence on an individual
The course readings for this class will consist of:
The Great Gatsby- F. Scott Fitzgerald
The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn- Mark Twain
To Kill a Mockingbird- Harper Lee
The Monkey's Paw- W. W. Jacobs
Kew Gardens- Virginia Woolf
The Veteran- Stephen Crane
Student Texts:
McDougal Littell Literature Book (Yellow Book)
Students will be asked to read many books independently this year as well, which they can bring from home or
check out from the schools library or my personal library.
Materials Needed:
1 inch binder, loose leaf paper, 3 different colored highlighters, blue or black pens, and pencils
Grading Policy/Weight:
30%- Papers
25%- Projects and Presentations
10%- Final
15% Tests and Quizzes
10%- Participation and In-class Assignments
10% Homework and Reading Logs

Grading Scale:
90-100% A
80-89% B
70-79% C
60-69% D
1-59% F

Teacher expectations: As your teacher I will

Meet with students for help any time it is needed
Be available for tutoring 4 days a week afterschool
Help you succeed in any way that I can

Student Expectations: As a student in my class,

I expect you to
Be in class and on time every day
Be prepared to learn
Be respectful and polite to your

classmates, teacher, and any other guests

in the classroom
Be willing to participate in the classroom
Complete and turn in all work on time

Late Work Policy:

The assignments turned in late will be marked down10% off each day until the assignment reaches 60%.
Late Assignments will only be accepted up to 3 weeks after the due date. After that point, assignments can no
longer be turned in for credit.
This includes papers and projects!
Absences and Attendance:
The School Policy is that students cant miss more than 12 days of a class to receive credit for it.
This is a mandatory class for graduation!
Tardies will result in a loss of classroom participation points for that day. Many tardies will start to negatively
affect your grade.
Cheating and Plagiarism:
Students are expected to submit their own work in this class. This means work copied from the internet, a
classmate, etc. will always result in a failing grade and a referral to administration.
Technology Use:
This will be a class that relies heavily on technology. Students will be expected to use technology in an
appropriate manner and only when instructed to do so. Consequences for using technology inappropriately will
result in a loss of access to the technology being used in class. Alternative arrangements will be made for
assignments completed online.
Cell Phone Policy:
Students will be allowed to use cell phones at certain times in this class. These are not a required resource, and
will not be used at any other times than when instructed.
If students are caught using a cellphone at an unwelcomed time:
1st offence- Warning to put cell phone away
2nd offence- Cell Phone being taken away until the end of class
3rd offence- Phone call home
4th offence- Turn cell phone into office
5th offence- Referral

Its going to be a great year! Please contact me with any questions or concerns.
Miss Phipps

I have read and understood the above syllabus,
Parent Printed Name

Parent Signature

Student Printed Name

Student Signature

Preferred Email Address (Parent) _____________________________________

Preferred Phone Number (Parent) _______________________________________

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