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Table of Contents

Scope for this Document

1-Concept of the ASCP collection
2-The Data Collection Process
3-Collections types: Complete, Net Change and Targeted
4-ASCP/EAM Business process
5-Collection of eAM Rebuildable Activity BOM and Routing
6-Collection of eAM Production Work orders
7-Collection of eAM Forecasted Work orders
8-Collection Parameter Changes
9-Collection of eAM Production Work orders
10-Collection of eAM Forecasted Work orders


Scope for this Document

Oracle Enterprise Asset Management (eAM) is part of Oracles-Business Suite and
addresses the comprehensive and routine asset maintenance requirements of asset
intensive organizations.
Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning (ASCP) provides capabilities including
Inventory planning, Collaborative planning, and Supply chain material and resources
This document outlines the integration technical concept between Oracle Enterprise
Asset Management and Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning

1-Concept of the ASCP collection

Data Collection is a process that pulls data from designated data sources into its
planning data store. The Data collection process consists of the pull process and
Operational Data Store (ODS) load process.
Data Collection programs move data from the source instance into staging tables where
Data integrity is checked before being loaded into APS instances Operational Data
Pull Data programs move the data from the staging tables to the APS instances
Operational Data store

2-The Data Collection Process

To understand the Data Collection process first we need to understand the architecture
of the data in the source instance. For that we need to understand the following.
Snapshot - A snapshot is a replica of a target master table at a single point-in-time.
Whereas multimaster replication tables are continuously being updated by other master
sites, Snapshots are updated by one or more master tables via individual batch
known as a refresh, from a single master site
Additionally, there are some views created on the snapshot synonyms which are used
in the data collections process to load the data from the source instance into the MSC
staging tables. In this example, there are two views that are used to load the Bill of
Material data into the staging tables.
Six different processes comprise the structure of Data Collection process. Each of these
processes are launched during the Data collection run.


Planning Data Pull
Refresh Snapshot
Planning Data Pull Worker
Planning ODS Load
Planning ODS Load Worker
Planning Data Collection Purge Staging



3-Collections types: Complete, Net Change and Targeted

Complete Refresh replaces all data for the entity, with a few exceptions:
a. Items are never deleted.
b. Trading Partners
c. Sales orders are special entity. We default Sales Orders
parameter No in complete refresh and will collect sales orders in
Net Change mode. This is done for performance reasons. If you
need to refresh sales orders in Complete mode, then you will have
to set this parameter to Yes, explicitly. OR you can run standalone
Targeted Refresh of only Sales Orders.
Targeted Refresh is used to collect one of more entities in complete refresh mode. This
is very useful to synching data for certain business purposes, or collecting certain setup
data, or quick collection for setting up a test case.

Business Purpose - Customer runs an ASCP Plan intraday at 1

pm, after running Net Change collections, they run a Targeted
Refresh of Customers, Suppliers, Orgs to get all new customers
created that morning.
b. We run Net Change Collections during the week, and Complete
Collections on weekends, but during the week, we need to collect
new Sourcing rules and Customers daily, so we run targeted
refresh each night.
c. I need to change Sourcing rules and setup a Supplier capacity
calendar and run a testcase. You can collect Approved Supplier
List, Calendars, and Sourcing Rules to get these changes quickly
into the MSC tables for testing without running a complete refresh
of all entities.

Net Change picks up only the changes to the entities.


This can only be run for transactional entities, like WIP, PO, OM
and some setup entities like, Items, BOM, etc..
b. If you set parameter Yes for a setup entity - like ATP Rules - it is
ignored when running Net Change collections


4-ASCP/EAM Business process

In the above diagram it is indicate that the first point of integration between the ASCP
and EAM is the collection and in order to attain the above design goals, the following
changes are required to the Collections program:
To add a new entity eAM forecasts
Slight modifications of existing collections code
To Support net change collections, we create snapshots on the following tables

5-Collection of eAM Rebuildable Activity BOM and Routing

Each item may have multiple associated activities identified by activity type. We
need to identify Rebuildable items and the associated Activity deemed to be
used to rebuild the item.
The Rebuildable items Activity structure will be collect as the Repair
structure used by ASCP
An activity is is defined as a Item, With user_Item_Type as Asset Activity and
EAM_ITEM_TYPE =ASSET_ACTIVITY. Activity is associated to a maintenance

BOM and activity routing containing the materials and resources needed for
operations, respectively
The Items of type(Eam_item_type) Asset Activity, Asset group ,rebuild able are
already getting collected as a part of Items collections
The Maintenance BOM and Routings , Resources are also getting collected as a
part of std Collection of BOM, routings
We need to collect the AssetGroup, Asset Number, Activity Associations


This table is designed generically to hold Association relationship between an

EAM Activity and the corresponding Asset/rebuildable item
This is a ODS Table portioned by instance_id


This table is designed generically to hold Association relationship between an

EAM Activity and the corresponding Asset/rebuildable item
This is a Staging Table


Also new snapshots is created: MTL_EAM_ACT_ASSOCIATIONS_SN
This snapshots is presented in the file MSCINVSN.sql
Also new views is created
The following procedures called as a part of the Items collection
These Activity associations wont call for a new task as they are being collected as part of items

The following tables will be updated for the rebuild activities:
1. Msc_boms.repairable. This will be set to 1 for all activities of the type rebuild
2. Msc_supplies.produces_to_stock. All the eAM work orders for the rebuild activity
type will have the
produces_to_stock updated to 1.


This will be done by the Main Planning ODS load program when all the entities are

6-Collection of eAM Production Work orders

eAM utilizes the WIP_DISCRETE_JOBS table to store their work orders. The eAM work
orders are identified by a value of 1 in the column
The work orders can be rebuild work orders ( independent , child) and asset work
On Asset work orders the primary_item is asset group
On rebuild work orders the primary Item is rebuilable_item
Collection will bring in all the existing eAM, work orders into msc_supplies
in order to collect the EAM Production Work orders some changes has been done
Changes to snapshot WIP_DSCR_JOBS_SN
Modify the Snap shot definition of WIP_DSCR_JOBS_SN, to add the following columns
Asset_class_code WDJ.Class_code
Shutdown_type wdj. SHUTDOWN_TYPE
Activity_type wdj.activity_type

Add the columns
Changes to tables MSC_ST_SUPPLIES
Add the following columns
Class_code : WIP Account Class code
Shutdown_type: Shut down type ( 1 Not Required , 2 :Required)
activity_type: Type of activity attached
To_be_exploded: 1: yes , 2 NULL: No
Changes to tables MSC_SUPPLIES
Add the following columns
Class_code : WIP Account Class code
Shutdown_type : Shut down type ( 1 Not Required , 2 :Required)
activity_type: Type of activity attached Produces_to_stock : eAM work orders for the
rebuild activity type will have the produces_to_stock updated to 1.
to_be_exploded : 1 :yes 2, NULL: No

7-Collection of eAM Forecasted Work orders

Budget forecast orders will be collected as a separate entity

A new parameter eAM Forecasts will be added to the collections SRS screen
Two date parameters namely Start_date and End_date will also be added in
conjunction with the above parameters
The budget forecast orders whose completion date falls with in the above date
range will be collected
The source table for budget forecasted work orders is Eam_Forecast_wdj
Only the header info retrieved/Stored for Budget forecast Work orders
Budget forecast Work orders will be stroed in MSC_Supplies with order_type 70
and to_be_exploded flag set to Yes and maintenance_object_source set to 1

In order to collect the EAM Forecast work orders some changes has been done as
following :
New Snapshots


New Views


New Procedure LAOD_EAM_FC

Procedure LOAD_EAM_FC will pull data from the_AP_ view into the staging
The forecast_name will be populated into MSC_ST_SUPPLIES. DESIGNATOR

Changes in Procedure LOAD_STAGING_SUPPLY

Loading of forecasts into MSC_designators from msc_st_designators

For Loading Forecasts, Add order_type 70 to the where clause of sqls that insert
data from Staging to ODS
The schedule_designator_id should be derived based on the condition


8-Collection Parameter Changes

New Columns in MSC_COLL_PARAMETERS table:
Add parameters eAM_forecasts , eam_fc_st_date, eam_fc_end_date to the parameter
list of Planning Data Pull Program and download the mscprg.ldt

9-Collection of eAM Production Work orders

Extra columns that needs to be collected from wip_discrete_jobs to msc_supplies

10-Collection of eAM Forecasted Work orders

The source table for these work orders is Eam_Forecast_wdj
Only the header info retrived/Stored for these WO
These WO will be stored with a New Order type (70 with TO_BE_EXPLODED ,

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