Daniel Theblackcatquestions

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The Black Cat by Edgar Allan Poe

Vocabulary & Questions

Unburthen - To unburden; to unload.
Expound - to make a detailed statement; to explain;
Baroque - extravagantly ornate, florid, and convoluted in
character or style; irregular in shape
Rigorous - severely exact or accurate; precise: rigorous
Inscrutability - not easily understood; mysterious;
Swooning - to faint; lose consciousness
Stupefied - crazy, magnificent, unbelievable, amazing
Docility - easily managed or handled
Sagacious - having or showing acute mental discernment
and keen practical sense; shrewd
Tinctured - to imbue or infuse with something.
1. Describe the narrator as a child and compare it to his life as an
He loved animals as a child and as an adult
2. On what does he blame his evil ways?
3. Describe Pluto. How do the narrator and his wife initially react
to him?
Pluto was a big black cat that was all alone. Both characters loved
the cat
A. What does the narrator first do to harm Pluto?
he takes a knife and pokes an eye out
B. Why do you think he does this?

because he was drunk and he was unaware of his actions

C. How does Pluto react to him after this incident?
he glares at him and stays away from him
5. How does the narrator rationalize killing Pluto?
he killed pluto because he was sick of seeing his cat with no eye
6. What happens the night after the narrator kills Pluto?
there is a fire that burns down the building he lives in
7. What does he discover the next morning? What do you think
this indicates?
he discovers an outline of a black cat on the chimney
8. How does the new cat differ from Pluto? What do you think this
trait symbolizes?
it has 2 eyes and it tries to trip the narrator
9. Explain the circumstances concerning the murder of the
narrators wife.
the narrator wanted to kill the cat but the wife stops him and
because he was drunk, he got mad at her and killed her.
10. Compare The Black Cat to The Tell Tale Heart. Identify 3
things that are similar between the two stories.
1. both stories have insane narrators
2. both narrators killed someone and later the police found
out about it
3. both lived happy lives until they encountered a problem

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