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Principles of Marketing: One Year Marketing Plan for MenScents

Jennifer Del Toro

Samantha Hall
Libna Loether
Lauren Savage
Sterling Utley

Table of Contents
a) Executive Summary
b) Situation and Environment Analysis
a. Competitors
b. Economic Factors
c. Cultural/Social Trends
d. Impact of Technological changes


e. Political/Legal Factors
f. Natural environment
SWOT Analysis
Marketing Objectives
Target Markets
Place (Distribution)
Financial Projections
Evaluation and Control

a) Executive Summary
When a female wants to purchase a home fragrance plug-in to put in her living room
before her date comes over, she has a multitude of options. When a male wants to purchase a
home fragrance plug-in to put in his living room before his date comes over, he hardly has any,
unless he wants his room to smell florally or like fresh laundry. This is where MenScents comes
into play. MenScents offers the first home fragrance plug-in line designed specifically for men.
Swapping the conventional smells and designs favored by the likes of Febreeze and Glade for
masculine colognes cased in higher- quality containers made of materials such as wood, metal,
and gold, MenScents certainly blows away any would-be competition. MenScents will be the
leading premium home fragrance product for males primarily aged between twenty- five and
fifty- four.
It is the perfect time for MenScents to enter the market. Not only has there been an
increase in mens fragrance sales in the past two years, but there are also currently no other
products that directly compete with MenScents goal to be the go-to home fragrance line for
men. These are favorable circumstances for the future success of MenScents.

A MenScents combo pack sells for $17.99 and includes one plug-in from four available
design options and one fragrance refill. Individual fragrance refill will sell for $12.99 and
individual plug-ins will sell for $14.99. These prices exceed industry average because of the use
of more durable materials, but the pricing strategy also positions MenScents as a premium, highquality product for stylish men. Promotional strategies- including sending sample packages of
the product to trendy blogs and magazines that are independently catering to the MenScents
target market- support the branding and positioning of the product. A social media campaign
featuring a video with the advertising message, Make Her Remember, serves to generate even
more buzz around the brand and product.
The growth of the mens fragrance industry and the unavailability of a plug-in designed
specifically for men demonstrate that there is an available niche in the market for a mens home
fragrance product. By combining strategic pricing and promotional strategies, MenScents
certainly has the potential to capitalize on this opportunity. It is with pleasure that we present to
you MenScents.

b) Situation and Environment Analysis

a. Competitors
There are many similar products and manufacturers in the massive global market for air
fresheners. Costs and materials vary from product to product and manufacturer to manufacturer.
While there are not presently any direct competitors in the mens premium home fragrance niche,
there are noteworthy indirect competitors that provide substitute goods. Proctor & Gamble
Company, California Scents, Air Delight Inc., and Bath & Body Works are all anticipated
b. Economic Factors
Marketing practices must constantly evolve to stay current in an economic landscape
dictated by change. There are plenty of economic factors that can impact a new products success
in todays market. The most important factors for decision making in relation to prices and new
product launches are economic growth, interest rates, exchange rates, and inflation rates. The
United States has experienced a severe recession in the past years that has left many consumers
skeptical about expenditures. That being said, the air freshener industry has experienced an
increase in sales during this time.
c. Cultural and Social Trends
Cultural and social trends are critical to take into account when making decisions about
marketing a product. What consumers desire and need varies depending on their values,
lifestyle, socioeconomic status, ethnicity, and cultural background. In this technological age,
media and social networks are increasingly becoming the most effective manners of
communicating with potential clients. There are two primary decision makers or influencers
when it comes to the MenScents line of air fresheners: men, and the women in those mens lives.
While MenScents is a home fragrance product designed specifically for men, current social
trends demonstrate that men are more likely to buy products if a woman in their life likes it.
Moreover, oftentimes it is the woman who first buys a product for a man and introduces it into
his life. MenScents would be remiss to ignore these cultural and social trends.

d. Impact of Technological Changes

In the quickly evolving technological world today, all industries have had to adapt to the
impact of the Internet and social networks. This has resulted in a drastic shift in the economy that
has changed new product development and how consumers perceive and interact with a brand.
Subsequently, MenScents intends on capitalizing on these changes to create a unique brand
experience and to sell the products directly to consumers. By using the Internet as a vehicle to
connect with the target market, MenScents will be able to grow globally and stay connected with
a rapidly expanding population and remain leveraged as a niche product offering amongst
competitors. Keeping up with the latest technological developments serves as an important
marketing strategy for MenScents, and allows the brand to fairly compete not only in the U.S.
market but eventually international markets as well.
e. Political Factors
MenScents depends heavily on many of United States regulatory laws that protect not
only the consumer, but private sector industries as well. Laws MenScents complies with are tax
laws, policy laws, labor laws, and environmental laws. MenScents also complies with trade
restrictions and tariffs. Political stability, especially economically, bears influence on MenScents
approach. A change in any of the aforementioned factors has the ability to drastically impact
MenScents decision-making process and product development.
f. Legal Factors
Legal factors can impact a companys operations, costs, and product demand. When
developing a new product, laws that always must be considered include discrimination laws,
consumer laws, anti-trust laws, employment laws, and health and safety laws.
g. Natural Environment
Natural environment is a key factor when it comes to new products. A change in
environment, such as a natural disaster, can influence the materials available for use in
MenScents production. Additionally, environmental groups can also impact standards of
production for air fresheners; thus, MenScents chooses to use natural and eco-friendly materials
approved by eco-friendly consumers. MenScents depends on a diverse number of commodities
for manufacturing its goods. Price increase by any environmental change can remarkably affect
production as well as pricing.

c) SWOT Analysis
Strengths- Internally, the strength of MenScents lies in the fact that it is a unique product
offering with limited direct competition. Presently, there is not another premium home fragrance
product created specifically for men available for purchase. While there are several indirect
competitors on the market, a true strength lies in the fact that there are no direct competitors.
Weaknesses- The primary weakness of MenScents is that there are many well-known,
indirect competitors and substitute goods available in the home fragrance industry at a lesser

price. When it comes to buying fragrances in general, men typically repurchase what they
already know and love, meaning that the fact that MenScents is not yet a recognizable brand
name is a weakness in this industry. Thus, success of MenScents requires strategy in terms of
market penetration. One challenge in accomplishing this task is providing men with an excellent
first experience that yields positive results and feedback (most notably from the ladies in their
lives) so that this product becomes a staple in their homes.
Opportunities- Favorable external factors (opportunities) include an increase in prestige
mens fragrance sales and unique, distinctive, and trendy product and package design. According
to The NPD Group, sales of prestige mens fragrance increased six percent in the United States,
making it a $953 million industry. Among the adult male population between the ages of 18 and
64, 47% of these men either will always, most of the time, or sometimes use fragrances. This
indicates an interest amongst the male population in smelling good. Furthermore, the stylish and
sleek design of the product serves as a differentiating factor from indirect competitors. Not only
does the cool design make the product an attractive home accessory, but it also functions as a
means of catching the attention of female and male shoppers alike. The lack of tasteful home
fragrance products designed specifically for men is an incredible gap in the market that
MenScents is capable of capitalizing on.
Threats- There are several external threats. The premium price is a barrier to entering the
mass markets, and distribution channels for both home fragrance and mens gift items are highly
competitive. Presently, MenScents does not own any patents or other forms of intellectual
property regarding the product. This means that competitors can attempt to duplicate or recreate
the concept.

d) Marketing Objectives
MenScents marketing strategy is to take advantage of this unique, untapped market potential
and to become the pioneer and leader of plug-in scent diffusers tailored specifically for the male
audience. Specific marketing objectives are detailed below:

Create Awareness. Create awareness of MenScents offerings through specific

promotional tactics and become the number one plug-in scent diffuser choice for males.
Develop strong customer base. Develop, retain and foster a strong customer base through
the use of push and pull marketing strategies such as customer loyalty programs,
discount programs, and word of mouth referrals.
Gain Market Share. Gain Market share by differentiating MenScents from the
Generate Profits. Generate profits by gaining control and becoming the market leader of
plug-in scent diffusers for males.

e) Target Markets
The primary target market for MenScents products is men, chiefly aged between twentyfive and fifty- four years old, who are single, bachelors, students, and/or working professionals,

without or without children. These males are sons, boyfriends, and fathers. These individuals
have or are on the way to having well developed careers with earnings of $30k per year and
upwards. A sub target market focus will be the women in the lives of these males, the ladies who
are mothers and girlfriends looking to give unique gifts to their men for birthdays, holidays, or
special occasions. MenScents addresses this market and sub market specifically because these
demographics are mostly likely to benefit from and to utilize the product.

f) Positioning
High-quality premium designed plug-in scent solution for the male home and office.
Typically, scent diffuser lines are geared toward a female audience and consist of floral
and fruity fragrances. That doesnt give many favorable scent options for males. MenScents will
be positioned for consumers as a high-quality, premium, custom scent solution for the male home
and office focusing on masculine fragrances and masculine colors and materials. The pricing
strategy is higher than other scent plug-in companies; however, this will differentiate the product
and emphasize its positioning in a higher-end market. Promotional packages will be sent to top
blog and magazine brands that are independently catering to MenScents target market.

g) Product
Menscents is unique because the product finally offers a home/office fragrance diffuser
with a masculine design. MenScents plans to pair masculine plug-in diffusers with fragrances
that not only smell great, but also represent men. Although competitors such as Glade, Febreeze,
and Bath & Body Works all offer plug-in fragrance diffusers, Menscents will be the only brand
that solely focuses on male preferences. The products of competitors are typically designed and
branded to appeal for women. By offering soft, feminine styled diffusers and fragrances such as
lavender, spring mist, and fresh cotton, our competitors have neglected to address the male
market that prefers their homes and offices to smell like man, or similar to their colognes. This is
the gap in the market that MenScents fills.

h) Price Strategy
At $17.99 for a combo pack, which includes one plug-in from the four available design
options and one fragrance refill, MenScents is priced higher than competing scent diffuser
companies due to the materials required to construct a single plug-in. However, the uniqueness,
customization, and passion embedded in the development of this product are also reflected in the
pricing strategy. Additionally, the price reflects the type of premium experience the MenScents
target market desires by allowing the brand to maintain the consistency and quality consumers
will eventually equate with MenScents. The significant difference in materials used to produce
MenScents products versus other well-known plug-ins serves to leverage the product as a stylish
option. The materials and product are more masculine and allows a mans personal space to
smell more manly and great as well. MenScents plug-ins are crafted with a higher quality
material that portray the characteristics of mahogany wood, metal and gold finish, and black.
These materials are durable and attractive, obtaining a better appeal to businessmen. Additional
items such as liquid fragrance refills and variety packs will be sold between $14.99 and $21.99 to

equate for the additional packaging needed when not bundling the items. Individual pieces will
be available for purchase as well. MenScents plans to build a rapport with consumers within the
first year, which will get the name and product out there, resulting in additional product
expansion potential in the future.

Combo Pack
3 Pack Fragrance Refills
Individual Fragrance
Individual Plug-ins









i) Promotion Strategy
MenScents campaign focuses primarily on pull strategies because in order to gain market
share and become the leader in male home and office scent diffusers, the brand must develop a
strong reputation through earning loyal users and inspiring word of mouth promotion. The major
pull strategy for the first year focuses on placing promotional sample packs into the hands of key
influencers. The promotional sample packs will be sent to influential bloggers and magazine
editors for popular male and female style blogs and magazines such as GQ, Esquire, Sports
Illustrated, Good Housekeeping, O, and Womens Health. MenScents will also target and send
samples to home-delivery service companies such as BIRCHBOX, MANPACK,
REDENVELOPE, and TRUNKCLUB to persuade a partnership in the near future. MenScents
believes that once people are able to see, touch, and smell the product in use, public brand
awareness will grow organically by word of mouth. MenScents goal in this approach is to make
top holiday season male shopping guides and become the go-to item to purchase for males
during the holiday seasons and other special occasions. Menscents promotional tactics will also
demonstrate elements of a push strategy by making the product available for purchase online and
by using social media channels to drive traffic to the website for special seasonal promotions and
discounts including free shipping for those that mention our products on popular social media
sites. Key social media promotion programs will be placed on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram,
LinkedIn, YouTube and Pinterest to generate buzz around the brand and product. The advertising
message, Make Her Remember will accompany a 30 second clip of a gentleman getting his
apartment ready for a lady to arrive. By using clever advertising tactics, the goal is that the video
will go viral and blow up the Internet. The social media promotion will be low to virtually no
cost. Budget costs and justification for promotion sample packs are listed in the table below:


Samples (includes one 100 sample packagesdiffuser base, 2

totaling $10,000
scents, swatches of
additional colors and



To gain the buy-in of

key bloggers,
magazine experts and

We will plan to see a

300% return from this
initial $10,000

scents available,
company bio and
ordering information)
in custom box. FedEx
2-day express postage
(included return label
and feedback sheet)
YouTube Video




videographer will be
hired to film and edit
the 30 second social
media bit

We plan to see
impressions total over
100 million through
this social media
video and drive a 50%
increase in overall
total sales.

j) Place (Distribution)
MenScents takes a unique distribution approach. Instead of the traditional route of paying
high retailer fees for prime shelf real estate, MenScents plans to save that money and reallocate
it into other marketing efforts that increase online presence. Since MenScents plans to initially
roll out the product through E-Commerce, increasing online presence is vital to success. Because
there are no brick and mortar retailers specialized in providing mens home fragrance products,
MenScents believes this will be the most effective and efficient way of capturing the bulk of the
markets attention. Another avenue MenScents plans to take as far as distribution is pushing
product to new services like BIRCHBOX, MANPACK, REDENVELOPE, and TRUNKCLUB,
which send subscribers personalized packages of mens clothing, accessories, and grooming
items. MenScents would also like to offer a subscription option that invites customers to pay a
monthly fee to receive refill cartridges automatically that arrive about the time their other is
running out. MenScents will offer them other seasonal or exclusive scents. Eventually, after
building brand recognition and a good customer base, MenScents would like to move into
department stores like Nordstrom or Sephora. The main drivers for motivating services like
BIRCHBOX and MANPACK to carry and push our product would be the fact that there is not

another product like MenScents. It would give them a way to boost their sales by filling a gap in
the market while also offering a unique product to their customers.

k) Implementation
MenScents plans to start implementation in 2015. By January 1, 2015, there will be a
final prototype, a website launch, and social media marketing strategy in place. MenScents will
also begin accepting presales, roll out a subscription option, and start production at this time. In
February, MenScents will test web traffic and tweak the site accordingly, send gift packages with
all products to mens style guides and personalization services like BIRCHBOX, MANPACK,
REDENVELOPE, and TRUNKCLUB, as well as begin developing summer promotions. March
will be spent negotiating with the personalization services to develop a business plan in an effort
to work more efficiently and develop a good relationship with those who are selling our
products. Throughout March, presale orders will be filled, refills for our first subscribers will be
sent, summer promotions will be finalized, and gift packages will be prepared for fashion and
style bloggers and mens magazines like Mens Health, Esquire, GQ, and Maxim. April will be
dedicated to obtaining feedback from first customers, sending out sample packages to the
bloggers, journalists and editors, and rolling out summer promotions. In May, MenScents will
spend time filling orders for the summer promotion, developing relationships with suppliers by
sending them appreciation product packages, and following up with distributors to obtain sales
information and customer feedback. In June and July, MenScents plans to develop exclusive
scents for distributors and subscribers, which will be offered in fall/winter promotion packages.
Before August, the goal is to have magazines including MenScents products on their musthave lists for college dorms or apartments. August and September is dedicated to developing
holiday promotions, rolling out our fall/winter seasonal fragrances, increasing production and
strengthening the website to prepare for increased holiday sales. This time will also be used to
send refills and gift packages to both our new and loyal bloggers and magazine writers in an
effort to be featured on their holiday shopping lists, bachelor pad must-haves, guys gift
guides and any other gift lists they are writing for the holidays. Holiday promotions will be
rolled out in October, and plans for Black-Friday and Cyber-Monday sales will be solidified.
In November, MenScents will roll out holiday promotions, continue filling orders, resupply
subscribers, and repackage products for holiday shipments. In December, MenScents will
maintain sales and marketing efforts, send holiday appreciation packages to our distributors,
suppliers, loyal subscribers, bloggers and editors to thank them for assistance in our first
successful year of business. An annual review will be concluded to recognize weaknesses and
strengths from the past year. That data will prepare for MenScents for a second year of business
and will contribute to the development of a plan of action and budget for 2016.

l) Financial Data and Projections

MenScents will receive a startup investment of $500,000 to help get the product in the
market. This investment will assist with marketing promotions, labor spent on producing the

plug-ins, and efforts towards social media campaigns on Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, and
LinkedIn. Initially, 1,500 units will be produced at the start of 2015 to for first sales and
promotions with the set goal of selling at least 100 units per month for the first year. Of the first
1,500 produced, there will be 375 units of each plug-in type and 500 units of each scent.
MenScents plans to be ready for the abundant amount of purchases throughout the year and the
holiday season, which will increase sales for the future. When a MenScents base is purchased,
customers can then continuously return to MenScents to purchase additional fragrances and plugins. With the start of the 2016 New Year, MenScents expects to increase sales revenue at a steady
rate with the help of marketing and sales promotions.
MenScents sales are projected by an estimate of how many plug-ins and fragrance refills
will be manufactured once social media accounts and the website are up and running. Beginning
in January, MenScents will produce an abundance of all plug-ins and fragrance refill scents to be
ready for sales and promotions. MenScents will continuously produce more of these products
throughout the year based on pre-orders and sales through the website, sales promotions, and
seasonal and holiday promotions. With each promotion MenScents runs, each unit will be in full
stock, ready to send out and to cover sales. The advertising budget will be extremely high in
January MenScents products enter the market and the name becomes known in the community.
The advertising and promotions budget includes website promotions on FaceBook, Instagram,
and Pinterest. Within the first year, efforts will be focused on sending out 20 free samples a
month to local businesses, bloggers, and major department stores. These free samples will allow
individuals to get to know and use our product first hand and try it out before making their own
purchase. 20 free samples will be sent to a new business and/or store each month.
Projected sales budget for 2015 is provided below.


m) Evaluation
For the first year MenScents will review all sales revenue and expenses on a monthly,
quarterly, and yearly basis. As sales increase, the process will be reevaluated to determine which
option is the most efficient and effective.

n) Appendix
Photographic and Artistic Renditions of the MenScents Bottle in Gold


Additional Plug-in Material Options (Plug-in Design)



Sample Letter to Bloggers and Magazine Writers

Lets be honest- in the world of home fragrance items,
dudes have two options these days: to smell florally or to
smell fruity. We all want our spaces to smell great
(especially if were bringin someone home tonight) but
very few men want to smell like a woman.
We proudly present to you MenScents. At MenScents, we
believe that it is a mans right to smell like a man and to
have a home and an office that smell like a man.
Using high-quality ingredients and our passion for our
mission, we have created the only stylish home fragrance
item a man will ever need again. Check it out, and let us
know what you think!
Happy Smelling,
The Team at MenScents

o) References


S.C. Johnson & Son, Inc. (2014). Glade Plug-ins. Retrieved from
The NPD Group, Inc. (2014). The NPD Group Reports on Mens Fragrance Usage.
Retrieved from
United States Consumer Product Safety Commission. (2013, December, 6). The
Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act (CPSIA). Retrieved from


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