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NC Graduation Project Summary

Research Topic
Project Overview

Mentor Contacts


Product, Visual, or
What You Learned

For my project I decided to learn about skateboarding professionally

I researched the ways you can make skateboarding your profession, such as filmography,
merchandise, and skate construction which is what I focus on in my project.
My mentor was Nolan Simonetti. Nolan is a manager in the skate shop we work in, and
we have built many different skate pieces together in the past.
For my project my Mentor and I built a skate bench.
- Drew up blueprints
- Gathered recycled wood
- Cut all of the wood to the correct sizes
- Hammered all of the pieces into place
- Attached angle irons with wood glue
- Added stickers
I met with my mentor for a total of five hours.
- Sept. 25 Gathered up materials we may need, and talked about what we wanted to
- Oct. 10 Talked about what we would like to build and started making blueprints.
- Oct. 19 Found all of the wood we needed at my Mentors friends house.
- Oct. 27 finished blueprints decided to build skate bench.
- Nov. 3 Went back to mentors friends house measured and cut all the wood.
- Nov. 10 Built skate bench
- Nov. 13 Added final pieces which was adding the angle irons.
Overall I spent 15+ hours
- This includes hands-on time, and time spent making blueprints, measuring and
cutting wood, and deciding what to build.
- I left all the pieces at my mentors house but we only worked on them when I was
over .
- For my visual I am showing my step by step process through pictures.
- I am going to talk about every process I took in building this project.
Overall I learned a new way to take skateboarding and turn it into my profession.
And also that I thoroughly enjoy building skate related things and will definitely
build more in the future.

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