Guy Fawkes Night Key

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1. Correct the sentences:

Guy Fawkes Night is a British festivity.
It takes place on 5 November.
The King was the leader of the Church of England
King Henry VIII of England wanted to divorce his wife,
Catherine of Aragon.
Robert Catesby was the leader of the plot.
Guy Fawkes was taken to the Tower of London.
On the evening of 5 November a lot of people wear historical costumes
from the time of the Gunpowder Plot.
Guy Fawkes Night is also called Bonfire

2. Answer the questions?

Who was Henry VIII?
Henry VIII was the King of England in 1534.
Who was James I?
James I was the King of England and
Scotland in 1605.
Who was Guy Fawkes?
He was a Catholic who wanted to kill the King.
When did Roman Catholics have to pay a lot of money?
They had to pay a lot of money if they did not go to Church of England
Why did a group of Catholics plan to blow up Parliament in London?
A group of Catholics planned to blow up Parliament in London because they
wanted to kill King James I.
When did they want to do it?
They wanted to do it because King James I passes laws against Roman

How did he want to do it?

They put thirty-six barrels of explosives under the Palace of Westminster
to blow up Parliament in London and kill King James I.
What did Guy Fawkes have to do?
He had to light the fuse
How many barrels of explosives were there?
There were thirty six barrels of explosives.
Where were they?
They were under the Palace of Westminster
Was the plot successful? Why / why not?
No, it was not successful because the plot
was discovered.
Who discovered the plot?
The Kings soldiers discovered the plot
How was it discovered?
It was discovered because of an anonymous
Where was Guy Fawkes taken when the plot
was discovered?
He was taken to the Tower of London
How did he die?
He was hanged.
What do children do on Guy Fawkes night?
They make a model of Guy Fawkes. They use old clothes and fill them with
newspaper, and they make a head and draw a face on it. They put the guy
on the bonfire and burn it.
Where is Lewes?
Lewes is in Sussex, in the south-east of England
What do the British do on Bonfire Night?
They wear historical costumes from the time of
the Gunpowder Plot.
3. Write a composition about Guy Fawkes Night

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