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saskatchewan Legislative Assembly November 19, 2015 Honourable Rona Ambrose Leader of the Official Opposition and Interim Leader of the Conservative Party Room 163 East Block OTTAWA ON KIA 0A6 Dear Honourable Ambrose: 1 just watched the video in which Tom Lukiwski, Member of Parliament for Moose Jaw-Lake Centre-Lanigan, refers to a candidate for the upcoming provincial election in Saskatchewan as “an NDP whore” in a public speech. I also read the account of a journalist who was in room, heard Mr. Lukiwski’s remark, and was willing to quit her job to ensure it was reported. This is an absolutely disgusting attack on a woman in polities. It is unbecoming of a Member of Parliament, and it is clear evidence that Mr. Lukiwski did not learn any lessons from the last major controversy in which he was involved, when a video tape showed him making hateful, homophobic comments. It is my hope that you will take this issue seriously, demonstrate that it is completely unacceptable, and remove Mr. Lukiwski from the Conservative caucus. Sincerely, Cm bok Cam Broten Leader of the Official Opposition Saskatchewan

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