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JaMariauna Washington

I want you to be better than me

As I have grown, I have had an epiphany on how much my mom says I want you to
be better than me. This is what motivates me to go to college, pursue my dreams,
and live life without regrets.
My mom found out she was pregnant with me when she was seventeen and decided
she wanted to talk to a counselor so that she could graduate early. Even then, she
worked hard to graduate before she had me. However, because i was a premature
baby, i came about 3 months early and I was able to attend my mothers high
school graduation. She wasnt able to go to college because she raised me and my
aunt . Seven years later, she gave birth to my brother, Kyon. For me, it was cool to
have a brother. Then, Three years later, she had Kamil Jr. who has grown to be the
biggest hassle ever. In 2010, my mom lost her best friend, Tenisha Johnson, to
breast cancer and she was diagnosed with Lupus.This motivated my mom to be a
nurse. My mom waited to all of us were in grade school so that she could go to
college and pursue her dream in Nursing. Having a family and juggling nursing
school seemed to be a difficult task. It was clear that trying to be a mother and also
cook, clean, and discipline was an extremely overwhelming task. After two long
years, In 2014, my mom graduated with her nursing degree .
Often, people described me as social, blunt, honest, funny, and entertaining. It is
through these characteristics that i have taken the chance to go to broadcasting
school. My socialness and entertaining characteristics have made me realize that i
want to talk and inform people through my humor. My biggest goals after starting
my career is to take care of my grandparents, mother, and brothers. I want them to
live in a world where they do not have to worry about Lupus, or being young black
men in a somewhat racist world.
In order for me to reach my goals i plan to attend Clark Atlanta University, and stay
focused. I want to enjoy the college life, but also not let the party life get to me. I
also have been taking the time to go to the 106.1 kmel station in san francisco to
get an experience of what radio broadcasting and production is about. Getting to
know more Djs, producers, and broadcasters will only open more opportunities to
help me expand my learning. I would also love to broadcast somewhere in the
Dominican Republic or Jamaica . I want to experience the life in another country and
travel the world.
This assignment has made me realize how much i admire my mom's efforts and
perseverance. This assignment has also made me realize that i am a lot more
motivated then i think i am. Being able to reflect on what i want my future to be will
prepare me to be ready for the world and all it has to offer without my parents.
Lastly, i realized that i have so much potential to actually make it to the
broadcasting industry especially with my connections, and the way my classmates

think of me. The characteristics my classmates gave me assures me that i am the

perfect fit.

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