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Film Ideology- Fight Club 1999



By Muhamed Azrul Azli

Monash University of Malaysia

Facultyof Business and Commerce

Film Ideology- Fight Club 1999

In the past century, many has witness the world of tragic wars and mega-deaths

either from documented film, books or other relevant sources. The further we understand

the fundamentals of these events we will come across with the reason of this wars

occurring. The different ideology between a society and another society was identified as

one of the factors. Every society perceives a different ideas and perspective on a given

subject. For instance, American view democracy as a system of freedom and rights where

else the Cuban’s will see democracy as a system that leads to corruption and poverty.

Ideologies can be spread in various methods and one of the ways is in film. Ideologies

can be defined as a “system of social or political beliefs characteristic of a society or

social community; ideological film theory examines the ways in which films represent

and express various ideologies"(Prince S. 2006). It’s an idea of one’s idea seeing things

according to one person definition. Ideologies in film are usually used as a tool of

propaganda or to brainwash people into believing and thinking from the perspective of an

ideologist. For example, Director Leni Riefenstahl, was requested to produce a Nazi

propaganda film, Olympia and Triumph of Will” (Yahya H., 2003 pp74). Thus people

who are influenced by films without thinking truly will be influence by the ideology. In

analyzing the film Fight Club (1999), directed by David Fincher, issues that are

commonly addressed are politics, class, gender and ethnicity.

One of the obvious ideological in Fight Club (1999) issues of gender in

particularly, male masculinity. The main cast, Brad Pitt who acted as Tyler Durden was

the symbol of masculinity. The way that Brad Pitt portrayed his masculinity by his

Film Ideology- Fight Club 1999

attractive physical anatomy plus a looks that is an ideal, perfect male that is wanted by

most females. As we observed in the film, the extreme fight scenes and the constant use

of the black leather jacket added his masculinity. The personality of a person also appeals

their masculinity not just the physical body. “Men are expected to be strong, aggressive,

tall, handsome, bold, courageous, rough, tough, emotionless, insensitive, fearless and

practical”(Unesco, 2006). Bob which in the beginning of the movie shows his lack of

masculinity where he always cries in the group meetings. He found his true masculinity

by the numerous fighting in fight club however he’s died later in the story. Edward

Norton the other lead actor who had brilliantly acted, so called the narrator, was also in

the beginning of the film shows his lack of masculinity. He was the working executive

who lives in the modern civilization which his life is all about work have made him fear

of many aspects of life. He soon later found his true masculinity when he started fight

club. One of the scenes was while he was driving hands free in the car with 3 other

character. In another scene, the narrator pulled the trigger of the gun in his mouth

instantly injuring him. These scenes had portrayed how high his braveness level. Narrator

and Bob would eventually “discover a more "natural" path of self-discovery by venturing

into something hidden beneath civilization: the savagistic and natural simplicity of

poverty and primal-fighting-warrior men”( Halnon K. 2002). In a further analyzing of

this film, the ideology of feminism is also included but its limited. Marla Singer was the

female character in the film where she portrayed by having sexual relationship with Tyler

and the narrator shows that both male accept the female by portraying love and affection.

However, she was later being ignored because of her potential threat to the organization.

Film Ideology- Fight Club 1999

Thus we can see how the ideology of gender in the film is portrayed which is mainly

dominated by the male masculinity.

The ideological issue of ethnicity was portrayed in a few scenes of this movie

didn’t resembles equality. The use of the term ethnicity and not race here is because of

the abuse that the word had brought to our world. Racism is defined as “a belief that race

is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial difference

produce an inherent superiority of a particular race” (Merriam Webster Online, 2008). In

this world there is only one race that is the human race but we are separated by ethnic. In

Fight Club (1999), the scene which Tyler was attempting to shoot the Asian shopkeeper

named Raymond shows ethnicity issue. It is not about Tyler attempt to kill Raymond

because he was an Asian but he is demonstrating to the narrator of what level is the Asian

people in the society. The failure of Raymond to become a veterinarian had made him a

shopkeeper illustrates Asian people as unsuccessful. Often in other films we will see that

the Asians will be class as a shopkeeper of a sundry store or the laundry. In analyzing

Fight Club (1999), the issue of ethnicity not clearly portrayed because in fight club the

theme was “equality”. The only African American character in the movie which is not

sufficient to say fight club is equal. “Blaxploitation films like Shaft or Superfly can be

read as signs of resistance to black subservience to whites and as a reaction against black

stereotypes in Hollywood films”(Kellner 1987 pp.8). In another film, 25th hour, a movie

of ethnicity, acted by Edward Norton, portrays more ethnicity issue when he was saying

evil things to the New Yorkers consist of the Italians, Asians, African-American etc.

Films like 16 Blocks, acted by Bruce Willis displays a ethnicity issues of the American

Film Ideology- Fight Club 1999

demonize African-American. Hence, the equality that is portrayed in Fight Club (1999) is

doubt compared to the other movie. Additional characters from different ethnic should be

placed in this film.

The third ideological issue is the political class aspect of the movie Fight Club

(1999) portrays. The political ideologies portrayed are the communism and the “evil”

capitalism. Communism is defines as a totalitarian system of government in which a

single authoritarian party controls state-owned means of production” (Merriam Webster,

2008). The ideology of Communism promotes equality among all citizens as this film

portrayed. Each character in this film was treated equal where they were amounted to the

same amount of jobs in running the organization. The film showed equality at an extreme

point in the scenes of ‘Project Mayhem’. One of the scenes, when Tyler was speaking

thru the megaphone quoted; “Listen up, maggots. You are not special. You are not a

beautiful or unique snowflake; you're the same decaying organic matter as everything

else” (IMDB, 2008). The narrator was an example of what capitalism has made him, a

man who greed’s for a fancy lifestyle however he was described as” an exhausted and

numb narcoleptic/insomniac suffering from the failed promise of self-fulfillment in a

brand name, corporate-driven consumer society” (Halnon K. 2002). Tyler was an

example of communism that believes the corruption of the system and the inequality in

society. Tyler’s plan in project Mayhem was to pull down all the credit companies who

are oppressing the society with high interest. The Starbucks was associated to capitalism,

due to their company exploiting consumer thru caffeine addiction. Films such as “There

Will Be Blood, the latest from director Paul Thomas Anderson and adapted from Upton

Sinclair's 1927 novel, Oil, concerns the rise and descent of ruthless oil baron, Daniel

Film Ideology- Fight Club 1999

Plainview”(Ray E. 2008). This films show similar form of political ideology of

machinations of American capitalism based on the rise and descent of ruthless oil baron.

In relation to Fight Club (1999) in a scene where the narrator had shoot himself showing

that he killed Tyler that was in him. The significance of this scene sends a message to us

that Capitalism has overruled Communism. Films that are tailored associates with

political ideology especially Hollywood films, illustrate the idea of other ideology as

ruthless, pointless, violent compared to the democracy. This is absolutely a true fact that

democracy works better in our society thus such reminders are important to the audience

not to be influence by individuals political agenda.

The issue of sexuality is an ideology is used for many films. The sexuality

presented in the twentieth century by mainstreams Hollywood is concerned with

heterosexuality and homosexuality. Heterosexuality is defined as “of, relating to or

characterized by a tendency to direct sexual desire toward the opposite sex” (Merriam

Webster Onlinem, 2008). In Fight Club (1999), Tyler Dunden sexual appeals are focused

on his sexual drives. In the scenes of Tyler and Marla Singer having sexual intercourse,

the loud moaning sounds from Marla plus the extreme shake of the walls portrays

heterosexuality. The element of homosexuality in Fight Club 1999 is portrayed by the

character Bob in the early scenes due to appearance of having female breast and the tears.

In the American society for a long time heterosexuality was normal compared to

homosexuality that was viewed of weak male in the society. Queer Theory in 1970 then

change this perception, by the development on Gay & lesbian studies and feminist theory.

After these years then only queer appearance in films are accepted. Sexuality aspects in

Film Ideology- Fight Club 1999

Hollywood film are made due to several reasons. The absence of sexual elements will

make a film unrealistic and boring thus results in poor ticket sales. However, in other

society which try to prevent sexual scenes being projected to the audience due to

religious or cultural reasons. In Malaysia for instance, films that have a sexual scene are

deleted by the Malaysian National Film Development Association (FINAS). Other

countries such as South Korea apply film censorship from 1987 to 1992. This according

to Park S. (2002) research, it’s to be said that films in Korea must be made or viewed

with the absence element of sexual contents which will benefit the morale of the society.

Many Hollywood films portray sexual ideology, for instance films like Body Shots,

Miami Vice and American Pie.

Finally, the ideology of national identity also a common element in films. The use

of explicit language and violence are always portray in American films. In Fight Club

(1999), scenes of brutal fights and conversation use explicit language and violence.

Films is also associate to a society’s culture thus this elements of violence and explicit

language is associated to the American National Identity. If we observe Indian

Bollywood films, often related to the love and affection in many of their scenes thus these

element reflects to their culture.

In conclusion, the ideologies of gender, sexuality, politics, class, and ethnicity are

exist in films. The film Fight Club (1999) has succesfully illustrate the elements of all

these ideology. Ideology is a principles or a movement of society and as individuals who

wants to follow certain ideologies must be aware of the positive and negative aspects.

Film Ideology- Fight Club 1999

Ideology can be a good as ideology can be evil depending on the implementations taken.

Film that potray ideologies suggest a message maybe exploit because message that are

received varies from an individual to the other.

Film Ideology- Fight Club 1999


Halnon K. (2002) Fight Club. Teaching Sociology with a Purpose: Issues in Curriculum
Design and Assessment. American Sociological Association, Vol. 30, No. 4, pp. 503-506

IMDB-Internet Movie Database (2008) Fight club (1999)- Memorable quotes. Reterieved
May 2nd 2008 from

Kellner D. (1987) Films Politics and Ideologies: Reflection on Hollywood film in the
Age of Reagen. Retrieved on May 3rd 2008 from

Merriam Webster Online (2008) Hetrosexuality- definition from Merriam Webster

Online Dictionary. Retrieved on May 5th 2008 from,

Merriam Webster Online (2008) Racism- definition from Merriam Webster Online
Dictionary. Retrieved on May 3rd 2008 from,

Merriam Webster Online (2008) Communism- definition from Merriam Webster Online
Dictionary. Retrieved on May 2nd 2008 from,

Park S. (2002) Film Censorship and Political Legitimation in South Korea, 1987-1992.
Cinema Journal. University of Texas Press Vol. 42, No. 1, pp. 120-138

Prince S. (2006) Ideology. Retrived May 1st 2008, from http://www89.homepage.

Ray E. (2008) There Will Be Blood: The Madness of American Capitalism...But No

Method. Retrived May 4th 2008 from,

United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organisation New Delhi (2006)
Masculinity for Boys: Resource Guide for Peer Educators. Retrived May 1st 2008 from,

Yahya H. (2003) Fascism : the bloody ideology of Darwinism : fascism continues to pose
a threat to the world in the 21st century. 1st edn Saba Islamic Media, Malaysia

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