November 08 2015

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Sai Inspires from Prasanthi Nilayam November 08, 2015

What is the purpose of life and what are our implements to accomplish it?
Bhagawan lovingly explains to us today.
To a superficial observer, life appears to revolve around eating and
drinking, working, and sleeping. But verily life has a much deeper
significance. Life is a sacrifice (yajna). Every little act is an offering to
the Lord. If your days are spent in deeds performed in this spirit of
surrender, your sleep would be a total immersion in the Divine
Consciousness (Samadhi)! Most people commit the great fault of
identifying themselves with the body and accumulate a variety of things
for its upkeep and comfort. When the body becomes weak and decrepit
with age, they still attempt to bolster it by one means or the other. How
long can death be postponed? When Yamas (Lord of Deaths) warrant
comes, everyone must depart. Position, pride, and power - all vanish
before death. Remember, you are not this body! It is your vehicle to
serve all. Realising this, strive day and night, with purity in body, mind
and spirit, to realise the Higher Self.
- Prema Vahini, Ch 6.

The Lord loves and honours those who love all and serve all. Baba
08 nvMbr,2015
sweI ieMnspwier dw pMjwbI tRWslySn
pRSn: swfy jIvn dw kI lkS hY Aqy ies nUM hwsl krn leI swnUM,ikhVIAW koiSSW krnIAW cwhIdIAW
hn?Bgvwn,A`j swnUM,ipAwr nwl ,smJwauNdy hn[
au`qr:iek bnwautI ivcwr r`Kx vwly mnu`K nUM ieauN lgdw hY ik ieh jIvn,Kwx-pIx,krm krn Aqy sOx leI hI
hY[pr sMKyp iv`c,ieh ikhw jw skdw hY ik jIvn dI mh`qqw dw ArQ,bhuq fUMgw hY[jIvn,iek iqAwg hY[koeI vI
Coty qoN Cotw kMm,Bgvwn leI Aripq hoxw cwhIdw hY[jy quhwfy idx,Bgvwn nUM,pUrw smrpx krn iv`c bIqdy
hn,quhwfI nINd,pUrI dI pUrI,Bgvwn dI smwDI iv`c pRIvriqq ho jwvy gI[bhuq swry lok,Awpxy-Awp nUM,iek
SrIr hI smJx lg pYNdy hn Aqy Awpxy su`K-cYn leI bhuq swrIAW cIzW iek`TIAW krdy rihMdy hn[jd
SrIr,kmzor ho jWdw hY Aqy aumr dy vDn nwl kMm krnw bMd kr idMdw hY,aus dy vwvjUd vI,keI lok,SrIr nUM
mh`qqw dyxw bMd nhIN krdy[mOq nUM,ik`nI dyr qweIN A`gy pwieAw jw skdw hY?jd Xmrwj(mOq dy dyvqw)dy vwrMt
Awauxdy hn,hr mnu`K nUM,ieh SrIr-rUpI colw,C`fxw hI pYxw hY[mOq dy swhmxy,iksy vI mnu`K dI pdvI,hMkwr,Aqy
SkqI dw zor nhIN cldw[Xwd r`Ko ik qusIN,SrIr nhIN ho[ieh SrIr qW iek vwhn dI qrHW hI hY[ies gl nUM
iDAwn iv`c r`Kdy hoey,SrIr,mn Aqy Awqmw nUM piv`qr r`Kdy hoey,rwq idx koiSS kro ik Awqm-igAwn dI pRwpqI
ho jwvy[(pRym vwihnI,A`iDAwey Cy)[

Bgvwn,aunHW lokW nUM hI ipAwr krdy hn Aqy ie`zq bKSdy hn ijhVy,swirAW nwl ipAwr krdy hn Aqy swirAW
dI syvw krdy hn[(bwbw)[

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