November 10 2015

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Sai Inspires from Prasanthi Nilayam November 10, 2015

What is the significance of the celebration of Deepavali, the Festival of Lights?

Bhagawan lovingly explains to us today.
From this day onwards, you must win over everyone
through love and compassion. Nara (man) falls
intoNaraka (hell), through over-indulgence. Senses
generally run wild and like raging floods, spell
destruction. The festival of Deepavali is to express
gratitude at the defeat of the
demonic (Naraka)tendencies in humans, which drag
them down from Divinity. Naraka is the name for hell,
and the demon whose death at the hands of Krishna
is celebrated today is called Narakasura, the
personification of all the traits of character that
obstruct the upward impulses of every person. The
home (griha) where the Name of the Lord is not heard
is a cave (guha), and nothing more. As you enter it or
leave it, and while you are in it, perfume it, illumine it,
and purify it with the Lord's name. Light it as a lamp at
dusk and welcome it at dawn as you welcome the
Sun. That is the genuine Deepavali, the Festival of
- Divine Discourse, Oct 24, 1965.

Humility can be built only on a foundation of charity and detachment. Baba

10 nvMbr,2015
sweI ieMnspwier dw pMjwbI tRWslySn
pRSn: rOSxI dy iqauhwr,dIvwlI dy mxwaux dI kI mh`qqw hY?Bgvwn,A`j swnUM,ipAwr nwl smJwauNdy hn[
au`qr: A`j dy idx qoN hI qusIN,ipAwr Aqy dieAwluqw rwhIN,hr iek dw mn ij`qxw SurU kro[jd mnu`K,AwpxIAW
ieMdRIAW dy Bog ivlws iv`c bhuq Ku`B jWdw hY qW auh,nrk iv`c hI ifgdw hY[Awm qOr qy, ieMdRIAW vYhSIAW dI
qrHW brqwau krdIAW hn Aqy h`VH dI qrHW mnu`K dw ivnwS krdIAW hn[idvwlI dw iqauhwr,mnu`K dIAW mwVIAW
ivRqIAW,ijhVIAW aus nUM,idivXqw qoN nIcqw v`l lY jWdIAW hn,aunHW nUM hwr dyx dI ikRiqgXqw nUM pRkt krn leI
mnwieAw jWdw hY[nrk hI qbwhI dw nw hY Aqy rwkiSS auh hY ijhVw rwm dy h`QON mwirAw igAw sI Aqy A`j-k`l
aus nUM,nrkwsur ikhw jWdw hY Aqy ieh nrkwsur,mnu`K dIAW idvXqw vwly sdwcwrW vwlIAW AwdqW nUM G`t krdw
hY[ijhVy Gr iv`c Bgvwn dw nW jipAw nhIN jWdw,auh iek guPw dy brwbr hY,Aqy auh,ies qoN izAwdw ku`J nhIN
hY[jd qusIN,Awpxy Gr iv`c dwiKl hovo jW GrON bwhr jwau Aqy jd qusIN Gr dy AMdr bYTy ho qW ies Gr iv`c DUp
jgwau,ies iv`c rOSxI r`Ko Aqy ies nUM ,Bgvwn dy nW dw jwp kr ky piv`qr kro[Swm nUM,ies nUM rOSnI nwl

jgmgwau Aqy idx cVHn qy , sUrj dI qrHW ,ies dw svwgq kro[ies nUM hI AslI idvwlI ikhw jWdw hY Aqy ies
nUM hI rOSnI dw AslI iqauhwr ikhw jWdw hY[(24 AkqUbr,1965 dy idvX pRvcn)[
dwn krn Aqy iqAwg nwl hI,dieAw Bwv dw nINh p`Qr r`iKAw jw skdw hY[(bwbw)[

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