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Sai Inspires from Prasanthi Nilayam November 12, 2015

How should we tend to the body? What is its intended purpose? Bhagawan
lovingly explains to us in crystal clear terms today.

Utilize your authority over this body to foster the welfare of the
world. This body is but an instrument, an implement given by
God. Let it serve its intended purpose. Until the realisation of
the purpose for which the implement is given, it is your duty to
watch over it vigilantly and protect it from injury and
disablement. During winter, woollen clothes are worn to
withstand the rigour of the cold gales, but when the cold
subsides, they are discarded. So too when the cold gales of
material life don't affect us in the least, the material body will no
longer become essential. "Thou-art-That" - this is the highest
and holiest spiritual maxim! You are the
indestructible Atmic principle (Divine Soul). It is to realise and
experience this Atmic principle, you have this body! In the
process to realise the Supreme Lord here and now, you must
take good care of yourself.
- Prema Vahini, Ch 12.

The body will shine if the character is fine. Serving all and worshipping
God will preserve its charm. Baba
12 nvMbr,2015
sweI ieMnspwier dw pMjwbI tRWslySn
pRSn: swnUM,SrIr nwl ,kI krnw cwhIdw hY?ies dI AslI mh`qqw kI hY?Bgvwn,A`j swnUM,swP-swP smJwauNdy
au`qr: AwpxI pUrI qwkq,ies sMswr dI BlweI iv`c lgw dau[Bgvwn ny,ies SrIr nUM,iek h`iQAwr dy rUp iv`c
vrqn nUM id`qw hoieAw hY[jd qweIN quhwnUM,ies h`iQAwr dy iesqymwl bwry iehsws nhIN ho jWdw ik ies qoN ikhVw
kMm lYxw hY,ieh quhwfI ifaUtI bxdI hY ik ies dw bcwau kro qW jo ies au`qy koeI zKm nw ho jwvy Aqy ieh AMg
hIn nw ho jwvy[srdIAW iv`c,TMfIAW hvwvW dw mukwblw krn leI ,au`n dy kpVy pwey jWdy hn pr jd srdIAW
Gt jWdIAW hn,ieh grm kpVy auqwr id`qy jWdy hn[ausy qrHW,jd swnUM ies BOiqk sMswr dIAW cIzW nwl moh
Kqm ho jWdw hY,ies BOiqk SrIr dI koeI zrUrq nhIN rih jwvy gI[aus vyly ieh mihsUs ho jwvy gw ik myrI
Awqmw mhwn Aqy piv`qr ho geI hY[qusIN ,iek Amr idvX Awqmw ho gey ho[Bgvwn ny quhwnUM ieh SrIr,iehI

Awqimk is`DWq nUM smJx Aqy AnuBv krn leI id`qw hY[ies jgHw qy Aqy huxy hI,suprv Awqmw(Bgvwn) dw
AnuBv krn leI,quhwnUM cwhIdw hY ik Awpxy Awp dI cMgI dyK-Bwl kro[(pRym vwihnI,A`iDAwey 12)[
ieh SrIr qW hI cmky gw jy quhwfw cwl-clx cMgw hovy gw[ies SrIr dI cmk qW hI brkrwr rhy gI jy qusIN
swirAW dI syvw kro gy Aqy Bgvwn dI pUjw kro gy[(bwbw)[

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