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Sai Inspires from Prasanthi Nilayam November 13, 2015

What should be the attitude and approach of a spiritual aspirant? Bhagawan

lovingly explains with a simple example
The farmer ignores food and sleep, and focusses on
ploughing, levelling, scattering seeds, watering, weeding,
guarding and fostering crops. He knows that the harvest he
brings home is critical for his familys subsistence and if he
fritters away the precious season in idle pursuits, his family
will be confronted with hunger and ill-health. So he prioritises
all his attention on farming alone and defers all other pursuits.
He bears all difficulties and deprivations, and toils day and
night, watches over the crops and garners the grain. As a
result, he happily spends the months ahead, in peace and joy
with his family. All students and spiritual seekers must learn
this lesson from the farmer. Youth is the prime season for
mental culture. Use these years intensively and intelligently
for your progress irrespective of difficulties and overcome
every obstacle. Silence the clamour of your senses, and
control hunger and thirst; the urge to sleep and relax also be
curbed until spiritual harvest is obtained.
- Divine Discourse, Oct 26, 1981

Indulgence in petty pleasure, flimsy gossip, feast and festivity, and idleness and sleep, makes you
unfit to receive or retain spiritual wisdom. Baba
13 nvMbr,2015
sweI ieMnspwier dw pMjwbI tRWslySn
pRSn: A`iDAwqimkqw nUM is`Kx vwly swDk dy mn dw sBwau Aqy brqwau,iks qrHW dw hoxw cwhIdw hY? Bgvwn,A`j
swnUM,iek swDwrx audwhrx dy ky smJwauNdy hn[
au`qr: iek ikswn,Awpxw Kwxw-pIxw Aqy sOxw C`f ky,AwpxI zmIn iv`c hl clwauNdw hY,aus nUM iekswr krdw
hY,bIjW nUM zmIn iv`c iKlwrdw hY,pwxI idMdw hY,Ancwhw Gw bwhr k`Fdw hY, aus dI rKvwlI krdw hY Aqy Psl
pYdw krdw hY[aus ikswn nUM pqw huMdw hY ik Psl,ijhVI aus ny Gr lY ky AwauxI hY,auh aus dy pRIvwr dy pwlxpoSn leI ik`nI zrUrI hY Aqy jy aus ny ies kImqI mOsm nUM,susqI Aqy vyhly rih ky guvw id`qw qW aus dw pRIvwr
Bu`Kw rhy gw Aqy aunHW dI ishq Krwb ho jwvy gI[ies leI auh ,bwkI dy swry kMm C`f ky,Awpxw iDAwn,KyqI iv`c
hI r`Kdw hY[auh,hr qrHW dIAW muSklW Aqy auqwr-cVHwv dw mukwblw krdw hY,idn-rwq myhnq krdw hY,Psl dI
dyK-Bwl krdw hY Aqy Gr iv`c dwxy(Psl)y lY ky AwauNdw hY[ies dy Pl-srUp,auh A`gy Awaux vwly ku`J
mhIny,Awpxy pRIvwr nwl KuSI-KuSI,SWqI Aqy AwnMd nwl ibqwauNdw hY[swry ividAwrQIAW Aqy A`iDAwqimkqw

is`Kx vwilAW nUM,ikswn qoN ieh sbk is`Kxw cwhIdw hY[bu`DI dy ivkws leI,jvwnI dI Avs`Qw,iek bhuq mh`qqw
vwlI Avs`Qw hY[AwpxI jvwnI dy swlW nUM,AwpxI qr`kI leI, jor-Sor nwl iesqymwl kro Aqy ij`nIAW mrzI
quhwnUM muSklW Awaux,aus dw ft ky mukwblw krdy hoey,aus qy kwbU pwau[AwpxIAW ieMdRIAW dI vwsnw au`qy kwbU
pwau,AwpxI Bu`K-ipAws,nINd Aqy Awrwm krn qy kwbU pwau Aqy au`nI dyr qweIN cYn nwl nw bYTo, ij`nI dyr qweIN
qusIN,A`iDAwqimkqw hwsl nhIN kr lYNdy[(26 AkqUbr,1981 dy idvX pRvcn)[
AwrzI KuSIAW,PzUl g`pW,mOj-msqI,susqI Aqy nINd,ieh swrw ku`J quhwnUM
, A`iDAwqimk bu`DImqw nUM hwsl krn Aqy ies nUM kwiem r`Kx leI mdd nhIN krdy[(bwbw)[

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