November 15 2015

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Sai Inspires from Prasanthi Nilayam November 15, 2015

What is the purpose of the intensesadhana of Global Akhanda Bhajan?

Bhagawan lovingly explains the process to receive the fruit of Divine Wisdom.

It is not easy for the human mind, immersed in worldly concerns to

turn to God. It is only when the mind is transformed and brought under
the control of the Soul (Atma) that the body experiences Divine
Bliss(Ananda). The means by which the mind is transformed is
devotion (Bhakthi - intense love for God). Progressively, turn your
mind towards God until it merges in God. Meditation, repetition of the
names of the Lord, group singing of devotional
songs (bhajans), reading of scriptures and other such activities are
designed only to purify the mind so that it can concentrate on God. As
a field has to be properly ploughed and prepared for sowing so as to
reap a good harvest, the field of our heart has to be rendered pure
and sacred through good and holy actions and spiritual
discipline (sadhana) if it is to yield the fruit of Divine Wisdom.
- Divine Discourse, Oct 08, 1984.

Chanting the Lords name is essential for crossing the turbulent ocean of life. Baba
15 nvMbr,2015
sweI ieMnspwier dw pMjwbI tRWslySn
pRSn: glovl AKMf Bjn dI BrpUr(AQwh) swDnw dI kI mhq`qw hY? Bgvwn,A`j swnUM,ipAwr nwl idvX
bu`DImqw dy Pl nUM hwsl krn dy FMg bwry smJwauNdy hn[
au`qr: mnu`K dw mn,ijhVw sMswrI moh-mwieAw iv`c P`isAw hoieAw hY,aus nUM,Bgvwn dI AwrwDnw iv`c
lgwauxw,Awswn kMm nhIN hY[ieh kyvl aus vyly hI sMBv hY jd mn dI Su`DI kIqI jwvy Aqy ies nUM Awqmw dy
AwDIn kIqw jwvy qW jo SrIr nUM,idvX AwnMd dw AnuBv hovy[auh FMg,ijhdy nwl mnu`K dw mn Su`D ho skdw
hY,auh kyvl BgqI (Bgvwn nwl,AQwh ipAwr) hI hY[Awpxy mn nUM,hOly-hOly Bgvwn nwl ipAwr krn iv`c moVo
Aqy ieh A`iBAws au`nI dyr qweIN krdy rho jd qweIN,ieh mn Bgvwn iv`c vlIn nw ho jwvy[swDnw,Bgvwn dw
bwr-bwr nW jpx,Bjn gwaux,Dwrimk ikqwbW dy pVHn Aqy ies qrHW dy hor krm krn nwl hI kIqI jw skdI
hY[ies qrHW,mn dI Su`DI huMdI hY Aqy ieh mn,Bgvwn au`qy itk jWdw hY[ijs qrHW iek Kyq iv`coN cMgI Psl lYx
leI,aus iv`c cMgI qrHW hl clwieAw jWdw hY Aqy aus iv`c bIj boieAw jWdw hY ,ausy qrHW,idl dy Kyq nUM ,cMgy

Aqy nyk kMm krn Aqy swDnw rwhIN,piv`qr kIqw jWdw hY qW jo quhwnUM,idvX bu`DImqw dw Pl hwsl ho sky[(08
AkqUbr,1984 dy idvX pRvcn)[
jIvn dy AOKy (duSvr) swgr nUM pwr krn leI,Bgvwn dw nW jpxw bhuq zrUrI hY[(bwbw)[

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