November 16 2015

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Sai Inspires from Prasanthi Nilayam November 16, 2015

When can we be worthy enough to guide and be of service to others?

Bhagawan explains through a classic analogy.

You can light more than thousand candles from a single lamp.
Remember only a burning lamp or candle can be used to light other
candles. An unlit candle cannot light the other unlit candles. So too only
the one who earned wisdom can enlighten others who are in ignorance.
One who is not illumined cannot illumine others who are dwelling in the
darkness of maya: So you must strive to light your own lamp from the
Universal Light of Love and from there transmit illumination to all who
seek and strive. All lamps shine alike, since they are all sparks of
thatParam-jyothi, the Universal Luminosity, which is God. Lamps are
many but light is one. Every patch of water on earth has the reflection of
the sun in it but the original sun is one. Just as the one sun is seen in a
million pots, lakes or wells the one same Divine (Paramjyothi) shines as
wisdom in a million hearts.
- Divine Discourse, Oct 26, 1981

The proper fulfilment of duties is part of the spiritual discipline necessar

y to get enlightenment. Baba
16 nvMbr,2015
sweI ieMnspwier dw pMjwbI tRWslySn
pRSn: swnUM,ikvyN pqw l`gy gw ik AsIN iksy dw mwrg-drSn Aqy dUijAW dI syvw krn dy kwbl ho gey
hW?Bgvwn,A`j swnUM,iek audwhrx dy ky smJwauNdy hn[
au`qr: qusIN,iek jldI hoeI momb`qI nwl,hzwr qoN izAwdw momb`qIAW jgw skdy ho[Xwd r`Ko ik iek jldI hoeI
lYNp jW momb`qI hI dUjIAW momb`qIAW nUM jgw skdI hY[nw jg rhI momb`qI,dUjIAW nw jg rhIAW momb`qIAW nUM
nhIN jgw skdI[ausy qrHW,iek guxvwx mnu`K hI ,Anjwx mnu`KW nUM guxvwx kr skdw hY[ijs mnu`K iv`c
A`igAwnqw hY ,auh mwieAw dy AMDyry iv`c fu`by mnu`K nUM ikvyN,guxvwx kr skdw hY[ies leI quhwnUM cwhIdw hY ik
qusIN,ipAwr dI kudrqI rOSnI nwl,Awpxy AMdr nUM rOSn kro Aqy aus qoN bwd,auh swry lokW nUM rOSnI dvo ijhVy
Awpxy AMdrI rOSnI nUM jgwauxw cwhuMdy hn[swry lYNp,iek ijhw hI cmkdy hn ikauN ik auh iek hI prm-ijauqI
dI icMigAwVI hn[ieh ijauqI,ijhVI swry bRhmMf iv`c ,iek hI hY,aus nUM Bgvwn kihMdy hn[lYMp,keI hn pr
ijauqI,ie`k hI hY[DrqI dy au`pr pey pwxI iv`c,iek hI sUrj dI cmk hY pr sUrj,ie`k hI hY[ijs qrHW,iek hI

sUrj,l`KW brqnW,JIlW jW KUAW dy pwxI iv`c ivKweI idMdw hY,ausy qrHW,iek hI prm-ijauqI,l`KW idlW iv`c
cmkdI hY[(26 AkqUbr,1981 dy idvX pRvcn)[
jwigRqw hwsl krn leI,AwpxI ifaUtI nUM shI FMg nwl krnw,AiD`Awqimk AnuSwSn dw ih`sw hY[(bwbw)[

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