November 17 2015

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Sai Inspires from Prasanthi Nilayam November 17, 2015

As a sincere seeker, what should you prioritise and why? How should you
handle your own emotions? Bhagawan clearly explains to us today.
Every aspirant who seeks the Eternal through the path of devotion
should strive to keep away from the turmoils, cruelties, and
falsehoods of this world and practice truth, righteousness, love, and
peace. This is indeed the path of devotion. Those who seek union
with God and those who seek the welfare of the world should
discard as worthless both praise and blame, appreciation and
derision, prosperity and adversity. They should courageously keep
steady faith in their own innate reality and dedicate themselves to
spiritual uplift. No one, not even a great spiritual personality (mahapurusha) or Avatar, can ever escape criticism and blame. Learn
from their lives. Great souls hold on to truth and live by them. Those
who indulge in criticism or blame will realise their greatness in time.
As aspirants, stay away from ignorant people and desist in
discussing your beliefs and convictions with them. Become
immersed in holy books and be in the company of the Lords
- Prema Vahini, Ch 17.

Every living being in this world is knowingly or unknowingly on a spiritual pilgrimage. Baba
17 nvMbr,2015
sweI ieMnspwier dw pMjwbI tRWslySn
pRSn: iemwndwrI nwl,Bgvwn dI pRwpqI krn vwly hox kwrx,quhwnUM ikhVI pihl krnI cwhIdI hY Aqy ikauN?
Bgvwn,A`j swnUM,ipAwr nwl smJwauNdy hn[
au`qr:hr mnu`K,ijhVw BgqI rwhIN igAwn pRwpq krnw cwhuNdw hY,aus nUM cwhIdw hY ik auh ies sMswr dy
JUTpn,julmW Aqy musIbqW qoN pry rihx dI koiSS kry Aqy scweI,Drm,ipAwr Aqy SWqI dy rsqy qy cly[Asl
iv`c,iehI BgqI dw s`cw rsqw hY[ijhVy lok,Bgvwn nUM pRwpq krn dy ie`Cuk hn Aqy sMswr dI BlweI cwhuMdy
hn,aunHW nUM cwhIdw hY ik auh,AwpxI pRSMSw Aqy inMdw,du`KW Aqy su`KW nUM iek ijhw smJx Aqy ienHW nUM byArQ
smJx[aunHW nUM cwhIdw hY ik auh AwpxI AMqr-Awqmw dI scweI dy Atl ivSvwS bwry p`kw ivSvwS r`Kx Aqy
AwpxI A`iDAwqimkqw nUM au`cw cu`kx[Xwd r`Ko ik BwvyN koeI mhwn purK hY jW Avqwr hY,auh nukqwcInI Aqy
ielzwmW qoN nhIN bc skdw[ieh gl,aunHW dIAW jIvnIAW qoN is`Ko[mhwn AwqmwvW,scweI au`qy rih ky hI Awpxw
jIvn bsr krdIAW hn[ijhVy lok,iksI dI nukqwcInI krdy hn jW iksy qy Alzwm lgwauNdy rihdy hn,aunHW nUM
AwpxI mhwnqw dw bwd iv`c hI igAwn huMdw hY[A`iDAwqimkqw Aqy Bgvwn dI BgqI hwsl krnI hY qW A`igAwn

lokW qoN pry rho Aqy aunHW nwl,Awpxy p`ky ivSvwSW bwry crcw nw kro[Awpxw iDAwn,Dwrimk ikqwbW pVHn iv`c
lgwau Aqy Bgvwn dI aupwsnw krn vwly BgqW dI sMgq iv`c rho[(pRym vwihnI ,A`iDAwey 17)[
ies sMswr dw hr pRwxI,jwxy jW Axjwxy iv`c,A`iDAwqimk XwqRw qy AwieAw hoieAw hY[(bwbw)[

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