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2 Jam



1. Buka kertas soalan ini apabila diberitahu.

2. Tulis nama dan angka giliran anda pada ruang yang


3. Jawapan anda hendaklah ditulis pada ruang jawapan

yang disediakan dalam kertas soalan ini.
4. Kertas soalan ini hendaklah diserahkan kepada pengawas

peperiksaan pada akhir peperiksaan.





[ 10 marks ]
[Time suggested : 15 minutes]
Answer all questions in this paper.
The text below is about how some animals defend themselves against attack.
Question 1
Read the text below. There are grammatical errors in the text. The errors have been
underlined for you.
Write one word to correct the error in the space provided. An example has been
given. The correct word must not change the meaning of the sentence.
Animals defined themselves against attack at different ways. Some e.g. in
used violence. However, gentle animals like antelopes can also be a)

violent, using his antlers to fight off enemies. A few creature use b)

special defences. Porcupines has spines, camels spit and bees sting. c)

Hedgehogs have spines which in fact were hollow, sharp hairs. If d)

frightened, a hedgehog rolls up into a tight prickly ball as its muscles e)

contract. Disguise can also be used on self-protection. Some animals f)

use colour and the shape of their body to disguise themselves. These g)

defence is called camouflage. They are coloured for match their h)

surroundings, making them invisible to predators. Some looks like i)

leaves, others like stones. As they eat, they move slowly to avoid draw j)

attention to themselves.
( 10 marks)

[ 30 marks]
[ Time suggested: 40 minutes]
Question 2
Read the following text. Then, answer question (a) (j).
Technology has advanced tremendously in recent years. It has taken so much
control of our daily lives that there has been much debate on the benefits and
disadvantages of technology, especially on children. Lets look at some of them.

Firstly, technology makes long-distance communication possible. This

means that children are able to connect with friends and family who are far away.
Then, technology teaches cause and effect as it enhances childrens curiosity and
encourages them to explore further from the safety of the home.
Besides that, pressing keys and using the mouse help in fine-tuning
childrens fine motor skills. It also supports home-learning. For example,
children learn to control and use technology in operational learning. As they

observe their parents use technology in daily life, they will learn how technology
helps with everyday tasks such as travel research, ordering goods, weather
forecast and many more.
However, technology overuse may lead to technology addiction. It also
encourages a sedentary lifestyle because technological devices do not promote
physical stimulation as much as physical activity.
Research has shown that technology may increase aggressive responses

from children who spend their time playing violent video games. It has the
potential to disrupt sleep as children need at least 12 hours of sleep per day to
grow healthily. Technology may also decrease adult-child interaction because
children give undivided attention to their gadgets or games once they start

Questions (a) (j)

Using the information from the text, complete the following graphic organiser.





makes (a)



teaches (b)

fine-tuning (c)

increases (h)

supports (d)

disrupts (i)

learn the use of (e)



( 10 marks)

Question 3
Read the book synopses below. Then, answer questions (a) (j).

The Fault in Our Stars

by John Green

Teenagers, especially girls, will laugh and cry as they make their way through this
novel. Sixteen-year-old Hazel with terminal cancer meets Augustus at her kidswith-cancer support group. They fall in love while asking the difficult questions of
life: How will I be remembered? Does my life, and will my death, have meaning?

This is Where I Leave You

by Jonathan Tropper

The death of Judd Foxmans father marks the first time that the entire Foxman clan
has congregated in years. Judd joins his dysfunctional family as they reluctantly
spend seven days and nights under the same roof. The week quickly spins out of
control as long-standing grudges resurface and secrets are revealed.

A Long Way Down

by Nick Hornby

Four people find themselves on the same roof on New Years Eve. They have one
thing in common they are all there to jump to their death. A scandal-plagued
talk-show host, a single mum of a disabled young man, a troubled teen and an
ageing musician soon unite in a common cause to find out why Jess (the teen)
cannot get her ex-boyfriend to return her calls. Down the stairs they go, and
thoughts of suicide gradually subside. A book about suicide is usually dark but
this one is darkly humorous.

The Hundred-foot Journey

by Richard C. Morais

The story begins with Hassan Hajis grandfather starting a lowly restaurant in
Bombay on the eve of the World War ll, which his father later inherited. When
tragedy struck, the Hajis left India. After a brief stay in England, they moved to a
quaint French alpine village of Lumiere. The family settled in the village, bringing
Indian cuisine to the unsuspecting town. This provoked the ire of Madame
Mallory, an unpleasant but extremely talented local chef.

Question (a) (d): Based on the book synopses, state whether the following statements
are TRUE or FALSE.
a) The Hundred-foot Journey was written by John Green.
b) A Long Way Down is a love story.
c) The Fault in Our Stars is a moving story about Hazel, a girl with
terminal cancer.
d) This is Where I Leave You is a story about a dysfunctional family .
( 4 marks)

Questions (e) (i): Read the book synopses carefully and answer the questions below.
e) Where does Hazel meet Augustus?

( 1 mark)

f) When did Hassan Hajis grandfather open his restaurant in Bombay?

( 1 mark)

g) Fill in the table with an appropriate phrase from the book synopses.



brought out the anger


changes quickly and in an uncontrolled way

( 2 marks)

h) why do you think the musician in A Long Way Down wants to commit suicide?

( 1 mark)

i) What do you think the Haji family did in Lumiere, France?

( 1 mark)

j) You want to recommend a book to your cousin.

In about 50 words, write an email to your cousin.

In your email:
state the book you have chosen
give reasons to support your choice
add other relevant information to make your writing interesting



Subject :

(10 marks)

[ 20 marks ]
[ Time suggested: 20 minute]
Question 4
Read the text below.
A long time ago, there was a family with six sons and a daughter who lived in a
village near the Sapulut River in Sabah. The girl, who was the youngest in the
family, was also the most beautiful girl in the village.
The siblings loved to spend their day near the Sapulut River. Now there was
one rock on the upper river and a skunk lived on this rock. The skunk had such an
overpowering stench that the siblings hated and planned to have it killed.
One night, the girl dreamt that the rock could be destroyed using a shoulder
blade of a porcupine. When she told her brothers about the dream, the boys quickly
headed to the forest to catch the porcupine. Once the porcupine was caught, they
slaughtered the animal and ate the meat. The bones were fixed together to form the
axe that they could use to cut the rock.
The next day, the siblings went to the river to destroy the rock. Before they
began, they placed their sister on another rock. Then, they started to strike the rock
with the axe. Eventually, the rock broke and fell into the Sapulut River. However,
they did not realise that every strike they made to the rock caused the other rock,
which their sister was on, to grow taller and taller. When the boys turned around,
they were shocked to see their sister on top of a gigantic rock crying for help.
With angry blows, they tried to cut down the rock. The peak of the rock broke
and was thrown all the way to Tenom Lama, a village more than 50 kilometres
northwest of Sapulut. It is now called Batu Pinuto. Nevertheless, the boys could not
find their sister and came to accept the fact that they had lost her forever. The rock
that broke is known as Batu Punggul.

Adapted from

Read the text carefully and answer questions (a) (j).
a) Where did the boys and the girl live?
( 1 mark)

b) Describe the girl.

( 1 mark)

c) Where did the siblings go to spend their day?

( 1 mark)

d) Why did the siblings hate the skunk?

( 1 mark)

e) What did the girl dream about?

( 1 mark)

f) Why do you think the boys placed their sister on a rock?

( 1 mark)

g) Fill in the table with an appropriate word from the text.


hit someone with force


went in a particular direction


huge or big


the highest point


( 4 marks)

h) Why was their sister crying for help?

( 1 mark)

i) State one lesson you have learnt from the story. Give a reason.

( 2 marks)

j) If you were one of the boys, would you believe the girls dream? Give a reason.

( 2 marks)

Question 5
Read the poem below carefully. Then, answer questions (a) (d).

A Fighters Lines
I am old and worn
and have lost all my strength
and the history of the fight for independence
have forced sacrifices
that know no name
or life
from the wheelchair of the rest of my days
I, body and energy crushed
see and cannot do much
these times are too big a challenge
for the remnants of my crippled years
the net of deceit spread everywhere
disturbs me.

In the name of justice

Wake up and form ranks sons of our
Be brave
And erect a wall of people
Stand up heirs of our freedom
I have no more voice
It is you now who should speak!

Marzuki Ali
a) Based on the poem, what had the persona done for the country?

b) What does the line these times are too big a challenge mean?

( 1 mark)

( 1 mark)

c) What does the word heirs refer to?

( 1 mark)

d) What does the persona want the younger generation to do? Give a reason for your


( 2 marks)

[ 40 marks ]
[ Time suggested: 45 minutes ]
Question 6
You should spend 30 minutes on this question.
The picture below shows a fire that you witnessed while walking home from a friends
house. Based on the picture and notes given, write about the incident.

note friend chatted night walk house nearby saw screaming for help
worried occupants shocked shouted call the fire department douse buckets
of cold water fire victim trapped arrived firemen climbing emergency
ladder brought down - thankful bravery prompt actions
When writing out your recount:
you must use the notes given
suggest two ways to prevent fire at home
add any other relevant information
write between 120 and 150 words




Question 7
You should spend 15 minutes on this question.

The following are the novels studied in the Literature Component in English Language.
1. Around the World in 80 Days
2. How I Met Myself
3. The Railway Children

- Jules Verne
- David A. Hill
- Edith Nesbit (retold by John Escott)

Based on one of the novels above, write about one important lesson you have learnt.
Support your answer with evidence from the novel.
in not less than 50 words
in continuous writing (not in note form)




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