Scientific Achievements of Muslims

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Lusi | Zuk sl | Sa Sb oD bsist ote Abt Usiiz eviubrte sLvrble Unb SU bP Me He CHR MUP onary Cyd attxe aisle irre Lhe Br Sbeyh S Lie SP Sc NFA cg Yr CM ENE L Angas tin £ Plea BOE he lng BUI A re tt een feb Le Gries Fetal Beeb L ww FL Giri briFl BL Sls 2 pth Ry Psi E Stitlced? Aad ride Ste. Me hi rnb Arb FL pre tur Lge Noe hb Pil Ae Iupe (Oc bdo VBE Sneee Letri Sill © Soot Sater RL He AAR Le St micropes Ate HG seu Seo big (LI Soin PoP uti EPL yr L Un By EbzA Cechnical temsdeb ibe! Zl sts Sire ttle Spe thie sMourals\Lv, (iLL ts, Mobile Ot We KELLY Pen teutve-t ved toisl uz swe ee Sui te se enASE Sie sil BL ob iber ud ieAb ued eh tO ph GAL Sn Petar HBL bits TRALEE SE ithe SO AS PUP ese, bez 6 (Kingston Public Librayi “UL, SH A Abe usiuyrewrécurunor Vivn tie ifm Bat (Astronomy) 24 %L Unit (theoretical science) “GLAS L Usity LSlie Abt AL LbPL bie ted Ute NLA beLux sith ze LILig unos’ ce oe Dut ue ype se) eq Yeh a vue Fh zssl Biya Dbrley biased Conic Sections, #I CF oF p2, 6 G93 1-932) Cold PURE IL L588 LA VEE practicn SyaansAet oul Adu SK pS ule icensed Vel ate Ly Sgr en EL ecto tet LL) Bt HG 1g (licensing board) iat EL Sb Wisp t SA IW L Wa PL wet FE Ss SUB ber eva ter, FRE Grd Po —vitemyyd LJezbb Geri cusen LS CLALAE L Minspections oa UP GWG -< t/ PE FDA FoodandDnugAdministatione*¢+413 GOEL So a68- 92057 ier ARBRE pide MeL buert Pe, Likud AE Se Lyd uwltr Hl pL oinhe ct Hegel Ker 2k ee if belle F Soy ter Stud he a OE LEE &elLChiber dictus Alnavi SUI ily 2 1486-W Be PAL nbirs66-drovie CyiL eS ects 35 etl OL UIE Pte dS dea. eg (Philosophy) 52 17.2. U%ez(naturalscienced He fel Ze £12214 (Metaphysics) etal ez bd 2207 eles14 SAC th See tulle hea Ca rbinwr Ubi UI CThe Arabic Galen ANU 2 LLG (otergy &immunology)2*besleet> nl bsZ U6 Aeohod YF Hise edb bs, PB NE Bike rine dle WE AL GAL Shrdha thay feveniie LY Bectlkesuye ter ebobsli2l< (seton) APP IUDK LL tat stat Uolel(physical balance) Mule IL LE Sy nk BL tia steal tie tth etek Mi bie ated HoH Peet tl UE BL Ces At PL Fhe LR At (1992-976) balehins Wag (psychotherapy) G1 Gt 44 (medical therapy) Dhak Ete ‘4 v¢allergic asthma) LUCL SL Fltheorie ASE 26 L eri Gig LsCiteh-mitede kaCotenpowors Altea: POC Botst o uF dearer sere Book of wealth and (41s 34 ISP Og SPT YW HE SO Ge Pine in LPG sh Ef te Gbest eet tetfot BE LUDg Ve bUIe Pt Celullt lo 0 DLL oul Ay ear yitvte Pe youtt tie Pe VU Spine ISB OCP CALI Ve O15) LV BPE Aste SANE eo Soke me yi ik tb ayiLe 38S Mt eet tA O10) SIEL Leta fz Ge Uli sluiin de Bacchi ser t SU PUL ewig I Aer bee sL VLEs (17)- SLB BLIP Ne tr 1500 FSA EL atin al we vvee Si Sit these Gis Geb? Ep Hp te SIG infection Fete bundle SA a. SuSute ute curt EWE depen petint tee Lee Suri rteb Pe Put L (intection) 0) bacteria) we Hee \ Eby” Spe PABT 10h ALAL Silda Uutbnels 37 Fo ey Se eS O RLS fy LE GAVILAN SE pobecstlesd Ate on CEL 1476 (Padoay’ pt 14832 U4 lye Ce (Halle) Ut +1796 oF? A esl Ut +1491 (Naples) ey er07 AKI tus ES 191 EL ep Wile 6170011200 Leb bie ASME ASL Gdbdey HL Mt € (Pope ClementV) Mee 27 12 rt (archives) 267 ASL Uke £11587 IW YL Pe wtp Lirwtr ee 61309 AE ETECLowan Universiy ix IC AGI Set Le Fbl ben ple bretelye upto WAL Sar pF SEH tribal ssb5e-dy A Ee Ken A Mu tuinie(Sorbonne doe en Mose WS ee Rav bbt BE UILCwtrPWE oI Ceo Lie Plat Gol wtwerny en Ooh Setind aya fete end zreda be Co sate te Aabe Ngo iF 36 Gute Cured, -< Whore ths elt (wishes PLE Aula EAM toler seal LE GbE eo et BKK bE he Aine trary Ug S be we (Canon de” 516500 st Sle RAE VI Sar La ln Brabant 1475 AUS OAH cL COLE INPL Leai$ Pe Mhbpdn bbe bk Uir1398 6b LE Ceible of Medicine HUB, ayn WO Steers tnclalyser sie DSS snske-utlestbe tte xL pL Fissut (stained glass S562 L fps ie Hoty Vitra snr Sets dS Ba Wl 2g PL Fob ys S een ri Ca? Ae FIG RA, {EOI ABE CPi S ore Eas ue SAP combo J Lite hue difed rst egw rub. FaG ee MGR Sodio AWG WUE IL (Liber Canonis) HAUL tS STB Ut ae fs 2? PUB It Une bin Ct 1598 Aor 1582 Ae 1544 39 HLULe Dk fuleut ee ee ic & Io CGS uty L NM IAL vist» wher Lf ter Sob SEL SYP so hl lB (oral anaesthetics) bebe erweierty SA pe bs Ly 3A Suman) Kcatiabod ASSL LL ted be Sergi L Ue th YUe13 | GPL ALE Preuiyya it Chip tonne Soto SFiwibusZ5~ She be bitunwusys Hp ARE Lene Cevite Ie WG eile SugBitaaget 4 Pier te1236-LU OS Phebe» nllteratured= ots U1 tate Foal ube ei ldo ab AByptL Wry 2bbeNsZAU8 Siiduifeetis ity Fab tuerl MILs Ps 6 Pt Pir OP SBE MG SOY C124 SHESEZAL Uplanatomp EF roL ysa See ot got biiibeleg these Soh ees” eG ten Lu otuiti bi Sen $ cuighe ~utle DL ELaetybasL PR Hig WL Pay YEP LIE AL PAL iatBuited ott nGisl Peed Be thesAl ere SAL SiG Lute th tier LE Lumpia Ge o£us Bie $V ve (abstract reasoning Sek pa, SL LG 1578105714 SHEL (Chartes DIU poet E Ses sLitg gSuuienuitret Sewer SPL orprortezSties ne SER 1924 Urtte LBL Ae HBL Bieler tebe BU Le A Creiburg) esl 40 Sune Ste st BL 998-1067) wee KL” LOPE he FE gtlygthe nt tote saat Peo OrL LepewiLb Mui rL pt Le Se gery 2 Lb L flee tl pd ne eM iweb LPS Vig Tdi E FL Gusts 0005 BY alse S ke et Le SL Uy e952 SGvewrtreouiowrL uid Le 1075100 rae SG n£ GAN ewe 0D eae EES er IL Cera eSB ig Keser HORA HE PRS FAM AWE Se 285 Fe th walt Sarid uicPramaccion eit SA ce be bi Lv wn SEN I MEL ty oA eth Sali BL UWE UAL Hin Pret A Lib Ae Sei Beep aU AD Li itt r2e2 oie al SAF LiNiuteweL purr Lapua 76( Biographical Dietionay) SIA OUI SPL prs Petarsr2e0b 3 Aish wb A FEL Fiero alr i Po tte ltr 43 vet br SLi mead siti 08 age Slerl RABEL eR Sing bleh Silos WEL, Ate Owustentle- 1008-99) WGP CZF ne Ldolf Fontan-t910) tA LPL Ural ety A ii~% tzu Quelien Kunde der Persische, if! AT Atay bk iL efi S Surge sz err wil Mi tals “Vessical probes, incision of abcesses, functions of ascitis and hydrocelitis, tumour were treated, arrow heads were removed, wounds sutured, tonsils removed, apmutations, close hemias, vericose veins, intestinal sutures with thread. (Dentistry) extract diseased teeth, make artificial teeth from bone and attach them to healthy by steel wire."[10] Soribietan EE oth En e202) Ser es alr Bante dub NAiT gen OPAL bitter Sy sh bute? Poon uitel dete tn ett! an Orme toe tn tiierd uF Werle Sie wah vuevieLy tl tossed ple Shen8 ills LS SS Fhe PAPE Grud Sosa Fen Sits ite thx és ge SL MO he ty eM SLI L ele Lonte San eta Rut *Etlnb BASS eS i SUFTL PU EU Latest estate tii “He was the first to write on a capillary network joining arteries and veins, and the effect of lung movement in delaying the healing of tuberculosis.” 45 BODEN R_ Atle Alen L (16804 cohlorosis) iM seu SABA Z terete Ai english sweat or influenza A FS danemia) ya pee rernia ly soi wWLormaduyh yey Utne SLiel AI Moe Vora tL Bie niles SPS a Sui aM EPS gibe tL BPE J Lupea top weg slid corre di kesiburt EAL eA yliPuie le stewie uci Pl Sl Seiasrter ez Po Hie hn PHS Hr EL BAU Fol. S2SFs1033) Me ttbene Se Saw HibyIBL SLE RoyalChietPhysician LUE UP IKbL- Bag tt BL Neh be TAUPO NAIA SH ZL aie1759-1808) Abt AP Corearrer 1808) Uo AE OS AE Aah Oy eslllease 2 Bbc! eh OP EMG UE Atif sous PE LEICA see PS PL eg etki ahea ox FL ofIGIH MeO WA bane re tohl pote fh otigd seve SPs) Ftd ath PA balaett AA 44 PESOS ML oimssayt CBP Feu S bos exh eae uit Lithgedtrtaln Lie Lwe tpaS Lb AFLG 1998) SU yt pb ngh tela Aerial PMA St Ono ten Bil Ftp en 2 et et Treasury yA OC opr 18992 5) wise = 968K LEH IFE wis 1403b Pte of EL Ee Bu OF Qui UG th 1384 LF 72 Cp tL Ois10b5) vysey ott Wee Lrastgss (Pathology A/ul fost Foe Lh Se thks SSA FP abt Las ~<22E (National Library of Medicine, Maryland, U.S.A.) RAIL Wn eo seAebyweS Makes wu ral Pace nden blue thee Me Lae PLO TS Ad 1508 Cite be Wise sR BL eft HS LIF be Li sib Z PASM Bus tinl Ugth Wueyny) Aww PL un Fumeel. Fibs GLB iE tbe ~Surricuyg CSG uisalpey Aves! LRG AE 6 yr (lp 600 br A bo” ESL MIA L Uiirre br, FE Aiea E 47 od UL (diseases, Arabic text & Eng. London, 1998 Fi A>xideu Cand e 21995 2K 7b Fetes Bre 1230-24E (Aloueasis etter t013) Si} ¢ Blilu 76 ee ofits. AA eine Klee Pe CL 53 ryt Sa pevTE ZL Ege By) 7 Daiwa WG Gee UDF Biel Gebel wil (t umes! CIT) Bipth Pth ALY pit BAD Gye ti bipth (Ses i cod) Hey wo 912.961) 2 dh ytal (TO alectca Kec bbc Mgies OIF BLESS hag SUVA IE se told in sN(-944-994) Yor Seid CoP UM Ch it Seta bets 3 SEEM PE Sb eA A Whe tel Pb tSb tit re Buber tM Nie win da terri Bus br bfisr tbe rie ARC Sat ules SEL cava Ade Sot APL BL et feelg WG Joe (Dioscorides UY oie e8 (use Pde tr AZ Hi materia Medica MA 0h GU GU Reta tod (Fe 100914 lett SMG NOLL BAO Rd gol vedty 27 Hohe Sobor telus Ibn al-Jazar on sexual He Che ywlt-1998 22,4 49 fii A pS Sp Sie oo ie eviMhL fae nel oie ou EL pair Led re VASE 6 dentures eb PL Yt CHa TE SAF 6 BL IPF Ub ue tg Serre ASW Kasz-d Fae SOonhodentistry) wubeerLEL NGL L dypunfUIrzen£ bar Wapato dates ACI mite atest pei einie AWS Scie Ou NeWTEL PemnLeolS bute hre ust Ae COG ELL ee (ee Lb pL BIOL ere NOISE MAS bt ASevinE GUAT Ale vr ELUM isynLvz-Lut ei ete jie 51 Got ne ENB61 AUS IVOELC. Channing) Be ot SORE SI My Beery SAA nie UyPL a ll Lézewwde beytieynle veynt FRVECLAITELMS, Pink UA foe bngher SIL tee er Kit ASL ep tir but SUP BL Pie e duis Spioapbe ewe (Cathedral of atianod L242 (Edu teby ESsbg lox os ett Heer Mbit Steg ML IZ Ig bg Br Se NITL sl iy7’€b 3 (4008-1075 )aiishot! StL Ae Sm PLE pilin Aly! ABB thsi St YY RUE LOL te ST pe Pudyi23, Gi-E(Sit Thomas Amold) 2 (Juda ben NathandeAt utile Lz Hash On Ober ue SE eter oi ALi, Aiki z Maverroos pt te 198)2, Hu KB ye Fe be KS VIS Suit bb tbibs diet SA Apgar er OnE Sic FP ai pioo oer t2556 Ate Aine hy PRIS lest = CAugsburd Se Tuts 1496e Ut rE Pt 50 Lh GAL Cancer of thyroid) 4, 6B ST AL nGoiter) ZL Aube MUA eee £2 bet Liar th ee dad Lhe PLES CL CLs fore JI Lede tout LIFE Hype Li ALL hie He STIL Mage tp SPL NAL bh perl, iste t lyn Zahrawi's contribution in medicated cosmetics include under-arm deodrants, hair removing sticks and hand lotions, In Al-Tasreef hair dyes are mentioned turning blond hair to black, even correcting curly hair. He mentioned benefits of suntan lotions. For bad breath he suggested cinnamon, cardamom or chewing coriander leaves. He included methods for bleeching the teeth. For cold relief he suggested a mixture of camphor, musk and honey (similar to Vick's Vapor Rub). ARIEL i poe te tig Bangi KLUM Lie Sey L AIL EL (1497 og BR A187 AHP PAA reli bol pnb ieiSLG Ze Ciennadthut + 15060 #1778 ST. ENS Pin) 2b t1597 01-1569 53 inical a Ae MP ike AI a8 eibvide ti AU ute eK Cropors Leb Kite Aon Sion et LU BParasitologistl AEH a be ee Byatt Ln BL SUE te Lt Woke scabies) WL Eu FFE BIS eh P66 Syndr Bu Ae tumors, inflammation of middle ear, pericarditis, 1512 Sz ~(paralysis of pharynx, tracheotomy Safa ng Foto eon He vith CHL ete vt tbe deol wiewuulnua yl 7 bsp tL Cosadrretetul Vo Zale pSOU HL OAL Beye LE SKM Pir BTL bE Vb UipweL Suerte Liv wd Lute Loe ilabs phd 6h MB LESAGE VOL eS Bi vd Re bE ted nB 124004 petheg nS FEAL Physiogonomy 36 ute AAO PL ALPES te ple GV Er eeE ol ete SUL 52 EAN861 AIS e178 BI AE VOSA 1819 Kt PRO th cn tng? edn etre EAL eg trier ‘The retina and not the lens in Uk HL € (Retina) wes SSE LEL Ui te _(the eye is the photo-receptor EL nt T ph Ke bh Se GhAr eh Pree Ge APL ue ie WUBI, _(W. James1842-1910, Principles of Psychology)\/ox%! Suistr1962¢(Emest Rename ebiPu AKG snipe Bere EA Mitr tyevtr BAGS BEI ae Sitter FLUE APY ae SEF AIA EL Sor Suton hedh ee etavenzoaret G2 ler 162)s¢ FEV 1163) ue sbo duc A(Senille) Shoes Leathe eh GTR MCL Ne Baect CEL WI AE rely BUI ALT Pod Leite et etd AR a etee eee od LL Git Gomes ZINE Acosmetics) ai Ui Sed La fle Chee Anew tei borin SPO; 200 ep Preah the WG AMEN hh teil! 55 54 lie Ktug Liber wt SUP Mitt 977 95D Er | |_Almansorum JF wie (Munich)? 22 Bp AWE UF oe SRA | De Aspectebus | Soviet” | Si wld lel BL Gb HP BAe AL € (children hospital) Pad J Li tLe BL Lon ae BP ON UME IVL UE Depeste YAM | Sis ss¢_(Beok-Iorahim disease) Uf pth AC SUE erento Sins : eer bepily ja Canon of | Hide re beet! Ai Fe (atissyndrome pd” Het 7S Medieme 8 (Califomia AL ie Kern Py Pie : Sanatio BI brush AL ub rtusider Paradise of | lund | bron Wisdom ert we Bier bet Sieut BA Buys Liber Regius Gat sitio tt > eet bby Colliget Hugi ot Tacuini lbs! wei A Jui of | Sanitatus pin | drwy kudie | Guide of apie | yaitieia | (98) bAi the Poor CES | ter | dress | Continens Sie | vant | 57 PEW AS 50 fe GLA LLLS NL PL ISL 26 yt 8G Suet AL (antiseptic) ti Nghetoil edne vLALé cumbia ble SMC Lng PEI] wSovteStecty Bt yl{Colack death Ser Wl sei Feo Sel ort dts LPN RAGE AL er SANE eBlett WY Lhe HEIL EA et dyn che eg LSI ALIA Ly l sembly tL eLoeeIn dre (te AE intectionyeishyet A Be prete Vle tori "The existence of contagion is established by experience, investigation, the evidence of senses and trustworthy reports ‘These facts constitute a sound argument. The fact of infection becomes clear to the investigator who notices how he who establishes contact with the afflicted, gets the disease, whereas he who is not in contact, remains safe, and how transmission is effected through garments, vessels and earrings." Gud LL tbewals tulerE (psychonerapy elle Rpt Lew wa POMABL uve bed 56 Thesaurus | stpuitads | der rur Sedutri903 eg! bbb reset ye spth obi he luke! Jalapa) | te(Saffron W!«(Camphor) 3 ut Ut, vo amalgam )¢13 ¥ Usho(Calcinated) =9°«(Gum Acaciad ss 2 dysentry Sl (BulemiaS 202 (Alembic! > «(Comea zt FaedChyle ios? Se w*(Colon) Test Loch) S(Acacia) Urs .(AlchonoD “1C +(Cubebs) U%. H(elixine be TP helm (Pancreas) (Bile ee dtamarind)gl(sodaiie(enema) alchemy) be (borax)3i| SCcloves) GnutmegPeemusk f+ Se UU LEO eat ae SURE Lt Ye CI eh tilibe EL Geth tue BL oi re LOU VL LP gel Ain Nite ee LIV Ate Ae tbh uh lors Sete GeL tuberculosis) 3 L bx Up be aurey Se WIA Le BLL # Bol (disinfect St =| 59 debi Pedant sie le Suerte Awl & reer Randel bers bade Bieb EL PtH dL tel as tulipel tote! (key saree eens AST LE SSAA E Petal tertt eel Rey hate el AF A Luid Bsenpe WLLL Gio Bho gee E pen l US SA SAAS aA seit Perk LlMmbssiife Aer beiyr£ oh Lett Leu HLL YG en Ut-s, Aste SSO Maps LU Lt SUC BL GBA et alg Aagitated depression e#rtid ib Suet psychosis) LAneurosis sé obsession) <6 dementia) #2. sexual impotence) Miele te270t Ste MD Fe tsootey blur Bebe whee Flr wneieseL plac Ss hp occupational therapy) W/E LEY Lal music therapy) G/L Ge 58 ET UA tur Fung) £0 Freud 2 RL Se JL BLUE Led BLE Bo LOTS LE S16 Pr pL aisle Peay fir wy aaa wid Se Le Sts. 5S tz-5 Te tusle Uribe eth BLE Btn LE eth VEL Ain tee Lk SEL WL PPE EN le Pani Ag POHL EL EI roel Gao bere Pete alu, Srwintne LE yell SHILA LL be Ble wpe or Te oh om Cede Piya Meron FER 8 61 pour C2EEL UB G3.bez(Phamacology)y sui Kash hE ASR Ues Pod Lew hPe bhi Blu tinctends CHOI AN Greely SU bare SE owe LBL MAP ITE yt Siero peeithebrifoicel UIE ing Fle SAEZ MIL plain SL eK SE hie Go Susmre0 taeda Sosan OBL Soren EAL Lo Pen zalyeh i tee | Be wt ein pee Ngtet Lol Pe coi ee Mb ubrvngule Asai rbdi HU MEL phe ipustebegd thor Lee sunketL uew720 Soe bry LiL eed Sou ce VE (Max MyerhoDnin diy Za Zt 2 Soutdeb rE Se SU Page ht bee ou ‘_iM(live music bands) 2 Fe CUS ire baprodithen at 63 ag Fr (PIED) C2 deoa helt Asst OL ete ety SUL Gl dak berths ete WLLL (Classical ArabicLiterature) PL he bald (EB BRL (Botany) +1260.27 pal B ony L a A SPselF tr uber it Aes OSut be SAC bullinbic eV iterate VAC uess ze Lhe tet OGby UII Sec Ne Va Serasit ra aes Ase L IH Ne PEL TH gH OG b rE nV PL eee eens PipipBs EL EE Kee Seca Aas ty died ste guider Tce gui Ste 4000 tky < KSe4 fF C4 2I(sodium carbonatee's 16 ESr 6 lee Ye gal eS pe Se ZL GAM potassium carbonate) Gor lk Wye arti thot oivi tet Hivicdearct ue Cyt 1990 AL Geib” tee F Mos ein ntenb ne debe 1. He distinguished between sodium carbonate and potassium carbonat. 62 shh leks RoI SU gb us!(pharmacist)-21 wee ES R270) viele dueervi ys reo LOL iter eels Buti ESM AL utes ase fer Sipyt gee be 5 pil e00d 7B apt Mee He Bilao ACW ab GSE poled? bob Wot Bla? be Ke bls eds Bari 1400E (+1291 Beet”) WBE ut Sorte feted me bee? wet te ups rirne tol Wie Age Som Lend pity till oe 0t bite diter7se 2b ie Disb utbar tens we OLA RUNG te Me pt Pet SoIAt nto wii CoH so Sit undtges 70L utes zat ungae Ye of etn ee we Gar tone ibe OA ute tu istory of «2 bul Bo Lond ysol oH Sha isiche Buy br Sort od srt Medicine Si wArs Sz wi Lory B we LN Pasi Jeuslesth Asst! SELL so] L Donia) ao 11394) 24 1g ey Fuse Uiz200 Ht 65 wie’ CeCe REIL Pre AL pHi (800) Gress saith utrtee hohe slag iy 6980) 545i ah90198 Fuster 8 60)3 W873) Sch ule te Live et tus he fe 100004 Fis4N6- 100052008) bslale-oa0)h ENOTA) yi! C1037) Ss idx 1 020) SF 4r-H1009)4 SAL Ona HG o7arduAio-vitMe 102) RAL 10602 C1320) Sy veel C1283) Ser all (1180) Usted & (1480) Es Le WING 131058 Auf lh *1380) EE, 61436) 1578 (1320) 558ef IG 1429) 561 AMsine def L-rooter§algorthan) ihe Se ast Ste tL At bat pelle ay Mur IE de Moe KL RIL UT SAF eb ee ite tL PRIME Loe BLU LUL sbi, 64 2, He knew arsenious oxide, cupric oxide, silicic acid 3. He knew toxicological effects of copper and lead compounds, 4. He was aware of the composition of plaster of paris and its surgical use al cane a 5 : Cue MEL Spee Gye Leiber At sito Mob CRAG Mee bt 67 AI AeA LA ap Suey sr 211454 Rovert of Ketton) of ST au PL ta BADEN OIA) aone Algorithm’ toes? ude tig EP ELA Ao Yt Algortmy Ahh PHA AYE (£(De Jabra et Almucabola)iibrscllagigt Pe tL Oy abe ALIA tou) 2d L goes wu Uae ARE In Loita. WL GEX KEES vay Lray ALi teh 8 Se doy guy FOL Ar srz00s suits Be pea haus Mikel decsrutfuehives Sb KE Herb AGIAL (oantom) Cb PAIGE Laue ex Gb VE (Adelard of Bath) AST the 66 “The Arabs did much original work in this fieid. They seemed to have a great gift of lucidity and were remarkably clear organizers and classifiers, qualities essential to Mathamatics.[12} ober tg less0e bs) Jus Sr ubU dy Like PH Gp WoL preter tidif2 Bune len Lut Meche eben at Atel Agy ie GAL w80f ef ee Sug ut Larabie numerals ted £7 cooing Aue a turns PIE rectMGPz by Ji BieBbenhreurteted f POE Male MR Erne eg KU Ut aber ibe, Bile ed ure fue ee algebra, algorithm, zenith, atlas, azimuth, cipher, -uzdieuzA1 meh be cA SE suid zero or nadir BCP Beal dora lerrL aa MLA L Serra Srl PLM Csb IS bi Page E Sey TLE LEW AL ine WLELLP SSE btuduteK el cia ribeye nitirlia Pras er Suute Phot te ur LHL tel Poi 69 BOS ne PS shee 4 Sey § 0005-870) (eo Philosophy) S82 Le Mpbe a Hl Fay bee ASB Fl SUES eA AED seer sek Bet SIVAN Lert Le iriies bubbeLE NL LE Sethe ty Cor te BA IL ICA Pelt FH wate bw Surge Sat Cotentiio method) ALM Lai Sig ea> Dine bb ates obeil BeeSedletiut eth ~COn Relative Quantity) sll} Eb USLS Aaids ized u-296-2018 Jetlect Ob Gab ltd, halen Mt PU ty sh Bee Sue trdnseed nel erthyy Cintegral calculus) (7S As\(spherical trigonometry). ie PGi Siz ur oee (oun clad Liber £ Lid got Sate tab oP BIEL LIZ pre eb Sie SIEGEL firte iby € wry ibe tI Phe by bot ite Leathe LAL WEL SLAP eed 68 82 ves MM tealiranL oh Sisk Blenbaute 1s SFLU Sega bine ne bl Bags foler't ceotlsvetiéE\gS Arabic Schoiol of Mathematics) / eur eb Whee Ui Lb Isr ei heb uisSiiebtveS tab tiie 2 tote SA TUrbe LLL AL re fbn. ice diye 5 wale LW phe wl rte afte) PLL ort Me Cemgitixei er sett ui ritrn GAY Brae 70 Se?-< CTrisecting an angle) tatu ble! ARUP SITE NAP BEL Mg ACEI ~UieI(method of exhaustion) SRL NG et sl uae 27840)zA el drawing ofthe ek cSt EUs Sale we Su Gt IL A ne VG Llc meridian SEEM BLP i Bec sonrgeAeotsy AINE PLL BE Pgrrel oir, E( parallel postulated ey Hig Ula ble Kure Pitz PBF wigs ALLS ISE Ae? Pap He PEAS 71 Bil Pa Sum Csi Home guia Se Pt ALE Lin tua ei7 We pen all il As 85 Api -s30) 6!) weer Fru Aon BSL LeU, LP UL oie rere rie gtd SNAG IOC Lee EL fousbid beuisun (Kaprinsk) SK 19122 49(Algebra of Abu Kamil) S6) Popes UPS ruil r6 ne Finan sieht vere BEC trro68L Sieger eos HL AFL Fivonaccir 1170-1250 56 obrtsd Sash Se PL Spe PFE A iver Abact 412024. de Paibitha he ny pE NE CndnOrten ee Bl piace! “Fibonacci studied under a Muslim teacher, and travelled in Egypt, Syria and Greece. The horizontal bar used in fractions was regularly used by him and was known in the Islamic world."[15] Purotitanl wipe ele th be GFE BokNDL EYL UAL SLR Lal (-992) Sob Fr16-L£ CEL uw Sue ui art EE hts L 70 erat Duihertal IPL AiZAL uW Seas pea ti978-24 trident tut 1958— SO Ht a Fa atc fil Aye renticie tgp ot LFF 1 eL pe EA Ro cbdiiL ie ted higteil Hele oe giddy HEIL ahenhet oe LBD VE Sorat te Bit tL NL bey ya AE UB Ub Palette 291d Pi ABIL Fiat EF N(Herondeiyet Diophantus) yet oe Sty LSE Site HA ML FUL al Sautolyeos) BAB oUep ype IFO SRL Catrer6.0100§ phd ett Ut1493. (Venice) 4-27 LUE AM EAS Centloquium) dele sOn Similar Aros TM iene pL SLR OE Liignit Oya eh Ratio and Propostiondetigs, Ult.zvllLeonardo da Pisadig Batted SL EL oa BIR CL AL Loire UVAEL Uordanus) SY AV EIL 1170-1250 Fibonacci ht HU uy bt LA PUIL Ure Sees tlLiber Abaci) UB Wales Abin wr sb oo2d5y Au ylul fences) 73 ogysriien obese) 0h Fi ot obs I FAL ELUL 962-980 ss; Sah Ayala Ftd teeter EAs ebi Cu tir£ JL sh? ENE L A Abrevie ne bee yi WON Sri tuitGedduithen A newer LP eet Une LiHeOWUIL BAA WS SEIS AILEY SG Ub HLS IF ur-040-990) de x Galas Abe te rH. eo tn ibd Tie add Abe FFE NA UL tee Lee wt eer dy ONL IE SM PEA glbel ArrteL sine tables) ee Lpsin hW LL Ste SI La Sc Aes Obey L pur WG E Oedue eV Leek Soe albeit unto So Berd 1 LOS ie bas # PM Been SIVA AL we Libre Engg B regular heptagon CULE L ieee 6] phot Ut E IL SHIGZL (George Sartonytt Gok Wut 72 AOR AIL ee -920- 000.25 AH! TK ibs Cagis ASSL BUT ig VE (Saidand ole 275A -£s¢ (decimal fractions eB agit PEL Fhe eth re SBE Py bsl 7E(Stevin +1548-1620 ule“ Uby* ‘Couends eigen Ibe Sohn btitetoantivfronmert A SA Ree risk bP ie ee AU Par iE eucfest eh tute A ot SA Ave ee een si SL WG wIE 2 E Vas yt Bi Bae ot wien ey Siena SA euae Sy Pe Fut Pte bse LF \-W/(Alhazen Problem) veple MVolut uk At oH pik pate S Mut eS Moet 2%, PP pb pie Pee wth Labi hese Sor 6M zi he ba ide! Abe dies nd Sik pha Ae t ibe tolled oP) palate lt 7 [1] ede Stud Suid ors 100 burt PEt 2, 1090e Sg Laid bigGatons rade t re feust tO 4502 be ot YL wy! Liege uw let l pO ew iL uty eh SUt pelo Mens iquc AY, LL GS SLA Fur te pina bes 7 PL ML we Wether a Kurt fe tulvout ei ute baoust, Bao tute ful (UP TERIAL Hulett net abi LORE eti SHAG LL The VGA PL goul Ne, ah toe i eile teh Os wa FY bot Po_L 2S JEL Book of Science) FL inde yalavicenna, Le Livre de science, 1958) muerte ie BB Ub et alo MLK AHS 71364-1496) 2 HE Sx Pobre Berar ata BEt Pr tl Lbiat wi L cb SHOAL bee S te EPH oF bebtiAul ited It be PAK 1429 ie her bites ze LG Monsine ct 74 1. First to show the generality af sine theorem, 2, Gave a new method of constructing sine tables, 3. Calculated a table of tangents, and 4, Introduced secant and cosecant 17] LLG (calculator ext BE (18953-1029) SALLE Bai ALM An Alc tae er te ete Tie sue eL_ ale a8 UA 7226 +1880. (Adolf Hochheim) #4 Lar ast} wen O baby t 1998 Franiturde 25 BUDE tie 654 31098-11128 eons art tebe AGC ett bie 0h Sete BAST Aa r bz AC MVLE, Woepke)L ali Sutin ets 1931 < (Algebra of Omar Khayyam, New York) GE LMC Ie bl Webbe JUL A Late CS Erg PE MLANE ATG rh ED Met LU Zhe, Feile G10) Bol At RI Pet Ne hb SY SL BU, Principles of Hindu Reckoning, Wisconsin, ak Aly K-se busts eutd up ert GrSuie @xCEt (USA 1965 wehbe th LI fe LUPISHULP OWEN OA sh AUF we plavbeh ble Ene Bde fie 77 ut" Picati Wk, AF iz 2 (Granada) st FL 1035) Ces GT SA tet WEN FL Bed pustul Hee Giron Khe toL uta SESE Mabie FE: Zee SPL 1079) LL o re eg Len tess A 2d Tan Oe tl AIL Bleek 1079 UKE ee PL BLS EOL Some wn Re th IY YB Ulcer LP SALE Bite a bibl Oe Lael st, 19092 yA Arua te dtubue of pL pr Susi SM oust SPR WP sl Urectioe ua Lut 150 lute SAARI Uw aL PARLE A BL othe iS We ent Luvbiuite (diene tetera face Sot ub eP VoBie SUL ufo F Letitia Gerald re Cod Woe rendul tri Ae19998 Ay Leu PEE rs 76 been (ee Hole lag octet ebul nr Por Lib Sling UPN Balt etlelh 0S Adare KP ACreI SEA AO AEG WW Sele OIyg be wo SACs Oth wee onto UO eg BOVE Hep Seaman ous a Berl St 7 Li He Sle Bh 6 Al 82) tbh etl Cash eee etl ABP rgt4 6 Leif bt Madria) y Sets Sor007 5" ALL? LPF SALLE Neu At Cardovadt 32/015 Sho Pi he Bumbonih UES UMS CISC SLB UT boty gee By LUohn of Seville) er Sole e AE WAIL 1 2s(Albumasar .386)h 4 (Pe Bet BB mages at 90 LLeon the Armenian 813-820 tT oye eae NLL EG Lee ere Ly Peer de BLAS NS Lhe pL Pamyradi 2h gece S Peleg rine Sur rb ELSE IMA Fe wrr B08 J 28,000 8 oti uxt ak be Awe bus Erie Sx 2B WF M0 er, LL ye E24, 858 ~e WL ver 23) (,829-830)3144 622i 4 L or L be tyes LAPS Atte BL nd bel tv9s2 033) PING BD HOE LOL po KEE ELAM ALE AP SP see SL OB wLeyel Mia tu NBL AML A Sour rth NSM rer tr029-ie tie Lp Cables of shadows) HLA STL Loe Kre ik CL ere Niorle tre tL (oeaanguratind SLBA GHEE ML bp Lb yML EL SP Cite PSrbr es hwGleue Ke Fp Ltere vi Foon kunprysyedeul DL grab yale Udo Lite eL st SPL Lert Re HL eye L ruler LU YPC Reh L 93 Gi Be Keslo sl Als 6 OS bol tn£ set US ip etalbcclienbL wel Salle Wine PR ubedelte PEM Gig tI EEAU Ww PE PPL re aS CSGAL 470 Ar Kheaoydiriire dun BE Seg eL Soran %r008-939).2U alae RL Sate ihre Le ¥ Ji EEA SOLE SL UL ty 652 rt a24(-909-046) ext ot Ue edits Lhe (EB De eit ie zo ABSA TIL OL U7 Ub cariyi(-1000) itu 00 Atlee Luibectl® ite bie Lula Sot ot & LG See G 6 (quadarant) 2313.51 I >“1~ (comprehensive instrument) EASES AG wl Al fn Abd ese JalsaK 5085) Aen Ble er oles oo Sor iS R a ee FL NGM eat n£ Gir gta SOnited CePA NEF Siloboci Ae LaLieabiyrAL Wedel 92 MPL Stu tid Sout eh Gi 126] Gish LD Fre Wis uP SUIL vey Sui ip PERL (Geir) Soot et Seige Sg KL baler eA LuwiLew BLALWE Gee G AL Coro dolae Apel nee Me Abt Ve LeuerE obi_b LCi OU fre wal PENAL Canton be BY L749 tay Se ea Se LpuverL yori Ld SorsiieoSiy ea Sued Piano 46F sou365.2 Soe edged hurtin His great discovery that the direction of the sun's eccentric as ABI lzodion) G4) Ot recorded by Ptolemy, was changing. Expressed in terms of more modern astronomical conceptions, this is to say that the earth is moving in a varying ellipse.[27] Kelle at ae 6 OU beL pete, Bina wi¥E Die Scientia Stellarimes Leon. 7 Hash Li ASA Sa dty ine ie Cie Sek LABate Sid STA 27 SEW tl er fie HL TE (Nattino 2 ¢ Hts Ht -15372/E (Plato of Tavoli) pAvet tombe Upc r ere ot red 95 Lev fSth ir av nbuben dpa dud bode eee RFU Mire SUlgedue tobe Ste SVS GLP Bob TA r02 betstzt Weta P/E Io rorL noe LPAL LR Retr ese Sites <—~L (Copernicus area yhs 8G SP Ser bbe 2th or BE PoP re opi Srosnseeidory Pe HER ett vate SEAL La BL YL Werte si Bo Ge CAMAL AP ube ULL PL Huse mint L542 £ Bois Sa tet! (second) AS AL Lot tl LMP EGAGL sete eee EL gk ose wut te Sitiout Sted tcf uv oadyee wd Grosrree gat! Shi Me Feb Gun rep Ye LOL Meee be Hithedb Neorg whe stb ed Zusle20) EF pa iris M3 bes Gale Sesteleiaid Letink Wen SYLYLEL tylausiokile lye (gt AE Barratt 94 ALC 1009 WEL SIS erp Ble 2s et Witel(penauum pee LM GS Lutei Se (inclination of the eclipticdesdltA ii 6(Sun's apogee) 7 GteAL ofS SUL GbbeH355 423 AIS AS Blue tosis AL vite (longitude Ue -< tie EU precession of equnoxes oA ei E1234.» Cais ICIS WL Yee Oe x Ke PSL He Shyu! BUA DEW fi BALA ee Merely pree dai BU boot! PELE NEP SiSNCi (6 Erb SI eA £1 J scientine detent ALI L ok Mey CoB Aigo SULGYE (Simon Newcomb) ee“ Ub PA Wsine tables A Wee IEE Peel sia bho en ob Ste AeA Sorornites Seve Gn Pte rle eSesLoaita tote PALI CormL SL tier Le ty Peers ii tsivna aha trol AB tL tenth eee F(evection Aas LU wet gL (tycho Brahele SRG Ser ofl yWsute nk woot Outs ~Wcotangent tables) et 97 animals to depict the constellations."[28] be Asbo Lie 1040-11208 Bi (2) Base plate ‘Teeth on the gears have been omitted. Figure 10.3 (b) isan ‘ex ploded! section to show the meshing of the gear-wheels. Hole aon Figure 10.3 (b) and 10.3 (d) is the same diameter as one of si- Veted circles on whee! 7 sebdintis bye 96 (coordinate te SLL wie L tL urine Lor SAPO LALEL Ue iL AVI £2 & ~elocty of ight is fntede BSS SMe BW 92 SU BUb ok cb Li o'er 1040) Athos So Ped ne Koln ev oslo tit Aint bens aeteKe tome se L7G NireL baler ure Kbetg Vial Br SB Soni eGo String HW LAS ‘Da wet SRL ite Ae hel SB cate FEM let Asie Sue Bina Dep thir WEL AS SH E1905 FLAT ae WS Cr048) bec we tbr S 2k AM Saigon Bide INLINE (3 UUt+19342_ (Ramsay Wright) aA AL EP Une E oot IB ORCL LAS Jove eS te Let PbO tt, 1954-1956 Ben€ bryce GEE Aid ue Sethe "Albiruni wrote an astronomical encyclopedea which discusses the possibility that the earth might rotate around the Sun - long before Tycho Brahe - and drew the first map of the sky, using Soult bseSoutrd. sed AS pba Gui ety C981 elo eit Le Gp re dita Ad Gomes deLoen rl Opib Anne ub(Spherical astronomy) S32 Bris. wonronrgi we bu MyPage keeping Lt “SOP est PERSIE MM Si PMMA AMOS ep shy Le mrs OL er LF Suse Sora ie pte Sy ot Se ot bed urewe Sx (oar sanded tS he re Aerio) rend tsi Ltn PGE Moen SN GVE Po era OCD Ar 849 L ahi ds 2k Die Wunder des Himmels und der Erde~2 726 /It+1986 FAI SEL bie TS Re nO yi BIEL Crss062e ue a S Arle AEH AAAS gO Blt eo bSioul Moy VoD SEAS STAG AGS BL Gist ee eA AEA OUG ind 98 sil (Julian) 22 RU Us Pt 079A Se eit oly STO L e Hers Uk Gregoriandes tS SL ie er K(leap year Aled diabetic) vs GA tt Ub ale enn By FUAT) wPE See SEA eb teste tell etinopathy OS M52 SS AL ee Ben PM BIL eA Cu le Oe cols PH vL 1009 CSE WSF epi ytt DI Merci gE ATL NG Ry pl Be tro0se Sgeyarterz6ui LMirschbero Lk: BBL EBL LISS LIME PP dalfiie fle et LE EGG OER EL THe Lie aten gb Ari Fl Pals 2 Luly (operation) Se ewer SUS LIL 21 4 Ks Geometry 52 je by Sug 2S Vet Mal£ GL (optical problems) hese re Egos iAiureytea! BUC PL Preside Wr BLL Aine) vende UiOSLU Pozeihh eae 119 Pea KLWL sil(Science of Ligh) LG. Optios) Ati SLL CR Hig Sle SuperS tiL thet ewig LAL Ait uk SLE ESA tL L HAL ny AUB bail ei Sitter A Souder 2B Le pt Le Aspectibus) Ft eH Ssarb wend da Abe Spice ol wd Princo terynp Sn Sbnd ot “The book on opitcs by Alkindi, provided Europe a basis on v7-£ ukdextrinsic muscles) which to build future discoveries in the West" [32] PSone et Serenade sae SEAM EL pty SPL iLET HL Fed L(witeo up oye Py oi ave Mut LPL weg ihe Ary Gs Boe AGAIN SW tla UU Sent Cink At Sableg NW iris eeuivign | ws eons tht trode | oidarat Aube Bw by, OL AnatompyuiEF LAL le LOLA AL fo rr pPule VUES Lunt Rte h Seat « Soult Ab ote une Lots LAs bli toulere 2 Be S Wnt A MEAL GAM tS pi FA 41304-1409) runt pL ie soma tL yl set Lh rik leh eA BLE AUG Pina £ op Blewett Wee Pui wébecsf(National Library of Medicine)ot STU Chttp:Awww.nim.nih govlexhibition/islamic_medical/islamic-10.htm! tie, Seri te Fibeirt Pith Pre (Levi Ben Gerson) viet «(John Pesttam “yz eetau es He lst CL te 2 Sus (Snell) Pwitelo)%s SR oa LE Ckepien AM Segre S Ope Petey fe nb tL (opts MT Bete wd Pokal e PUY te SE ht VsiI KIA Re UL uigte “we have it all from them (unbelievers).” Ube tulé 6 COpus Majus)/*% ask brie, 141g CI PE AP MOS ety hth Sorts eH ie er ti Aenscer eS e* vite PalpelApfaityie Mowe 120 Bef ngid td hour sipoP let Atha ween, tl eb Ant tt de oe este” Fiber Ae Pp udeets Pe as GT OSI BIBLANEPPE HAL NE MOT PEM AMAZON.COMLO7)-< Pee lub Po MISE 2th SMG Li etipat itr Ade Fedaie Liye Vt uubve pt£(the Optics of Alhazen) UR ASA ISSA Le Ir LOR E1989 LUE be ood SE MEI wtb oe bg ur6AN sre LURAY Cognition oe MOR Sud oigole dnt ne Mergent LPL RM WA tert retire” At Sep biel bbws BE Vrge 21 6 SIL tele SO Ont big SP KE et ut iAbndtigr£ eV My TL et ep tn ME Sr FOC vue we Sergei Pe LThesaurus Opticus2ce WAKO GW ee LRisnen te 18722 Cait Js 2 le i Widen Bus rv oterze Wnvee 123 bt Pe Av A ALS! UAE UISUIEM Be syle forte ale AF Br Fi By pi Niue ble te ARE Widsenuttign cb S elect rs Ss. po Abe Pid en 23 AUG Ie Pd, 3 A Bind te1970e She 2UECLangermanndet A276! Cssber a Seay eMberi ey Aer Este 122 BEP MIS LE ne IASI PE ah Lhe M Guid bur fe pti haut Fn SL 613200 51hes MVE de Se 1928-90 L Niner Sisid 2 AB oli Aro? ZF PAicte SPUR A WGI ly AeA TE PATEL Tog OL Via EV GOAL YR eevee Syd ute SOE vision is a product of an agent wholly external to the seeing eye." Gita BL Sen OSes 125 ei Pou ti Sonia n PFE AVE Piste Cramp TPs sfounced 131 -Leore wo pie ELLA utd re lassie actu iay eh es Cia Sane Bay seas Fe ie ie Dara ate ais Sa Sk, ETT psn ELL od SFM ALA LOR rid LE LS Oot Rp ul Okay sbUrle 2h azole sete tui Ak LLL NE I fe SRG eine Pbtywii id Lat eee oh 124 le GLE wr L (Chemist CP eo Met, lef rebiberser the WA Lei ett Ed padi Sbe Gi he Seo itutiay ATI bl ud sie ea WWE Ed ews bel atkali GA datembioti a fb SPAe be ar)¥2 Asattron) eI 75 eli “1 borax) 51 Ceamphor) 36 Julep) Bcoftee ee dcandy Jasmine y*L «sherbet ex 2d syrup 17 tamarind $< 7(typhoon) Jb L Us Coosame)/ Fsl(spinach) it t(sugar) A(nenna)e> Le ed AL Urwin S6L Lm (densi PEI SA Lah Von) Wi se Ung be LEE S Fern gt entire Agios vb LE Smo br es stteF ysl vi pias LU Blo FEL Ue 127 Vetting > Soxidisation) 2b LAP eles L ut (5) SZ Cnitic acide Pt 2 FL PLL (6) aludeld Lapa ek sAturiuarng SSE rk ku evidsilver nitratedtc* tut(hydrochloric acid) £2! EAGT NE SE LL wlCammonium chloride) FNL POV ra Ee fre ngter 6B Bite fle SAO we LLL wn Meir Lutt te ELLY LL eT LUD SI Pub EL Ai wh Pale KE IA0) LU12)-Yc# (mangnese dioxide 2S 2A tL ik FLL Ssbewe Fb iwi Ste fes Sie 126 hu nher LG re oid! 2 rob wees 29 FLEE (Stephen of Alaxandria\ PIL ye le ut LEI MT WNC Ae tees ee Geinobyie MIT B PL EM PL Niro CM SRL Guten AMOI AL bre SPE A Le PA Cs(Bo0k of Kingdom) OR tee oe tee AJR Pats ABo0k of Balance) Sra Bw AOE NPL Bud Ue ne7L te STZ 27 ORV aL PE Sus hoenwske HL MSc lo PP E8,700-108 Sole Pre Pe (GUE Ber KMELEL poy Gel iow Lbsiintafet {Soe ie eth IE NEA NL HollorLei Wier we Light fSges weiter. Zi ncihyind Suh Ie Ubi 2 spwliidri£ut suite WE WAL LAS As oublimation ti); 26 5. eS KO Verb 23,4 Corystaisation bu L QUI LPL ALL MOL 1g A6oistiation 23) 129 Potter's kils (oven s(ars UL (phials)zAF candle) fe basket) b+ fiter) Sve round mould)» (pestle 4 Céitertinen) 2cagedu™ (GU SrdhneE AL Te Sie (A NLL Sp SEF SASL C1) Le Vile! Poved £ gn EL vite L Yi -eseton Auth LL eee Peon (USE b SUL Wie hydrostatic balance) phethabel Lie wd ple tele tdsi7 yt Zt Corganio) dy tf tity Seo ie BL ete Wet he PL tid tS iseer Sos uninorganic) ge te HidiouK rte ot LS (mercury) S/72M(sald-<(sulphun SUL 7 Bub Wy JOELL VLE BEL (36) Sey sec Paracelus)U* Ut Liv ultheory of matey HS retest egrictl "Bodies are composed of indivisible elements and of empty space between them. These (atoms) were eternal and possessed a certain size.” Or btu Pine e pel elses Ato tL bi dele Voronin -otn 128 WL ge Ee IL NS (metallurgy te Keb uiGe ce tui fore te tL UI(13) 6 zd SIS heer 14) -< hore iyi Usb greasel VL UI15)-L lee decay (practical chemical process Us ULL Mier L IOUS! LEE OD Sed dwd re Arutes Cet Ser pus(18) edb wlaqua regia eid Opi ose ALS Stir eh sir ZA Liber WK EE db A7 EVES Mil el be Liter VFL uw L(Secretorum Bubacaris Set brtzetrir Bac istilation, calcination & crystallisation BEL Seri th file Wie ted the Ashears)oCtongs)%4 Apestels Amortar) x eT PL Uiutak, Fads alembies)42T(beakers Bre Courtside GoiuAsoAte Avellows UKE Leura hee uii(1) (hammer) (shears) f(tongs)&Z.(crucible) (lade) 313° ~Ciron mould) St Ie LL Sr Sedea) croton 2! (bottles/fiasks) Ge“ (glass cups).)!4«(beakers)es3% (aludel) Jt= 134 tut Garber ttle vest et AO Si tid, Se Sey ut de bat Ab PU EE Fit nine 62S A Publ OL (000-9000 7 et UL Ye IE (Tabula Chemical AU ez zur Hy PRR UF aula ae Leys eri 2ad AM ui Sye —ketribul Po Wiel 27K As cle iS, POLE trie 12502 HE Picardo Att iz AL er So Se Solfo totaal iP HIE rycert siti Wyant ALP L GUL Gel hg A deus assz WALLA ty lett Er Lae 2A, LULL ai MG Marsenious oxide) ore-L U2 Healer LX (itcic acid eI WIS efi tH Hospsum (Pe Soea tobe sired yi3 Lugee Se HL ibe (calcium oxide) 47 elt wet pethidine bu e 130 distillation, calcination, solution, evaporisation, sublimation, crystallization, filtration, amalgamation, and ceration. Pie Dbeest Vere IPz2VE tye J\(sulphur)Gx%(ammonia)eri(mercury)e spirit) gt (red sulphite of arsenic) Kui TevGl-tG%(Realgar) AL, Pi Std (wore At Pg eo [Pe cClimedtgrock salt M2 iL Pull (5) (Natron KF ty(6)Catkald Mh. 24L-(microcosmich 4, Ab potash ity malachite (copper BAL fre (7) 2 35 be IK KE oxide), haematite (ferric oxide), gypsum (calcium sulphate) & Lue s£ g(8)atum PUL YOKE tole Md irw KCAL brie weatlinatron) sdb 5 7 Ale BL op Be HILAL CAL Wir EE ile Na PU Hiezy HUE (Ruska ter 22 76ly Kn Jsle (Boyle) fi si(Galileo e520 (Stapleton) ib JE te BPH teal ue tulunrt igi Wb tearreti i Oe et PIG AR Wig Woe? Mer Ar Clute sity ip Cen 133, we Hpk Lyf LLG 654A 11999 Solute L SFE (Caltech Se FE Lot(Femto Chemisty S26 Un Life Urns wi (molecuiedd ot Lui £ Ho dire Veto Lop? 0 Sf Ut d8 Sole Cb atoms) At Se Set 2002 FU Lx(Through Time cmoty (Book of Plantsot HW 815-898) Sisdeuotl Pru iteredh i Witumye oni ier wey Pern ADe yh ni blot Lu ME dnb SearerpL yw Ung 20L i Sump Pi eth Art PreAKervre AS dir Li SF opshore Lu Lay 2.5L grating MKF oth yb, EL AZ UL poo Lux rides idl LLG eth coilans Spee Ari eCerwrtriipesfifety SBOE 2 pW xehoBE9) Db ei EVR Zoologisdet CAA Mbt tr9eatumbebe bul 132 Bey bev tte ryrb by Hele U4 Bre obec ten KT SKE x 2 z ? ? 3 4 9 Ter IMG A AA EL th PLL Loi ety Core LD pia worl bl aH) Sitti det Tig Jes 43 U2 1974 2 ale (University Pennsylvania G22, AEP SEL ASTI ia Ville 2 -tE heii Jou ge Ayo 135 Book of Darhoi Wy OL atid wboutlach ee Sipe rvigh Bebe tyerLipsbyeipiales SEC ie RP EAU UP ee oa a6 St 1878 In OE Ut 18028 salsa? HL SK PELL org PL Ae WL NAGE ILE WERE eS CoWeru tier LER JL eigen Fy! (Royal Botanical Gardeme Gey tL LP al dh og ch L trdevl ui tuyel file22 Vetfuleat EL Kb fh try Seed, Sei lok Hag Hot oeduubuin AB mba time Sete Wi Kt iee, MGDeth Addy Meter MGs eve Ate Je ot Fo 1474) bes AN bbe bea ik Bee VEC. Kopi fle ptZ (Book of Animals) 41 evi iit tal UECtheory of Evolution) ule BE ye Sieur e bagi tustiectgsetige ethoot eortte duly “He inaugurated the genre of 'essay' taking psychological analysis and critical synthesis to great heights"[38] Sgt b LGA CE Ub orbiter yt Fal SEG row WR too Lt fed Fowl peed nPop nd mt Ln de Aw te Ae trelb eh Ann Bid Ladnd Ome 137 are be (Geography sR Gre We esi ithe AOL PR uA ns Ale heel Sif naps tech i on Se RU ess LL SE bois! f Cu fiert Lid sigs L2G wl obthe Leuruer AP AL wei vtec eA LLLP ILO VIN SG ax W146 coordinates ALM L ew L Ee nl Brag LIVES PE ib Leu E BE 27 000 LE AEE BIL GIL LOL Fe Gunter COLL Rh ithog CBE SEB OL C879) MateL t APSE LAINE MEG xSub(postal system) ZL dba bb cepa O PL urLvio OSU Sesie Wr uyed Lunttot ey 136 BYES (UioKMEF Boucle dpi umjerenterye lilac, coffee, musk, ribes, sumach, jasmine, mezereon, saffron, (apricot) 33,«(artichoke) 372 sesame, taraxacum, 139 Lz 2 L900) wt -o4 abs Ete EL NE EY Yok = UPI Usb al Usily UZ Litsurep titer Fayre te (Estey eS Atle er totic i SION MWA Baghdad during the Abbasid Caliphate by G.L. Strange, Oxford ) Dre te te SLA PIL (oP +908). biL-C1900 CD BL We Gocjede- 2 SUL 76 Lore L eb Ft ia Ph WERE B92 Ue Esur_ CU eUvaianiuor L008 Ses BUvseghayte9s-951 bu Te L ve Beri DALE ANiy Zetie OUI Pte tb eBa-k teu tiie Ce id 200i) Bre ALTE See GUO ee tobi 2 2M (opie ih 921 LAS BIC Lat SRV tomas tuerer Lalit Lg stit 11023.=(St, Petersburgh Z4b* AIS2E UIE Prt in ke 947 1000) 6a eles eet dose Ayr tee eel tt eae fous Aes 67 Sek Hel ois er SMA 9001 L = SUL EL (Knowidege of thectimes) (Volga & Caspian) UA Ian Yu LL 138 HALAS Mel Sore LUA Lae refuse aE ahh bat pA SL em ela DAL 850) 21 Aer Bie) SoA Lek sete Ohya rtd rts Lokal het Oye geweszuUtfoven eubetarteniLe fourteen due Lp Pin PLU tbe Lr de In CPt, 1889 a Fowl vpal lok t.051 oldest es EGLLIF GEIL NPI Bt € bu PPLE ER ME etd. Leo Seales FueaFiniatte. oi Sey SUN kurta nL Fue! eG PUM Lisa sil 7€ (Routes & Kingdo. 1s) 1987-973 LU EL sit COA Sr erihc whe) BEN LL Ela Abbot Elbe JSG 2-c sl fla ny SE proce bier Lp IFLA Ibe SP EAL M938L. GH, Kramers) AF FV CA VEE ILE. J, Brill Leiden tile. 2S! B91 BYE E 4 1964L 66. WiedaZing 141 Voinbehet te OL tl , hers Liytn AOL net sre PROTOS Pitt pe One ST PACT! ebebs buelsleie EUS. NL Piet ibges nee Giyite 1804 dpvlotWwe ethethe chad xed SaAe weet, ALBA tat aL LE BIE ol bP AES ei Fn SGirr730 eh OSB Urs RAS’ Ker050 db chote ve Cb te t988— yah ee FURL Kee PL oboe Se gee gLiusolersen SLI Soyzh peter BLL LPL neu isn Hie bed FS eset “It is possible, even likely, that each pair of the quarters of the earth forms a coherent uninterrupted unity, the one as a continent, the other as an ocean." Lnesptluita Mun Gk Gori BLA Ppa PL ef aa.aas -29,40'Y0h-30,58" 5 WL tin BU SL te AE suits LS (Bee Sb VE RINE 140 vie Auten £ LS ALK VOR air a rte Keone 6913-040) Fe AUF BU (Ue OS eit Meal ie EVLet tours Bley CL At VEE U913L0G. Fernand HA 2A MA AF IE FL IY EVEL yl a Rize Kus boan oe tytet Adis cates LISA e ules0L ULE Le Grol ews Ae OL Afybrbo$e. USUAL LN Te Lit 955-1 LiF etieS WL ead sea Fi vis Beles VUBASIZ(Earth Sciences)“ Ose EVE site LLP Koto wed AEM Lob Are Up Vorb yee prshim othinlkis PN td PL bce Wa efallTubseudh WME ANG yp A ste sthodee Ul eee UI TELL Utila elt) (Gildemeisten Hie KAS wh RUE eI 2 LEG te 1038= (2) Ne SM pM bad yi Aan 143, Irak bell KA punste dpm ie URL LE po FURL oe th SABES AIS oR OUlL Loar tvdsdhes SRS DL Mae RPM eT MAE OM FEA SAL psi h Ge KUT B le WAM SL fol Ee tLe x Ln foee li iublid Chad ree M009 Mads Frit uel” Uh enter yao ten Z Pee orate the Wat heutie nd hel AP FAO AL tpt rk bh trl, BLL Guy Le Stranger U2 Carr ASE WB WIR Oe 6b 61098) SA phae SES AGE Phitclogisde LAE Lies GASES) Pratt ere tur SIR b AGU GEO nE a trre57 AW Ltd. sgn EU AI MoI GE Wer ee ou S NE WP Her REC) stir ssa debe trre76e (i ZGottingeneS 8 Foe tel BIBL aA Cast (S701 179-1229) Adare dL eve BAL gral gcsl 142 Oe dtd bugle a Serr dt be ydtre Wed Ale wiE Metectro chemical) Bb fee KL sen NE a Mot IGA Lut ur wl ce ate lady PL MABE La ome SOU Va Lb Kok Tigt il ey PE per Gensel Me HU Sr1970 Mer tor dr theagl arg Sobol in Bip fen bpule Peete BLT vocab P Lt ue MLL ent ss sls nS Siar Lob age obs Le Ore Suede Ue pip! Qube, etusturt oP) UE SG HI le PUL nn SOL ety one InStep cee dy Mk Pegi Ballard SAS ALS IuIe GE Soh Ue 2% polar bean Ll Lariuttice fishing 4 UES vbbiptintit tut Lnd 2 oth Putz 2b UIUL ER SS Re ext Sid bz7ial pT Fatl UL rhe Sh bers x os 148 The Travels PMSA Ue 19522 ATEN LSA Lyre ual Fc EEF Ibn Jubayr Hobe AL be el tls Hedge et LupLonreacaviaytidic edbeng 61 (Book of Rogen) Me Wprrre tL (Roger If» Zlalsh Sep tes02g teut-< BiG Ab Gees? Pty» BOI Gast pu tor019 278 die Ce tex d Cis EU ol Siegel SL Pie iba let Lolo wlan te SE yak east 144 Spl nS be L sts t1086— Set Uses Le del SareventrE ye te ycirter tee Jo tule wei Susi furwt a oF beh Sa Pe tL bibaerL or90 LIPS ePopiP ssn rsp tCe LIP Phat (Margoliath) 204s Sunt uso PDAS MoU yet 1935 OMe Lu tiloyli feet wei Lay Luang AhuLverL£ynsr Acne Gb Pith Koren tac! iO we A ape nth opie gile Anti ee Pape coi Lendl ee 3 hn tal LIB i Seog Gunter PL SL Caspian Sea folie Pibtisaroweh speck, Muti pat rss PE perf seth Lie tl Forest ey gta perlrllgtind Munk pA SM LUI KIWAP Cea tr eye ihe heer! jemkLele te nl Suh Bee tre dule yA cupGhe ub inte 4L (communication) $+ #navigation Su 147 aS evade 28,0 77L Ccosmographye LEC hid, ELIA ADEs ALLEL 26D OWE Lough Sen owLuy/ br rue ees bbe gy Lueyd bane tT Bee a KF Sie APKC 1340 ler rt wibutnL does eo Ur Lirewrdure vfs OIL EL ee iT aos ibd AE Re BiK 1304-136 0 pb oisaiety! BEL ae Bre theD HLS be Bit PSM Le ervife vw yb sue Lope Sis Mh NAG te Fp p EBM ECI28) wl Dope eared dd Nh Brterr Fe OS Pel auiturynL7L tuslBaotios PPV ync bel eye Lacan roL Ie iet de EGENE LYSE Fl Sf MEL Ni PABBA) SEL UB La UL 62 78,000 Mat 113562 8) SIZ teri M bois CN SAL G1388 Bb Fei Se tre iL Punt 6 cba wel travels of bn Batuta SHIH L272 Eye voli rle te fui sGoogle.comeizle 146 beh AW eloe net WoplatlasA AIEEE ital osaut 1886401 L (Reinheat Dozy) we heen Diaet LTS pos S tee Be yh Bore OTA AWE ofS Nbc QPL Ae fe fi Ji Bittete oP SSR : eSB UL LF CIVE erally Koide vt PL te gate AO a Wt LS Ue be JELG 2 Pole EF Cal get ek Ub Sh Ue LEY Sab bal aoe epiL (Extent of he Ean Cou sI AOE itl SG NPL Mai BLO LL 1273)e1 whos See ag 1B rnniI= Lue lS ph person Pig i Srethe ee Ue Sed IP ble GAB M Beet 925 Liversedge Jeske oxi Voile wer SL SBS OU Sr Le (oiler 208-1289) Ey nase Le Description of Aftica) 149 BAAD M br forsnSELuelh bby LGV BE Pe 1500 Fettte rz IRE eo o Ke alu iur? Description of the fl AL Fo Ar Medeseriti aoe PUT rt 150828 0 Lie tL (wontd on tdi ree (Yu 405-1550 004 LULL SilLeo the African) Alias! ee Bil rue Ln FAG Sel Hn tins LO i wi ULE peorutuHe bund uel as Bteb Sx Atl fet Lvs bege UL BUR 2 he FP 6 156) bbe Up hie SAE Lune tl rssei vie yLotmmciLyl bre Userbyetu Site LPL busta eh 5 Ht (1554) I 0S, (Oceanography). £ MH -ea¥ FEAL AL 470-1550 466 LISIPd Fn bb to1821 AWE UAS HUA FS Use KOA bpe bree WL Lute MVE SAE yl AZ astronomical navigation) GG ¢ a sE haz POR Boe tL Lange eicharts)Ap219L Aegean Seanlui Et thud 1148 we Ob tot Chea Fit esL arn ibe LuntufbscGrtayi cit CS ay te EVP TU PL 1 sab Prsth AL Ure 518 VILCE. 8. Kennedy SEAS UpRr UPd st Keio tee Vet ee87e LiL Aatitue BiH Wei S utr arkashis Geographical Tables) Aub dt LUypiy£ lesa WL UE Bhar Lapa tel ue Gr bud wginrgar SSESR ISM IWRL Nope iL sign 3h EG SBAEE te RAL EI Say SES Stor LNG iad ABY eA Bt Re Ke POS Ltn L Bk ay Wis tiLy £UFL BI PE ABI Be Ls LB el ke Lut be tL ne FSB tO 2 Lvatancing) LA sigan fut 2 PSe ct S6 Li — FHL FL NE MEY mercurydet 196 SCI Hoonvette ect het (WIR APE Lene EL yb AL Uist stg SAGE blf(challand) BL SL StH lig-ZLnisgs tytn? oo) 22 ye Fem BL bo Fro S (chip buicingd SiL-24z aS igure 2 Lge tang Pk wag buR (arsenal) SETS ZAR lf seahePE Z se(dock yards) GLH EL SAME shoe tere tle vl ceed Acute t eine aly wtp EE Lt(ship yard UtebilraAt Ai trossL wroih ce el sup ke br EM UFZ Sutil Adee eee wer Pig Sf rLEr as Pr Sie tise eLgat SPE M eile tA FLuLy, Be pliztuiugit elit Sige Hef NC Me eh 2 se 1th eee GeO Gy oe L Gas Burliret LEC ee Ae Ke Wik ere STUY 1979 (Donald HilD EWS 2752 AK 199 She ty lf(operating manual br iene AOL at OIG IOION) Sb rdf ions CUO ULa I Rolin niles Jaw SS gee Fis itrr200 hex b Pet PE Ast sai rts A trata (Donald (The Book of Knowledge of Ingenious Mechanical Devices) 4y'3 PRM PL AMSA TAIC Oe pte FS 6 TSE LSE Ut re ESCO tt Purp Bisa poets fui? Uptown gy _e Fedef suits a 198 1365 Sb et eA LL Sin BY LGiovanni) dug Fi ues bx bsi uh Se Sse £ GFE te WG (automatic machines) RASA ar Bote SLEW OL Wt 2 SSL BE Eth 2> Long (mutiple geartrains) bat Pek te 1580025 1525 et Eragus SL 2d PA uv ot L fist eke 525K Phi Sy LB 10502 Putri Let Fab Hie Sp bP Se tAciydtnt Pep yoe Bree Jilted erk Sey LHL bab PtrbbeFtrd AA ralL babs? (PR BT ISHAM Lb So St und Gut y29 wit tiNa SV Gautomatic compensating mechanism) oss Uetea th de msec publ ere W bi 61193, A Fpl Ih, 3 LIN PUL Se, Sf WAL Po WhatS Ebi B pGe APUG IL WEE PENG en CL Gres des kot Movie Sb AitrArEML aT Mee SELL Loe Mette Lyi bret F203 L Nears SES Serr Stale Hoobs 201 LE sbite ier IN tetany EL SU conical valves) float controlted )32 £1 test Sit L GAL Ses if Ut at-Y 1 (regulator eine ee CIA BYUArute 1784 Lb eit at Ub FL Bole OL dW ey RCo tu S ast, 1222 gravitational Pye) Ub Ab, 2 bry && (attractions ee Rte 1, JIL yt Lb (Cepeyera) bite ein SG, J 63 SoZ BL IEP EP LILLE IG YL PI Late siPS Spied LOWL Putrreasutucsi LoeMurwW LSA, Urvuptsifl Lip 6K sok AES Deby, I ELE 1489 Stelle x Le Lites Ae Wl 24M bie folk Libs bye SOLIS ache Ae oh Pome nA bene MPL Stns Subaree PID LS Behe CIE FeLi ef Me PAIBAL NB Ree LH Bry Cs so tu Fesr cds nb wint rr FPL tonl

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