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You are required to answer all question and answers must be in accordance with the step bystep pictorial.
1.Insert Table

Click on the table icon and choose length and width of your table.

2. Text Colour
Click on text colour icon to colour the text

The result must be like on the picture :

3. What is Declaration and give example .

explicitly or implicitly or inform.
Penafian : MARA tidak akan bertanggungjawab terhadap sebarang kerosakan atau kerosakan
atau kehilangan yang dialami disebabkan oleh penggunaan maklumat dalam laman web ini

4. What is navigation menu and give example .

Navigation menu is the menu to change from the current website to another website.
Example :
If I click on the Driver for your phone menu , it will navigate to driver phone pages.

5. Insert Background Colour

Firstly , Right click on your page , and select page properties.

Click on formatting tab and go to Colors > background and choose your colour .

6. Set Page To Center

Right Click on your table and choose Table properties.

And At Layout tab go to Aligment and choose center to make your page center

7. Insert Last Update

Go to insert and click on date and time

Choose Date this page was last edited and click ok

8. Page Break .
Click insert and choose break .

Choose normal line break and click ok

9. Create Marqueen Text

Click on insert and choose Web Component .

On Dynamic Effects Choose Marqueen Text.

Type your text in text box and you also can choose the background color of marqueen text. And
then click ok .

10. How to save and run Web

Press F12 and click Yes .

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