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Sam Congemi

Ms. Burgess
9th Literature and Composition
November 20, 2015
Romeo and Juliet-Opening Fight Scene
At the beginning of Shakespeares Romeo and Juliet, a fight breaks out. This fight is used
to set the scene and explain the age-old feud between the Capulets and the Montagues. This is
first seen as Tybalt, of the Capulets, talks about his dislike of Montages As hell, all
Montagues. (1.1.61) Later during the opening scene, the citizens watch arrives shouting Down
with the Capulets! Down with the Montagues! (1.1.64) showing how they have had enough.
This feeling is later echoed through the Prince as he notes the families have thrice disturbed the
quite of our streets. (1.1.82) Together, this is all used to collectively used to introduce the
audience to the feud and how it is disruptive to the town.

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