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Assignment #3

Research Paper on mLearning Evolution (Emerging Trend for 2015/2016)
Shanica Robin

A Paper Presented in Partial Fulfillment

Of the Requirements of
EDID 6506 Issues, Trends, Innovations and Research in Instructional Design,
Information Technology & Design
Semester I: 2015/2016

Student Email:

University: University of the West Indies Open Campus
Course Coordinator: Dr. Camille Dickson-Deanne

EDID6506 Assignment #3

The use of mobile technologies has grown to such an extent over recent years
that they now overtake the proliferation of personal computers in modern professional
and social contexts (Attewell, 2005). The ready availability and uptake of devices such
as mobile phones, personal digital assistants and mobile music players, have
permeated the manner and means of human communication, socializing and
entertainment to such an extent that is it rare to find a person in western society who
does not own at least one such device.(Herrington & Herrington, 2007)

The brick and mortar institution is becoming an archaic view of education.

Education technology is trans forming the way we think about learning, and apps are
putting new means of collaborating and acquiring skills at our fingertips. According to
Franklin (2011), mobile devices are allowing educators to build new community
learning ecosystems for and by today's students using smart phones, iPads, tablets,
and iPod devices to stay connected. The use of simulations and virtual environments to
build learning spaces that provide connections to students globally and how these 21st
Century digital interfaces will challenge our educational institutions to create a more
rigorous, immersive, and differentiated learning environments. Some industry experts
expect mLearning to dominate the eLearining market-space in the near future.

Effective use of mobile technology is less about tools and more about students'
digital literacy skills, including the ability to access, manage, and evaluate digital
resources. Students might take plenty of pictures using their mobile phone cameras, but

EDID6506 Assignment #3

rarely do they use the device for meaningful learning experiences. So, even though
students recognize mobile devices' value for academic work, they still look to institutions
and instructors for opportunities and encouragement to use them that way (Chen &
Denoyelles, 2013). Use of mobile technology for teaching and learning is still an
emergent area for study, and more scholarly research must be conducted. Perhaps
more importantly, individual experimentation is needed to understand what works, how,
and why in both formal and informal learning environments. This paper discusses the
use of mLearning emerging trends and their relevance in the field of education
technology, instructional design and distance education.


EDID6506 Assignment #3

Relevance to the Field

Mobile technologies are changing the ways in which individuals interact with the
world. The ever-present availability of information, combined with the contextual
awareness these devices provide, enable individuals whether in pedagogical or higher
education, corporate or government to learn and receive support whenever needed.
mLearning focuses on applying mobile technologies in the context of learning and
performance support, the strategies for integrating these technologies into the training
mix, and the best practices for designing, developing, and delivering mobile content.

Mobile technology brings the impact of mobile learning on traditional

pedagogical learning strategies. The mobile learning model emphasized on mobile
users, learning strategies, situated environments, and virtual group awareness. The
advance of mobile technology assists the development of situated classroom which is
an augmented knowledge context environment pertaining to learners daily life. The
situated classroom is able to convey information between learners and coachers while
the learning strategies are deployed. With the enhanced pedagogical learning
strategies, learners obtain skill and knowledge in situated classroom. Many currently
available mobile learning applications highlight the mobility, ubiquitous computing, and
portability features to facilitate learning process by utilizing those features. (Jeng, Wu,
Huang, Tan, Yang, 2010).

EDID6506 Assignment #3

Source: Elearning Inforgraphics, 2015

The 2015 Mobile Learning Trends Infographic explores what role mobiles are
playing in shaping up the workplace-learning scenario. These trends with mobile
learning are evidence to the fact that we are on the brink of a new era of learning
through the mobile device.

EDID6506 Assignment #3

EDID6506 Assignment #3
Documented Artifacts (Illustrations, pictures, references)

EDID6506 Assignment #3

EDID6506 Assignment #3

Initiator of trend
Mobile learning or mLearning stems from distance education and education technology
fields. Advancement in technology and greater access to broadband Internet through
mobile devices has extended the scope and use of mobile technology, tools and
devices. In terms of mobile trends for the future, experts foresee an increasing use of
devices in co-op placements, both to consult resources and to record practical
experiences for use in e-portfolios. Also expect that the move toward mobile will also
prompt a shift in course design that will reduced text in favour of more multimedia.
Besides increased use of augmented reality apps; and also expect to see an increase in
the remote operation of equipment, for example apps that will allow students to access

EDID6506 Assignment #3


and control equipment at remote institutions, such as a telescope physically located at

another university.

Examples of potential uses

Mobile learning allows the learner to communicate with tutors and peers, as well as
access learning resources, while on the move. It facilitates just in time learning and the
ability to gather and submit evidence for assessment.

Mobile learning as a training technique - For learning purposes, m-learning

condenses lessons into shorter, bite-sized micro lessons that can be easily
absorbed on the go. Micro-content such as graphs, charts or 2- to 3-minute
videos can be consumed while commuting on the train or during a lunch break.

Mobile learning in the classroom. BYOD is being done in many area, in fact in
Dominica the Government provided each child with a tablet for the new school
year to facilitate learning. School administrators also use mobile apps like
Remind to communicate key messages keeping parents and students updated
with progress.

Big Data has introduced analytics and mLearning in the corporate environment.
Soft skill eLearning courses are now being revamped for other mobile devices. In
fact most corporations are making changes to their Learning Management
System (LMS) to keep up with this trend. Scotiabank employees can now
complete personal development learning courses from comfort of their homes or
on the road, bus, or train through a newly integrated LMS.

EDID6506 Assignment #3



Mobile devices are often used more as a social distraction and not considered for
learning purposes. Looking back, I would quicker rush for my iPad to play a game of
candy crush or update social networking sites. This paper allowed me to see beyond
the technology to the opportunities for learning that are present in our environments. I
am excited about the changes to come in terms of Universities embracing mobile
learning. It will be interesting to see whether UWI Open Campus implements or
embraces these new trends.

The project called for a lot of searching aimlessly on the Internet to find emerging
trend relating to the field. Most of the trends are rooted in learning theories that age

EDID6506 Assignment #3


back many years. As instructional Designers it is very important that you are up to date
with all the changes and emerging trends and issues. For some Instructional designers
in the Region some of these changes may not take effect until the next 3 5 years as
some site ICT infrastructure will not support the more innovative changes or local
governments and companies do not have the resources to keep up with industry fads
and trends.

This paper focused on the new trend in mLearning for 2015/2016, it is important
to note the importance of technology to learning. According to Hawkins (1997)
"Integrating technology into classroom instruction means more than teaching basic
computer skills and software programs in a separate computer class. Effective
technology integration must happen across the curriculum in ways that research shows
deepen and enhance the learning process. In particular, it must support four key
components of learning: active engagement, participation in groups, frequent interaction
and feedback, and connection to real-world experts." Technology lends itself as the
multidimensional tool that will assist learning in many different contexts.

EDID6506 Assignment #3


Chen, B., & Denoyelles, A. (2013). Exploring students' mobile learning practices in
higher education. Educause Review. Retrieved from http://www. educause.

Franklin, T. (2011). Mobile Learning: At the Tipping Point. Turkish Online Journal Of
Educational Technology-TOJET, 10(4), 261-275.

Hawkins, J. (1997). The world at your fingertips: Education Technology Opens Doors.
The George Lucas Educational Foundation.

Herrington, A., & Herrington, J. (2007). Authentic mobile learning in higher education.
Jeng, Y.-L., Wu, T.-T., Huang, Y.-M., Tan, Q., & Yang, S. J. H. (2010). The Add-on
Impact of Mobile Applications in Learning Strategies: A Review Study.
Educational Technology & Society, 13 (3), 311.
Shuler, C. (2009). Pockets of potential: Using mobile technologies to promote children's
learning. Retrieved from

EDID6506 Assignment #3

Reference: Artifacts:

Craig, T., & Van Lom, M. (n.d.). Impact Constructivist Learning Theory and Mobile
Technology Integration. Retrieved Nov. 9, 2015, from EDTECH - Theories of
Educational Technology:

Elearning Inforgraphics. (2015, April 18). 2015 Mobile Learning Trends Inforgraphic.
Retrieved Nov. 10, 2015, from

Kar, S. (2015, July 25). Using BYOD in Schools: Advantages and Disadvantages.
Retrieved Nov. 10, 2015, from

Layden, A. (2015, January 28). Why mobile Learning Apps are the Future of Education.
Retrieved Nov. 10, 2015, from

Pandey, A. (2015, July 4). What are the benefits of mLearning. Retrieved Nov. 8, 2015,

EDID6506 Assignment #3
Pandey, A. (2015, July 26). Innovative Training Solutions For Banking And Financial
Services. Retrieved Nov. 10, 2015, from


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