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This Is Me

I think this is the first time

I can
Look into the depths of my reflection
without flinching with what I see,
This is the first time
I can
laugh aloud without looking around to see
who is laughing too
And most importantly
This is me
truly meeting myself for the first time;
I am creative and quiet yet loud and slightly
off my head;
I ask too many questions; drink too much
tea; talk too fast and catch onto things too
I wouldnt want it any other way though
This is me

Submitted by: Mary Josephine M.


Love Startles Me
I despise love
mainly because I dont understand it,
The very word
startles me,
I dont think a lot people;
Not even these poems that so many
teenagers repost understand
How wicked and powerful and beautiful yet fearful
love can be.

No young poet;
falling apart
isnt love,
Neither is risking your career nor your friends nor your fa
for it.
I strongly recommend, you do your research.
Love isnt a game nor a fairytale,
Its the scariest adventure youll
Ever experience.
And some claim its beautiful.
Some tell me its an illusion
But others say its the realest thing
Youll ever see.
Personally I think
it is not worth the risk.
But, hey what do I know;
the very word startles me.

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