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Waves + Optics option

1 Snells law
draw 2 media and boundary with normal
and light ray

medium 1
medium 2

change in medium >> change in v >>
change in direction
disc absolute and relative refractive
disc optical density
write Snells law in full
sin 1 c1 n1
real depth
= =
1 n2 =
sin 2 c2 n2 apparent depth
2 Is colour function of f or ?
get students to vote
disc extremes of visible spectrum - of
red and blue light in air and then calc for
ie of blue shortened to UV in water,
but UV is invisible >> so, if looking at
guy wearing blue shorts, then put head
underwater blue shorts become
3 Dispersion
disc n = f(freq)
difference in n small for most dispersive
media so single refraction will not show
effect of dispersion >> double refraction
by apex of prism
issue prisms and 5 min to play
Wh Ch31 #24
4 Derive apparent depth - OHP
demo clear tank filled with water - Jack to
set up
Wh Ch31 #26

Critical angle - OHP

Wh Ch 31 #29
total internal reflection by prisms - OHP
fishs view - OHP

Steve Udy Teaching Notes

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Printed on 29/6/04

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