Waves + Optics Option: Steve Udy Teaching Notes Page 1 of 1 Printed On 29/6/04

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Waves + Optics option

thin films
1 Review phase changes at boundary for
transmitted and reflected pulses - OHP
2 Parallel-sided film - OHP
incident ray reflected from upper and
lower surfaces of film
phase changes due to reflection depends
on 2 media on both sides of boundary
interference of 2 reflected rays depends
i. phase changes due to reflection
ii. pth length in of ray 2
blooming - use binoculars for demo

Wedge film
OHP exfor HW
demo with 2 rulers and pen
what is fringe where slides touch?
destructive int = dark

4 Draining soap film - reflected light

recall straight-sided wedge film has
straight parallel fringes of equal spacing
what expect to see with monochrome
with white light? straight horizontal
spectrum fringes
soap film has wider fringes at top,
narrower at bottom >> film not straightsided >> what is curvature of film?
what is colour of top fringe (allow time
for film to drain - just before film bursts)?
>> dark, ie see no fringe
5 Newtons rings - OHP
wedge film with non-straight sides
central spot dark
6 demo Newtons rings and wedge film
with trav microscope and video - Jack to
set up

Steve Udy Teaching Notes

page 1 of 1

Printed on 29/6/04

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