Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman Lee Kong Chian Faculty of Engineering and Science Department of Chemical Engineering 201510 Trimester 2015/2016 Academic Session Uemk 1013 Chemistry For Engineering

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Lee Kong Chian Faculty of Engineering and Science

Department of Chemical Engineering 201510
Trimester 2015/2016 Academic Session

Assignment 1
The objective of this assignment is to expose to the ability to conduct literature search in providing
valuable insight, skills and knowledge that will bridge the gap between Academic teaching and
Industry practice.

With the aid of journals and other relevant literature, write an essay (not more than 1000 words)
on the application of any ONE (1) of the following in the manufacturing industries.
a) Carboxylic
b) Lipid
c) Amino acid
Where applicable, you must include the following in your answer
Marking Scheme
1) Chemical reactions
2) Industrial process being investigated
3) Details on the specific operation/ process involved
4) The uses and importance in term social economic value
5) References

(30 %)
(20 %)
(20 %)
(10 %)

You will form a group of 5 students to discuss and formulate the written answer.
Only 1 set of answer to be presented, but each member of the team must indicate the
section whereby you are the main contributor. (Note: I may interview the contributor
through oral examination).
Write down the details of this assignment, the approximate number of words, and the
names of all group members clearly on the front page of your submission.
Do not comb bind but to staple your submission.
Marks will be given on good research effort carried out as shown by the number of
diagrams, pictures, tables, statistics and other data presented in the write-up.
To hand in (the hard copy) ON/BEFORE 20 NOVEMBER 2015. Late submission and
plagiarism of more than 30% will be penalized.
Please also provide the soft copy of your group assignment to the following via email.
teesf@utar.edu.my. Marks will be deducted if the soft copy is not provided. Soft copy
will be submitted to TURNITIN for checking of plagiarism.
Dr Tee SF Oct 23, 2015

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