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Royce (2002, cited in week 7 interactive forum) stated that intermodal

complementarity as visual and verbal semiotic systems collaborate to realize

complementary intersemiotic meanings when they co-occur to produce a coherent
multimodal text. There are 4 part of intermodal complementary which are
parasemiosis, resemioticisation, colligation and intersemiosis. Parasemiosis
according to McMurtrie (2008) is a thing or element that doesnt have much value
but when you place it somewhere it takes on that value, for instance if our park was
vandalized with a lot of graffiti, it will devalue our park exponentially to the point
that people will stop visiting our park. Resemioticisation can be translated as
translating picture into design, plan to design, resemiotised information on paper
into design, for example we resemiotised our park sketch plan into a model.
Colligation can be interpreted as things or elements that go together or cohesive
into one another, such as colligation between trees and flowers in our park.
Intersemiosis can be interpret as the modes that work together to create something
more than when are separated, For example our park bridge that connect the
gazebo from the lake will not be useful without the lake.

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