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Ravelli (2008) stated that control and freedom are realized by the extend of

which users can freely access the building and the interior or the extent to
which their pathways are open or closed, and their behavior with or without
surveillance. Ravelli and McMurtrie (forthcoming) also state that spatial
engagement considers the institution as having authorial voice as well as the
users of the spatial text as having their own voice. In figure 1, we created a
weak framing device along our jogging track around the perimeter so that
our client can focus more on jogging on the track rather than taking a
shortcut through the center. We also build one bridge to get into the gazebo
so that our client can only have one monoglossic way to go to the gazebo.
The special bench that was spread symmetrically from each other also will
have arm rest in between the space so that it will limit our user way of using
the bench as sleeping place. It also make our client feel more personal when
sitting on the bench as they are being separated by the armrest from other
people when sitting on the bench. We have 4 entrance to the park giving our
client heteroglossic way to get into and out from the park

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