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Chapter | Problem 1.1 11 Two solid cylindrical rods AB and BC are welded together at B aad loaded as shown. Knowing that d) = 50mm and d,= 30mm, find average normal stress a the midsection of (a) rod AB, (6) rod BC. @ Red AB P= 40430 = 70 wn + 70*10°N E (50) = 1.9635 x10%me = 1.468516" Joxio* 1.468871 2 = 35.7 10° Pa Gig = 35.7 MP bY Rod BC BO kN = 30x10°N 0 4 = Fg EGY = 706.86 me = 706. 86415 5 me 42.4x10° Pa Ou 424MP. =e Problem 1.2 1.2. Two solid cylindrical rods 4B and BC are welded together at B and loaded as shown. Knowing that the average normal stress must not exceed 140 MPa in either ‘od, determine the smallest allowable values of d and d;. Red AG Pr 40+ 30 = 70kW = 7oW0"N cae pana Are _ EE . [Wane : 4 Fe, 7 RYesTO oe a= 25.2 mm Rod BC P= 30kN = 30x(0° N = ee ees Su Rot RAS es 4P Go x10*) afte. “Prion = 52"! Ay =16-SZ mm PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. ©2506 The Mciow Hi Cwm rte nay fa yy ot, wit pt pity In allege ered Moparts Men my bday repaies| st permis ofthe publi or aed brand ened aon toc od hers pene Mee terial sous epeon, Wo stc ael aig anal yee ant abea Problem 1.3 1.3. Two solid eylindsical rods AB and BC are welded together at B and loaded as, shovm. Determine the average normal stress atthe midsection of (a) rod AB, (6) rod BC. (a) Red AB. in 0 kips_p P= Hokps Cteasion) Ag = TOR. BAF. sige it Sin 2 ‘ ores Fee oe < Gra Fo 7 aime = eB Wee IE Qe) Red BC. Fe 40 ~(@\G0) = — 20 kips. ue. 20 Kips compression. acs Mae. HOY. 70686 in® : ¥ Car He 282 = ~ 2.88 best = Aw 7.0686 1a In Prob. 13, determine the magnitude of the fre Pfr wbich the tensile sees Problem 1.4 in rod AB has the same magnitude as the compressive stress in rod BC. = 1.3. Two solid cylindrical rods AB and BC are welded together at B and loaded as Agg = EGY SING in® shown. Determine the average normal stress atthe midsection of (a) rod AB, (6) r0d as =F Be. Sia _p. et ain soiceg Gig = AS > Ere 4 ~ = 0.31831 P P= Oke Ager E@Y= 7.0686 in? 6 = QEI=P k— in Ane SH eee ae la ecee = 8.4983 o.N4147 P Equating Spe te Sac 0.31931 P= 8.4383- 0.14197 P Pr 18.46 kips << PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. ©2006 Th MiG Companies Ie. Alig eset. No pi of thi Mana my bead repost chad yf ey ayes with pr witpertiso et pbs, ied ey ts nie erat acer ad (Sears peed 2 Mero Hor rd ore paren jon fe ase sg hs Mal You ae us wiht ems oblem 1.5 1.5 Two sel pltes ar tobe held topsttr by means of 1mimiameter hh: Problem 1 strength steel bolts fitting snugly inside cylindrical brass spacers, ‘Knowing that the sverige nal sess must nt exseed 200 Ma inte ols and 110 Ma he spacers, determine the outer diameter ofthe spacers that yields the most economicel ‘and safe design. Mt each bodt docation the upper plate is pulled clown by the forside force Fy of the bodh Ab the same time He spacer pushes that plate upward with a compressive force Pe. In onder te moaintarn equi tihrlam P= Pe For the bolt & = fe = ah atte ane Re ow R= £6 (aS-de) Fr the spacer Gs B= SAP Equeting Py and Ps FS at = EQ(ae- ay) arfis Ba {i+ 282° (16) ds = 25.5 min 1.6 A strain gage located at C on the surface of bone AB indicates thatthe average Problem 1.6 normal stress in the bone is 3.80 MPa when the bone is subjected to two 1200-N forees as shown. Assuming the cross section of the bone at C to be annular and ‘knowing tat its outer diameter is 25 om, determine the inner diameter ofthe bones cross section at C. eos = Saas A Geometry? A= E(d,*- 4?) 2 A aps a - 4k 2 g3- 4h aie o at eee -3\2 (401200) ag = Casio® Y~ 3.80 x10 = 222.9 x10 m? d, = 14.93 1107 19 D,= 14.93 mm <8 Problem 1.7, 1.7 Kaowing that the central portion ofthe link BD has a uniform cross-sectional rea of 800 mm, determine the magnitude ofthe load P for which the normal stress in that portion of BD is 50 MP. Gap = 50 MPa = SO*]0* Fa Ago = BOO mm* = BOO*10% mt Fe = Geo Ase = (S0x10°) (200x105) = 40 x1" N Draw Grae body diagram of body ABD. gy “yo DM so (0.45022 Fy) - 0.135 P = o P= 1.5686 Feo P= (1.5686 W4ux10) = 627xlot N G27 kN =< Problem 1.8 1.8 Link AC has a uniform rectangular cross section in. thick and 1 in, wide. ‘Determine the normal stress in the central portion of the link. By Use the plate together 8, ae with two pulleys as a | 20 fh “ free body. Note thet loin the cable tension 1202) CG Lv casses at 1200 fb-in Chock wise coupde sto act L on the body. on he DIMg= o = U2 +4 (Fae cos 307) + (IOV Fre sin 30") ~ 1200 = O ee Avea of Pink AC! A= ling gies 0.125 in® Stress in Jink AC? Gje* = LORY ksi eg Problem 1.9 3.9 Each of the four vertical links has an 8 x 36- mm uniform rectangular cross section and each of the four pins has a 16- mm diameter. Determine the maximwm value of the average normal stress inthe links connecting (a) points B and D, (3) points a 8 (a) pe (dp Use bar ABC asa Free body, 204 EM, =O (0,010) Fig — (0.025+0.040)(20x10°) = 0 Fao = 32.5 ~)0" NV Link BD js m ten © ~ (0,04), - (0.025)(20x10) =o Fag = 7 IRS oN Linke CH is in compre ssian Net area of one Sink For tension = (0,008)(0,036 - 0,016) = 160%10° m*. For two parallel Pints Mag? 320%/0" wi Tensile sess in dink BD 3 . @ Gp? ee > GRSMO" s lolserio” ole MP =e Area fon one Pink in compression = (0,008 )(0.026) F £8BX JO me For tun paratled take A = 576x105" mn? - 3 = ® 6,2 FSH =~ 21.70.¥10% on ~ 21.7 MP = PROPRIETARY MATERIAL, ©2006 MiCrai| Compan te. All igh syed) No pa of his Manual mayb ppd ered ett i any f o by ay me, witt h poewen passion fe pis, ae fey te heed Siesta dso permite by Meer rindi ore peptic. fou ats ae in tM Yo se sng wibacereronee Problem 1.10 140 Two horizontal S-kip forces are applied to in B ofthe assembly shown Kaowing tata pin of Sin. Giamete i used at each connection, deterine the anima vale of the average normal tes (0) in ink AB, (8) in ink BC Use joint B as Tree body 10 Kips Fre / ie Law of Sines Fas, tae eas ee Sin 1S ‘Sin 6 Sin WG" 19 Kips Force triangle Fag = 7.3205 Kips Fac = 8.9653 Kips 4 ta i Link AB is atension member Minimum section at pia And = (L8- 0.80.5) = OS in® 5 @) Stvess in AQ One = e = ESOT hGH ksi hw Average shearing steess = = £ = The eDowelle shearing stress cs EF 120 psi ‘ ~ FL . 2400. Solving For 2 A> Br? Goya 7 SOT im Total fength L Le LeGup+ P= 6.0874 g + 6.0417 = 12,33 in, << L17 A load P is applied to a ste! rod supported as shown by an aluminum plate into Problem 1.17 ch 06-in-diemetr bole bas ben dled. Krowing ht te heute aoe sus ot exced 18 kin the sel rod and 10 kn the alominu late dese wees Se laget oad hat ay be ppd oe ed oan 4 z 025i r Ht For ste? A, = dt = Toco.) 0.6 = O.1SHO int E Pe AT, = (0.740K 19) = 13.57 kips For aduminun AZ = dt = w(1.6)(0.25) = 1.2566 int ek + Pe At, = WaseeXio) = 1257 Kips Limeting vate of P is the smader value P1257 Kips <@ Problem 1.18 1.48 Two wooden planks, each 12m hick nd 225 mm wie, rejoined bythe dy tots joint shown. Kaoting thatthe wood used shears of alon its grin wen the average shearing stress reaches $ MPa, determine the magnitude Po the axial load f-16 mm ‘which will cause the joint to fail. fr t8me = Siy aveas must be sheared off when the joimt Fails. Each of these Boop areas has dimensions 1G mm ¥ [2 mun, | its area being A= (EMU) = 192 med = 142 «10% mat At Suctove the force Fo carried by each of areas ia Fe %A = (8x10(1492 x10") = Is3e N= 536 kW Pe GF =@\L53C) = 9.22kN < Since there ave six Failure aveas Problem 1.19 1.19 The axial force in the column supporting the timber beam shown is P= 75 kN, Determine the smallest allowable length Z of the bearing plate if the bearing stress in the timber is not to exceed 3,0 MPa, SOLUTION &eR > oy : eeepc raw for taa Seluing dav Lt Le Ow ~Gorto*Yo.140) 178.6 «10% m = L= 178.6 mm Problem 1.20 1.20 A 40-KN axial Joad is applied to a short wooden post that is supported by & ‘concrete footing resting on undisturbed soil. Determine (a) the maximum bearing stress on the concrete footing, (6) the size of the footing for which the average bearing stess in the so is 145 kPa. m @) Bearing stress on concrete footing. Pe Yo kN = ¥oxlo'N A = (0O)U20) = 12x10 mnt = (2x10? me ote Gor £ ee = 3,88x10" Pa 2.33 MPa at (b) Footing area. Pe yo xi0N Ge 1S kPa = 45x10" Pa, -F =F A Since the area is square A= bY be tA = f0.2758 = 0.525 m b= S25 mm Jd = o.82in. =< JPRIETARY MATERIAL- ©2006 The MeGol Conpanes, Ic. AN ight eserve, No ps of tis Mom se be played pada reusie nary foot ony ot witha he rr wrt pes of hpi, owed beyond teed doin ahs nd ceSRir perma ty ceo il fr teins cous peepee, your asta xing is Maal yo ewig whet peso. Problem 1.22 4.22 Three wooden planks are fastened together by a serics of bolts to form a column. ‘The diameter of each bolt is + in. and the inner diameter of each washer is in, which is slightly larger than the diameter of the holes in the planks, Determine the smallest allowable outer diameter dof the washers, knowing thatthe average normal stress in the bolts is 5 ksi and thatthe bearing stress between the ‘washers and the planks must not exceed 1.2 ksi. Bolt? Aly Fa? = FQ) = o9eas int G2 Bi Tensile force in bolt P=6,A =45 019688) = O.98 175 kipg Washer: inside diameter = d: = Fim outside diameter = dy Bearing area Aus FCdt- dit) ond Ay = E. Equeting E(d,*- di’) = = avec. ay ng = &y + Dioascs) - 1.4323 in? do = 1197 ing = Problem 1.23 41.23 A 0.12-nm-diameter stel rod AB is fitted to round hole near end C of the ‘wooden member CD. For the loading shown, determine (a) the maximum average ‘normal siess in the wood, (8) the distance for which the average shearing stress is {620 kPa on the surfaces indicated by the dashed lines, () the average bearing stress on the wood, @) Maximom average novmad stress in the wood. Beet = (25~ 12X18) = 1.134 x10? mom = 1.18410 wn Pe 450 kN = 4.50210? NV ~ 4Sox, < + Tigges 7 3-97x10% Pa 3.77 MPa =e Eee ee pcan ree 4.50 10% ie uae W) TR * FE DO REE 7 Wiest veisees) 7 202115" b= 202mm logy ksi (b) Bearing stress ot C in member BCD: P= 1197.2 Lh Ave dt = (EE) = 0.284825 in” G- £ 7 oes = SMO psi = SM se “~< 4.28 A 6-mm-diameterpinis used at connection Cof the pedal shown, Knowing that Problem 1.25 P = S00 N, determine (a) the average shearing stress in the pin, (5) the nominal bearing stress in the peda a, (c) the nominal bearing stress ineach support bracket ac. om Ips) ariteauaia et Deal dvee ath ar | Aiagran of ALD. Since ACD is a BE ao Force memhen, the reaction at € is alivected tovard poinl E, tHe intersection an A the dines of action of the ofher tuo forces. From qeomelny, CE= {2004 25*= 325mm, WER =o: HEc-P-0 C= 26P = (26)(500) = 1800 — BS _ (200) _ ae ac - BS. = BU800). 95. onlot Pe 23.0 MPa mal 1300 : a Tonio Yaa 7 2H 1 10° Pe 24.1 MPa = lz00 es GONE HET = 2TH 10% Pa ZIM Pa = Problem 1.26 1.26 Knowing that a force P of magnitude 750.N is applied to the pedal shown, determine (a) the diameter of the pin at C for which the average shearing stress in the pin is 40 MPa, (b) the corresponding bearing stress in the pedal at C. (c) the corresponding bearing stress in the each support bracket at C. Draw Free bey Fo diagram of ACD, <8 Since ACD is a B- Force member, * g the reaction af ¢ all is Aivected foward paint E, the inferseet ion x, of the Pines oP action of the ether twe forces. CE = $300" + 125" = 325 mm +135 20: C-P20 C=26P =(26)250)= 1950 N iE ~ (Ba a ee W(4O% 10 eee ) &= 38.9 MPa at © &= BS.0MPa A 1.27 Forthe assembly and loading of Prob. 1.9, determine (a) the average shearing Problem 1.27 ‘stress in the pin at B, (b) the average bearing stress at B in member BD, (c) the average bearing stress at Bin member ABC, knowing thet this member hasa 10 <50- ‘am uniform rectangular cross section, 1.9 Each of the four vertical Finks has an 8 » 36-mm uniform rectangular cross section and each of the four pins has a 16-mm diameter. Determine the maximum value of the average normal stress inthe links connecting (a) points B and D, (3) points Cand F. Use bar ABC as a tree body (0.040) Fy -(0, 025+ 0.040)(20 108) = O Feo 7 32.5% 10" N (0) Shear pin at B t= F2. for devble shear where A= Eadt> EB (oo) = 201.06 «Jo m* = 92S #108 = < T= GYroicerio®) = 80-8 x10 20.8MPa = (bo) Bearing: fink BD A= dt = (0.016)(0.008)= 128 «/0"% m* 6, = Be. Loss) - 26.950" 127.0 MPa 128 = jO-* (cy Bearing in ABC 4 B A= dt = (0.016)(0.010) = i60 10° mt = 203 x 10% 203 MPa =e PROPRIETARY MATERIAL, ©2006 The MsCi-Hill Compan Ine Allg td. No pt ft Maal my be dleyeeped ‘seated afr aby any ear, Sioa ir Wee esi oh user, red eyo te Led ciate ashes ‘Shots pied by Grae fr hindu ose pgs, you ae asd ning th Manel yous ig at perce. Problem 1.28 1.28 For the assembly and loading of Prob. 1.10, determine (a) the average shearing stress in the pin at C, (6) the average bearing stress at C in member BC, (c) the average beating stress at B in member BC. 05a 1.10 Two horizontal S-kip forces are applied to pin B of the assembly shown, Knowing that 2 pin of 0$-in, diameter is used at each connection, determine the ‘maximum value ofthe average normal stress (a) in link 4B, () in link BC. Use jomt Bas Free body 10 Kips EF 10 Fe. { 70 Kips tangd haw of Sines ss Ay Fe. Fe = 0 . ; Sin Be See Sin aS" Fate e.teee ie (a) Shearing stress in pin at C > fe Ap = Ed* = $(0.8)* = 0.5026 in® ne 8.9658 oo . le wasn) 7 292 8.92 ksi « (B) Bearing stress at Cin member BC o> Re Az Ed = (0508) = 0.4 in® 6 = ese. = 22.4 = G20 x Jo? & 620 kPa Problem 1.34 1.31 The 1.4 kip load Pis supported by to wooden members of uiforn cross section that are joined by he simple glued scarf splice shown, Determine the normal and shearing stresses inthe glued spice. P= too % @ = 70-60" = 30° Aye 65,008.09 7 15 in® is C= 70.0 pe — (too | sin 6o® @asy T= 4O4psi Problem 1.32 1.32 Two wooden members of uniform cross section are joined by the simple scarf splice shown. Knowing thatthe maximum allowable tensile stress in the glued splice is 75 psi, determine (a) the largest load P that ean be safely supported, (b) the corresponding stress in the splice, A, = (5.0\B.0)= 15 in® @ = 9°-Go" = 30° =~ Peesto aaa SA. P= 1.500 kops sto Yaor1o} 20%109 . 434xJ0? ia Sin 50" Smaller vatve is the afPowahle value PP & P=a37 kN =i Problem 1.35 1.35 A240-Kipload Ps oppliedto the granite block shown, Determine the resulting ‘maximum value of (a) the normal siess, (0) the shearing stress. Specify the orientation of the plane on which each ofthese maximum values occurs, Ag = (6)(6) = 36 in® 6 = £ cos*@ = “BP as*O = ~ 6.67 oO (e.) mow tensife stress = O of O = 9° way, compressive stress = 6.67 Ker = at @= oO b) Sulu tae eae ; C Vrme * 3K Bycaey 7 3:38 ke <= ot @= 45° Problem 1.36 1.36 A centic lod P ip applied tothe granite block shown, Knowing tht she resulting maximum value of the shearing stress inthe block i 2.5 ksi, determine (a) the magnitude of P, (6) the orientation of the surface on which the maximum shearing stress occurs, (c) the normal stress exerted on the surface, (the maximum value of the normal stress in the block. Ag = (6)(6) = 36 in® Eman? 2S ksi = 45° Fon plane P Tene AY Tie = HBL Phe BAL Tame = WUBEKES? 2 180 Kips ) sin202] 20> 40° @=4S5° ©) Gy 2 L cost ase = LD -2.5ksi SAS = 180 2A VC) QA) 6nay = E = HBO. Lo ks; boboba "OPRKTARY MATERIA 021 The Mr og, Ame Ne pt Ma > ip. ‘hte n oy oy ay mens hn pose on i he bla ost bgnd eed dba ois ‘Siena penile llr curs pepe Iyou sa ta gto anno ae ways wb perc Problem 1.37 1.37 Link AB is to be made ofa steel for which the ultimate normal stress is 450 ‘MPa, Determine the cross-sectional area for AB for which the factor of safety will bbe 3.50, Assume thatthe link wil be adequately reinforced around the pins at and zB LI : a PeO.ansr= 2.6 dN Fig i fe ova | 20 ADEM, =O Tie ie Fw = (0-8 Fig sin 85°) + (0.2)(2.6) Dy +(0.4)(20) = O Fae = 21619 WW = 21.619x10" N S Gate Se. . Ge Ag LES Fs = BSOY 21.619 x1) 450 ¥ 10% ‘ = 168.1 x10 Sw yg? 168- Umm” [PROPRIETARY MATERIAL, © 2006 The MeGraw-l Compan aA igh seed. No pat oti Ma my boa pods er erbted any Trm a yay ens, wot he ie win person ts publ rn yond cd eeton tore ‘Snorer by Hse ore peparon. I yous stad ing te Mul ou Veh lo peso Problem 1.38 1.38 The horizontal link BC is + in, thick. has a width w = 1.25 in, and is made of : stcel witha 65-Ksi ultimate sirength in tension, Wha isthe factor of safety ifthe structure shown is designed to support a load of P= 10 kips? tok Po Dems o (12 cos 80") Fra — (18 sin 30°10) = © Fae? 2.6603 kips Recs G)L25) = 0.5125 in” = fe . So Gee Bec RS - fee Gut _ (0.3125 )C5) _ ES tos, 2.35 Problem 1.39 1.39 The horizontal link BC is in. thick and is made ofa stool with a 65-ksi ultimate siength in tension. Wht should be the width w of the Ink if the structure shown isto be designed to support a load P= &kips with «factor of safety equal t0 HD EMO (12 cot 30") Fig (18 sin B0")(29 Fea = 6.9222 Kips Sez ee = be Sr Aas tw ORS. w= (ES) Fee. (31(6.9922) tow ~ Gyesy 1279 in. <0 PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. ©2505 Tee McGraw-Hill Companies ls. Alig seer. No pat af ie Mana maybe ighye, pode ‘edu nay foo yay mwa the por wre Jeon hep ae oye ee seo tes ‘Saat pried ty Metra tans one peptic eg he Mama yo ng win peso, Problem 1.40 1.40 A steel loop ABCD of length 1.2 m and of 10-mr diameter is placed as shown around a 24-mm-diameter aluminum rod AC. Cables RE and DF, each of 12-mm diameter, are used to apply the load Q. Knowing that theultimate strength of the steel used forthe loop and the cables is 480 MPa, determine the largest loed Q thst cean be applied if an overall factor of safety of 3 is desired, Using joint B asafree body Q and’ considering symmetry ed 2-$¥ae - Q= 0 Yin Fs Q* $fin Using joist A as a free body = amd seeding Symmetry S— Fy Efe - Fae = 0 Fin $£O-Fu-o * @:45 Based on strength P cable BE Qu= GA= GEA = lysoxtot) F (0.012) = 54.2441 N Based on strength of stee? Poop Qu? $Figu > SGA= £6, Fa" = £C480x10°) F(0.010)* = 45,24¥{0" N Based on strength of rod Qe? FFu SOA = FG Fa™ < E(acoutet i = 88.22x/0% N Actus? vltimete Mead Quy is the smadfest - Qy= 45. 24x10" N : 2 Moy bbe dod A= 2 = ASR. is.oa vic" N = 15,08 kN —_ enor nan 56a Apa Nooo et pla ‘ez nay frm obey oe, with pie wien prin oe pla cr need hte buon acer ‘Senos pine by Ncw fr ei nda cosas rpeson. osc sey Meat yore se fot pra. Problem 1.41 1.41 Members 4B and BC of the truss shown are made of the same alloy. It is known that a 20-mm-square bar ofthe same alloy was tested to failure and that en ultimate load of 120 KN was recorded. Ifa factor of safety of 32 isto be achieved {or both bars, determine the required cross-sectional area of (a) bar AB, (b) bar AC. 4m ir Length oF member AB w Jog 2 LOIS TFOME = 08S m Use entre truss ag o Free body Ay DIM. =O LBA, -(0.95V(28) 20 Aye iSKN +TZFy =o Ay 28=0 Ayt 28 KN . Use jomt A as Free body muy 7 Ay ERO SS Fe- Aso oe | Fas SED «a Fhe STIR =O Ay- Fie> Stace Bae ee = &OkN For the test bar A= (0.020)"= 4ooxto% m* PR, = oxle® N For the madeviad 6) = Be Powe, = gooriot Pa (a) For member AB OES -& : Side Ag: SF a (aaviraic!) = 181.83 210% mt So oO x 70* Ang = 181.3 mm mee (b) For member AC FS. -B = Sih = GF _ (BaY20 mie) = Eat ie Bue= 21B ram ea PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. ©2006 The MeCraw-i Copano, ne Allis serve Nop oft Mans maybe dae epotsced bese nana ry mes, wits he er inn persion 3 pubes or rd fyond ta nd rote ec ‘sss permed by Mart for ir cone espe. ys ansn std ebay ts aml, You te sing & widow perma Problem 1.42 1.42 Members AB and BC of the tess showm are made of the same alloy. It is ‘known that a 20-mm-square bar of the same alloy was tested to failure and thet an ultimate load of 120 kN was recorded. If bar 4B has a cross-scetional area of 225 ‘mn? determine (a) the factor of safety for bar AB, (6) the cross-sectional area of bar ‘AC fits to have the same factor of safety as bar AB. Length member AB faa = -fO.75%4 O4* = 0.85 m Use enbine truss as a Fret body As f Ay DEMe=O HAY - rsd(z2)= 6 A= 1S KN MZF=0 Ay-28=0 Ay 28 kN : Use joint A as Free body zekw pa font eg aes OS Fae - Ax = ec é Fre ae I7 kN Fae HZE, = 0 - Fre - 2 Fig = 0 Fe 23-20. = Zo uN For the test har A= (0.020)" = 4Yoox/o"S m? P= 120.*10" N ‘ = Bm - [owt _ i For the materiol sys J = [202 - aoowot ta = Fe. SyAw, (300n0%)(225~10") ar Fs.= * ¢ : (a) For bar AB ee ono" Fs. 23.97 <0 +B 2 SAy (be) For bar AC ORS. = pt = Be ee (E8.) Fis = (8.97)Q0%108) 2 264.7 x10" mt " 300 x/0% Aes 265 mm? met "ROPRIETARY MATIRIN ©714he Meiw lCongn,,Alrcet NapatMen eed p dtd aay fro he i in pine er op ide cho cde pened Hm for on oun pepe, Ijouses se nga ca ou se ig a en Problem 1. 1.43 Three stel bolts are to be used to atach the steel pate shown toa weoden m 1.43 ‘beam. Knowing that the plate will support a 110 KN load, that the ultimate shearing ses fr the see used is 360 MP, and that a factor of safety of 3.35 is desired, determine the required diameter ofthe bolts. Fer each belt P= UP > sece7 Ww Required Py = (RS)P = (3.85 VS6.667) = 122.83 kv orm Pe HP Fae wa beeaees Ea _faPe . [OXazg2 1) _ ae! a-fze +f! = 20.8 x10 Fm W( 360% 10%) A= 20.8 mm —wed Problem 1.44 1.44 Three 18-mm-diameter stel bolts are to be used t attach the steel plate shown toa wooden beam. Knowing that the plate will support a 110-KN load and tht the ultimate shearing stress for the stel used is 360 MPa, determine the factor of safety foe this design. each bolt A= Fd? = Elis) = 204.47 mat = 254.47 10% m* AT, = (254.47 x10 160 x 108) = 41.609 x10? N 110 kN For the three bodts Py = BNG1.609% 108) = 274.83 x10" N Facter P safety rene Adieu EZ eae P 110» 168 PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. ©2006 Tho MC Compania ne Allis esd No pa of his Mans iy ke payed epee tx ce nay fm ey ay rar, te th pr wen prin the bis ed beyon hinted Gelaan tacos ad Shit pied y Met Hil fr nal conae pec. I Yous + std wong hs aml You ae sng twat perms Problem 1.45 145. Two plates, each in thick, are used to splice aplastic sip as shown, ‘Knowing thatthe ultimate shearing stress ofthe bonding between the surfaces is 130 psi, determine the factor of safety with respect to shear when P= 325 Ib iit tei 0. in. i et ai Bend area: (See Riguve) i ae A = 3@.259(0.75) +(225Mo.ers) = 2.28 in™ B= 2A = @RasVise)= 535 fb. Fs. - Bs Ses PB 7 Zas 7 '+800 0.58999 kipe Fron @) P= (0.70588(0.58999) = 0.4/0 kips Ablow ate vahue FP is the smaller value. Pe 0.300 kins er P= 300 th ~ se lew ne) oss) 26.7 x08 Ww P= GPF = Mot lot N Pr 3.72 %/0°N MDowabbe value of P is smallest +. 3.72 KN 1S nenatrmtv dag ort arate of Pb. 13, pin of 10 dant Problem 1.54 I buat. Assming tt al ether secloors main archange, Scone llowabe bol Pia vel ar of of 3.0 dese, ee diame pin area Ba. Kain tte late eng ses 100 MPvatallconectos adh! he ulintenomal nes io2S0 MPuineahr he {vo ln ning Band D.dtoraine alla oed Pian ovr laa of Top view safety of 3.0 is desired, $290 nop 180 an oo oe Ee Stabies | Use ABC as free body. A Ba Te O70 pp EMg=O 0.20 F,- OP 20 mmo] pir eow ZMp= 0 0.20 Fep~0.38P = 0 Based on double shear in pin A EF Fee A= Bd? = F(o.010)* = W858 x10 m* = 2A _ (2 100 x/OS)( 784 vio) 2 5 zz 3 Fy = Be 45 ea 5.226 x)0% N Ps BE = S820" N Besed on double shean in pins af B and D A= Ed? = E(o.oay = 113.10 «0% folie Aus 2 Nieo nee. Ng.toxlo®) _ 75a vigt y p= 42h. = 3.97 x05 N Based on compression in finks 8D For one Pink A= (0,020 )(0,008) = 1604/0" m™ = 280A _ (2) 280 xlo% X60 xI® Fan = =& (280 lo igo xis?) - 26.7 10% N Fs. PGF = IH.o¢ lot N AWowable value of P is smallest . Pe 3.47 ¥10°N 3.97 KN = Problem 1.55 1.58 In the steel structure shown, a 6-mm-diameter pin is used at C and 10-mm= diameter pins are used at B and D. ‘The ultimate shearing stress is 150 MPa at all Ge Fat x (S22) E Nios? 2 a.9270:«/0" N Smibler vebve of Fen is 2:4274>10 N_ P= Sa aaron") = 1.683 x10? N Fron (1) Shear in pin at C C= From @) Smabher velue Ff P is ewe vale = 2.927410" N Ps BY28218) = 212x10°N Pe 1.693 x10 N Pr éas kn =f 1.56 Solve Prob. 1.55, assuming tha the structure hes been redesigned to se 12- Problem 1.56 ‘mm-diameter pins at 8 and D and no other change has been made. 1.55 In the steel stare shown, a G-mm-tiamecter pin is used at C and 10-mm- diameter pins are used at Band D. The ultimate shearing sites is 150 MPa at all ‘connections, and theultimate normal stress is 400 MPa in link BD. Knovng that factor of safety of 3 is desired, determine the largest load P that many be applied at A. Note that link BD is not reinforced around the pin holes. Pront view e D Use free body ABC. 18mm 6mm 72 EM, F 0.280 P ~ 0.120 Fin = O B P= 3h o DZMe 0.160 P - 0.00 FO = 4,80 «Io? N “Sheae in pins at Band D. Foot Arn Bes =(Meze VE Maus y = ses ity Smaller valve > Feo ts 480xlo N, Fron (1) P= (F\4.80r 10%) = Zocxie N Shean im pin at C ce as = 2 Eat = cay Ope B\exio Y= 292740108 w From @) = G\(2.827t vic = 2121 N Smaller valoe & P is the Mowebbe valve. P= 2.06xl0° NM P=2.06kN = ces ~ 2 ihe eee. Noa of i Mw maybe dpa repodced fhe pie, of me oo ed aon occa oe ig hs Man, ou ing thot parson, PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. ©2006 Th Mere il Compa or dtd yf or bys ms, Win a rir wen ‘Sus preted by Mra il ri inl oes pe Problem 1.58 *1,58 A 40-kg platform sattached othe end of 50-kg wooden bea AB, which is suppored as shown by a pin at A and by a slender steel rod BRC wih a 12-KN ultimate load. (@) Using the Load and Resisance Factor Design method with a resistance factor @= 0.90 and fad factors p= 125 and y= 1.6, determine the largest load that ean be safely placed on the platform. (6) What isthe corresponding conventional factor of safety forrod BC? p a (ep 7 Ay We Ww, DEM,20 (24)8P- 24 W -b2W, «= PrEwi+Ew, For dead Poading W, = (4O)(9.81) = 392.4 N W, = ($0)(9.81) = 490.5 Po = (SX 392.4) + (FE 490.5) = 1.0622 x lot N For Pive Doacling Wr= mg We = 0 R= Sm From which om = % ealo Design eritenion PR + NR = PPR R = PR-KR _ (90 Caaxio®) = (.25°)UI.0628 x10") fe LG YL = 8.92010" N Abowatte Load m= 2 Spxe 5 BGR ky = Conventionat Factor safety Pe BaP = 1.0628 wlo + 5.920x10? = 6.433 %/0° N Rs. + fe. 2uoe 2 ag = P 6.483 %/0% PROPRIBTARY MATERIAL. ©2906 The MeGr iComponie oe, Asghar No ps of tis Mana may ely eroded bor wir pens of bit son eke dato Problem 1.59 1.59 For the Pratt bridge truss and loading shown, determine the average stress in ‘member BE, knowing that the cross-sectional area ofthat member is 3750 mim" ap ee ee ee bedy y al sD ZMy = OF ae AF as (arlacers (eee) @¥ 360) - 12 A, = 0 b-3 mf 3 mn 3 m—-f+—3 m— Ay = S40 3801N SSDRN 360 kN 8 ke _USE portion af tse to the Jt of a section % cutting members BD, BE, and CE. 4t 2R= 0 E s40 -s00-2he =0 Foes 225 1. = Fee _ 225x10% < eo hgece = GOx/0" Pe 0 MPa: ath SHouW 360 kN See Ree 2750415" *10° Pa GO. a Problem 1.60 4.60 Knowing that link DE is 1 in. wide and } in. thick, determine the normal stress in the central portion of that link when (2) @=0, (b) 0= 90°. eee An. ae Use menbev CEF os a fret body DImM=0 = 12 Foe - YEO sin6) - (i6)(6o eos@) = © Foe = -40 sin ~ Se IL Roe > WEY = 0.185 nt 1.61 Two wooden planks, each 22 mm thick and 160 mam wide, are joined by the glued morise joint shown. Knowing that che joint will fil when the average shearing stress the glue reaches 820kPe, determine the smallest allowable length dof the cus i the joint i to withstand an axial load of magnitude P = 7.6 KN, Problem 1.61 Seven surfaces carry the tha? P fout Pe 26 kN = 76x10 Let EF RR mm Each glee aren is As dt ecu “1m i te To OK Tgzomery 7 Nattodwle = 1.32404 #107 mm” ~ As b8atog _ is oa d~-= oa = 2.2 d= 60.2 mm ii Problem 1.62 1.62 Link 4B, of with 6 ~2 ia. and thickness =+ in, is used to support the end of ahorizontal beam, Kaowing thet the average normal stress inthe link is-20 ksi, and that the average shearing stress in each ofthe two pins is 12 ksi, determine (a) the diameter dof the pins, (b) the average bearing stress in the link. Rod AB is in compression. A= bE where b= Zin and b= hin P= -GA =~C20Xare)= 10 kips Pint Tp = £2 and Ap= Foe Ap A = f/fP [4 )Uo) _ 7 co d =f He = fe ={LG0) = 1.030 mn. =e - 10. = 38.8 ksr _ Me) GL aE = dreaey(e.asy PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. ©2005 The MeCmw il Copies, Ine Alig ered No pat of is Manual ay be slay ‘ribusbes\a any feb nya wither ween pro of te pier rar yen he ined bon eae and ‘hao erly Me il fo thrid cours pearaton. ry area stan sing Mina you a ws WiDOPemson, Problem 1.63 1,63 Two identical linkage and-hydraulic-cylinder systems control the position of the forks of a forklift track. he load supported by the one system shown is 1500 Ib. Knowing that the thickness of member BD is $ in., determine (a) the average shearing stress in the + -in- SSR in, m v 4 ale 4 = 3.44 = Bb HIE sin 50") QM4.375 x lo3) 147,081 410" Pa, 4 x10e Fs. 197,08) *(0% eee: The smabber factor of sePety governs As.= 3.49 0 <# PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. ©2086 The McCiew i Compan, ne All eh reeves. Nop of his Manel my be dpa. [ribet ay fo yey men wi th rl wn prin the pubes ood he led euron echt ‘hat prmedy eG il or arma eee porate you easton ang ths Meal you reusing wibou! eso, Problem 1.67 1,67 Bach of the two vertical links CF connecting the two horizontal members AD. sand EG bas a 10 x 40-mm uniform rectangular cross section and is made ofa steel. With an ultimate strength in tension of 400 MPa, while each of te pins at C and F ‘nas.20-me diameter and is made ofa steel with an ultimate strength in shear of 150 jae MPa. Determine the overall factor of safety forthe links CFand the pins connecting ai them tothe horizontal members, “00 mm Use member EFG as tree body. 24k DIM,=0 0.40 Fag ~(0.65)(a4ulo*) = Oo Fi, > 39xio* N Based on tension in Pinks CF A= (b-a)t = (0.040 - 0,02)(0.010) = 200 210% m* Cone Fink ) Fy = 26, A= (2(n00x10%)(200 xo") = 160.0 x10 N Based on doviJe shear in pins A = Bd* = 2 (o.020)* = «10S m* Fu = 2A = Qyi50x10* 314.16 «10°) = 94.248 «10° N Aetucd Fy is smabler vadue, ie Fy = 94.248 *10° N 2 fe, 74.248 ¥/0* | Factor oP safety ES, = Fe “gqxjoe 42 PROPRIETARY MATERIAL, 0 2016 The MeGiaw.H Compan, Is. Alligs ere. Not ofthis Manu may be dig hye pede sists in ay fm ty any eas aout te poste erosion of th pha we began ee eon oe sa ‘tut pamitedby McG il fh ndvidael eure preparation. Iya st ny nao jo se eng hud pes Problem 1.68 1.68 A fore Pisapplied as shown o ste einforing bar tat has ben embeded inablock of concrete. Determine the smallest length for which tefl allowable normal stress inthe bar canbe developed, Expresthe resultin terms ofthe diameter, ‘ofthe bar, the allowable normal tess dy i the sel, andthe average allowable bond ste ry between the concrete and the clinica surfce othe br. (Neglect the normal sess between the concrete and the end ofthe ba) For shear, As dl P= TA = Tu Td For teasio, A= Fa P= 6yA = 6nl%a*) Equcding tata = abd Solving for b Law Sd / tne

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