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Freakonomics The thing about freakonomics is that it challenged my assumptions about what's

right. A simple illustration of that can be demonstrated in the chapter on

reduction of crime. It discussed how the simple act of legalisation of abortion
helped reduce US crime rates far more effectively than any of the gun control
laws and increase in policemen ever did. Through reasoned explanation and
statistical analysis of data, it conclusively proved a claim that seemed fairly farfetched at the onset of it.
It demonstrated psychological characteristics that influence economic
transactions and behaviour in very memorable ways. The sunk-cost effect, the
idea of potential rewards, social behaviour and stereotypes and their influence
on our daily lives. It taught me to look out for the difference between mere
correlation and actual causation.
It not only helped increase my interest in economics as a subject but also my
general outlook at the way that events unfold around me and how they may be
linked. By improving my understanding of correlation and causation
Freakonomics also helped make me a better debater, as I noticed argumentation
flaws much more easily, both in my own and in others arguments.
As a person, I believe its taught me not to judge anything by how weird or farfetched it may appear, but to give things and people a chance and hear them
out. Just because an ideas crazy doesnt mean it cant work. I like to believe that
Ive become more open-minded in my perspectives, rather than having
unwavering beliefs set in stone.

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