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Professional Interview

By: Catherine Muscato

John De Lascurain, field of Mechanical Engineering
POE, P.3
Starbucks, 14028 U.S. 183 #410, Austin, TX 78717

Professional Background
Interviewee name: John Delascurain
Interviewees specific degree: Degree in thermo mechanical engineering
Masters in computer software Engineering
Interviewees place of employment: Dell
Interviewees professional business phone: (512) 576 - 2026

Professional Interview

First off, please let me thank you for this wonderful privilege of interviewing you, it is
such a great opportunity.

My pleasure, and thank you for trusting me in this project of yours.

Lets begin, may we start of by the description of your personal field of mechanical
engineering, in general?

Well, its a broad field; there are many areas of interests. You can look at the physics
part, the thermo dynamics, statics, mechanical, structure, fluids, etc. There are many
different types of mechanical engineering, with different projects and assignments.
I my personal field, I have the fortune to work in different stages of engineering; starting
by thinking up an idea and designing it. Then testing the idea and planning on how to
build a prototype is one of the most important steps and one that I am very passionate
about. The funny thing about engineering is that it is the basis of building machines
through other machines, so youre basically creating machines to build other machines.

Thats actually really interesting how we create machines to build other machines.
What is your current job title?

My job is engineer, I am classified as an engineer. Currently Im working more with

software that we mostly use for computer aided modeling. Basically what you do is
design prototypes of your design on the computer and translates them to a machine that
builds them.

Continuing on, how would you describe your particular job and its duties?

Well, it all starts with an idea, a problem that youre trying to solve, and then using parts
to create a mechanism to resolve that problem. You must look into every possible solution
and then test each of those options in terms of cause, in rehabilitee, safety, but most of all
youre looking on how to fix the major problem.

Interesting, following up what is your average work style?

Most of us who work with computers or work on computer design can work from home
or anywhere where we can get all the data we need and stimulate on the computer.
If I had to go to the office, to do some testing or manufacture a sample of the project,
than typically a work day is 8:00 to 5:00. I prefer working from home but sometimes you
may not have the right software.

Awesome, starting with high school, describe your educational background


My degree is a ten semester degree; for the first four semesters you take basic courses in
math, physics, chemistry, statics, and dynamics. On the fifth semester you start
specializing in mechanism, industrial combustion, dynamics, power plants, air
conditioning, or structural analysis, etc. The tenth semester you represent a thesis.
I knew I liked engineering as I wanted to know how things worked. Engineering is
understanding the mechanisms of how a product worked.

So what college did you go to?

Moderate Technology University

And it was a great experience for you?

Well yes, it was a small private school but it gave you the basis and the knowledge of
becoming a great engineer.

Wow that sounds like that was a great experience for you.

It was, you didnt get to meet a lot of people in general but it was a great school.

So, if you had it to do over, related to your career or education, would you do anything

Interesting question, I would have probably have pursued my PHD in mechanical

engineering. Although I took most of the master classes I couldnt graduate with that
degree due to, getting married, having kids, having to work.

What advice would you give to me as someone interested in pursuing a career path
similar to yours?

First of all, be good at math, math is very important. You also need to have a good
understanding of physics and of course statistics. Try to get in the best college you can but
most importantly: try to have a great vision on what you want to do.

Thank you for your time and this great opportunity. It was such a great pleasure meeting

Any time, I hope I was helpful.

Thank you again.

Professional Questions

Please describe the field of mechanical engineering, in general.

It is a broad field that has many areas of interests. Each type of mechanical
engineering, have their own projects and assignments. They all start by thinking up an
idea and designing it, then testing the idea and planning on how to build a prototype.


What is your current job title?

My current job title is Software Engineering.


Please describe your particular job and duties.

It starts with an idea, a problem that youre trying to solve, and then using parts to
create a mechanism to resolve that problem. You look into every possible solution and
then test each of those options in terms of cause.


What is your average work schedule?

Most of us who work with computers can work from home. However to do some
testing or manufacture a sample of the project, than typically a work day is 8:00 to


Starting with high school, describe your educational background chronologically.

My degree is a ten semester degree; for the first four semesters you take basic
courses in math, physics, chemistry, statics, and dynamics. On the fifth semester you
start specializing in mechanism, industrial combustion, dynamics, power plants, air
conditioning, or structural analysis, etc. The tenth semester you represent a thesis.


If you had it to do over, related to your career or education, would you do

anything differently?
Interesting question, I would have probably have pursued my PHD in mechanical
engineering. Although I took most of the master classes I couldnt graduate with that
degree due to, getting married, having kids, having to work.


What advice would you give to me as someone interested in pursuing a career

path similar to yours?
First of all, be good at math, math is very important. You also need to have a good
understanding of physics and of course statistics. Try to get in the best college you can
but most importantly: try to have a great vision on what you want to do.

Personal Reflection
a. What surprised you the most about the interview?
That you can have such a diverse career in the work mechanical engineers can do. Working in
different types of fields such as physics, thermo dynamics, statics, mechanical, structure,

fluids, etc.
b. What was the most important piece of information that you learned from the
That engineering is not always about computers but can be the building and producing different
types of products.

c. How has this interview influenced your feelings about your future career?
The interview influenced me in the future by broadening my view on engineering and its aspects.
It convinced me that Engineering can be hands on and be a great career path for me.

d. How has this interview changed and/or confirmed your plans regarding your future
It may have changed the career path I wanted to pursue and open up a world of new possibilities I
could acquire if I continued on with Engineering.

e. What is the next step for you to pursue your plans? Who do you need to talk to?
What information to you need?
My next step is to just understand the world I would be dealing with and confirm that this is the
path for me.

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